Dominic's Sport Fest 2024 - Information

Tomorrow, we will be raising money for our final cause of the year, and what a cause it is. You will all know just how much it means to us to be able to raise money for Manchester Children’s Hospital - who quite simply saved Dominic’s life this year.

Here are some pointers for the day:

  • All children can come into school in any sports wear. If your child belongs to a community beyond school: football, netball, gymnastics, rainbows, scouts, dance, acting - this list goes one - then they can wear that kit or t-shirt. It would be lovely to see how many families we belong to beyond the school. We want to celebrate the feeling of family as much as we possibly can!

  • The day is being run by Year 5 and their parents. In the morning, during break times, the children will be running a cake stall for each class. If your child would like to buy a cake from the cake sale, then they need to bring in 50p for the cake sale.

  • In the afternoon, the plan is that all 240 children are outside taking part in sporting challenges, as set by Dominic and Year 5. From musical statues, to bench ball to an obstacle course - they will have lots of opportunity to get involved. Due to the whole school being outside at the same time, we will not be able to open up to parents until 3pm. Just because of space and logisitcs.

  • At 3pm the gates will open and you will be able to come in and get involved at this point. Year 5 have organised a tombola for the end of the day with a whole load of prizes. You will be able to visit the tombola stand and collect your child to do so.

  • Please don’t forget sponsor money tomorrow. Anything from £1 to whatever you can manage. It does all add up for a wonderful cause.

We have had some lovely messages from parents who have also made a donation from their businesses to support Dominic - we are blown away with your generosity!

Year 5 have organised this day to ensure that at some point, everyone is involved.