This week is Vocation Sunday, and the Gospel is Jesus’ teaching about living ‘life to the full’. In school, we are looking at ways that we can be attentive to the things and people around us and then to make careful choices. We passionately want the children, in order to live their lives to the full, to grasp every opportunity which they are given and make careful choices about what they do. On Tuesday, our Reception class told us the story of their journey so far. They shared the choices that they have made, based on the attention which they’ve given to their learning. We were blown away with just how confidently the children spoke, and how much they have learnt so far this year. I actually think that the most learning which takes place in a child’s school career happens in Reception. We are all so proud of how you have started your school journey and cannot wait to see how you continue to grow.
I have been in and out of classes all week seeing what our children have been up to. I have had the pleasure of teaching some tricky maths concepts to Year 6; they are really working hard on their statistics knowledge. I have taught RE in Year 2; looking at the good news of Jesus’ death. I even popped into Year 5 to hear their debating lessons all about moral dilemmas. I have had such a lovely week.
For many years now, Mrs Hotchkiss has led a group of able and willing gardeners, down to our Shepherd Road allotment. They have grown a whole host of fruit and vegetables which have been sold to our school community. The children loved this opportunity, but it was only an option for a small number of our pupils. This has now changed. You may have seen that next to our environmental garden, there is the polytunnel, along with a number of raised beds. We have decided to bring the allotment garden to school! Last week, Mrs Hotchkiss started her lunch time gardening club with children from every year group. Please keep an eye on how the space will develop over the coming weeks and months.
‘God Save the King!
Just a reminder about our ‘Coronation Celebrations’ next Friday. Coronation picnics have been ordered for those children who have ordered one. Get those red, white and blue clothes ready! we want to make this a very special and memorable day for everyone in our school community.
Role Models of the Week
Unfortunately, I have not been in school today. I have been growing my brain on a course and have not been able to take the photographs of our certificate winners. We have also had two classes out on trips. I will make sure that the photographs are uploaded on Tuesday for you to share the celebrations.
Learning Role Models of the Week
Office News
Well it’s been a really busy week in the office. At this time of year we are busy looking to completing records as the summer term rushes by and we need to ensure that everything balances. Each year, a new class of children start in our Reception Class and a much loved Year 6 Class move up to High School so that’s almost 30% of our school population on the move. So much record keeping and account setting up goes on in the office.
This week we’ve been liaising with classes to check we have everyone’s next Friday’s (5th May) Coronation Picnic orders! Children are great at putting hands up to say they’d like something so, to be sure everyone is covered, we’ll be confirming orders today by text. As you know, KS1 meals are free and KS2 picnics incur a cost of £2.40. If your child has ordered and you DON’T want them to have the meal, please email us, to : OR ring us by noon on Monday on 01253 726 015
Weekly School Attendance
Thank you to everyone who has made a real effort with uniform in recent weeks. We have seen an increase in school uniform being worn - particularly on PE days - and the correct colour trainers too. Just a reminder that these need to be predominantly blue, black or white. You may have seen that the staff have been wearing school hoodies this year, and looking incredibly smart too! These hoodies will be available to purchase as part of school uniform for children ready for September. The school tracksuit will still be available, in addition, to be used as part of the uniform. Top Marque will stock them for purchase.
Have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend with your families. Let’s hope that the sun will shine and we all get a chance to relax. School will open again on Tuesday 2nd May at 8.45am.
God Bless
Mrs Gregan