I could not have imagined a better way to start the final week of our school year than this afternoon. Our whole school have had a wonderful day celebrating our family connections and raising money for Manchester Children’s Hospital at the same time. We are grateful and we are generous all at the same time. Today has been magical! I cannot thank the Year 5 team enough for what they have put together. The children used their initiative and ran with it. We have all had an amazing time outside together having fun. So far, we have raised over £3000, and there is still more money to come in! If you haven’t brought your sponsor money in yet, or there are donations still to be made, let’s get them in on Monday! Please enjoy this montage of photos - what fabulous memories!
Celebrating your STARS
Today, you will have received your child’s report that reflects their growth over the last academic year. After Year 5s hard work and busy day, they will be coming home on Monday. We are beyond proud of what each of the children have achieved this year, both as a human being and academically. There have been some real WOW moments for each and every one of them. My favourite thing to do in my year is to read each of the children’s reports and then to write my comments on them; all 210 of them. It might be a long process, but it is the most rewarding one. Each teacher has spent time trying to convey to you, just what the children have achieved this year. There is some wonderful advice too of how they can continue to grow. I know that you will be just as proud of them as we are; even more so.
In our Year 6 children’s reports, they will find their End of Key Stage Assessment results. Every year, this group of children work so hard to demonstrate just what we are capable of. All we can do is to ask them to try their best and to shine so very brightly; just like we know they can do. The Year 6 assessments aren’t a reflection of Year 6, but their entire journey through school - with lots of learning combined. We are always proud of the children and the results they achieve. We want them to be proud of themselves.
This year our results are just as fabulous as other years, with the children achieving above national average in each of the assessment areas.
Please click on the button below to complete a reflection on the school year.
Looking forward to next year…
Last week I shared that there would be some tweaks to school life as we continue to evolve. Things to be aware of and to plan for as we finish for summer. I have left the unifrom button below for you to continue to refer too.
The government has stipulated that statutory guidance for attendance will come into force from 19th August. It is always a taboo stubject, and I know that it is a conversation that I have with a lot of parents. Whatever the thoughts are about it, it is something that I have to follow and something that is a national focus. I have made a newsletter for you with some of the key information for you. You will see that I have included our headlines from this year and data that is specific to us. We will continue to communicate as a school. Please do come and see me if you have any concerns. In addition to the information provided above, you will also find on the front page of the school website next week, the holiday list for 2025/2026. I have worked our governors to get these out earlier and to give you as much time as possible to arrange holidays outside of term time.
The curriculum is continuing to evolve at school as we look at different and engaging ways to teach each subject. New ways of teaching science and geography will be embedded, providing enrichment and links to the local area. One of our key focus is around PSHE, whilst still delivering Kidsafe lessons to our children. We want our children to understand themselves better, to know how their brain works and then how they can self-regulate better. Next year we will be introducing a programme called My Happy Mind. Every week, the children will have lessons that encourage them to thrive and collect all of the skills needed for tomorrow’s world. Each child will have their own journal, that they can record their thoughts in, and develop a common language that we can use across the school. The best bit is that there is a parent app where you can track what modules we are covering in school. On Wednesday 25th September, I will hold a coffee morning in school where you can learn all about the programme and see how you can use it at home too.
Finally, but most importantly, our Catholic identity is something that we are incredibly proud of. Our prime mission is to ensure that the children love themselves, love others and love God; through how they live and understand the Gospel values. There is so much we can do to strengthen our links with the parish community and provide opportunities for the children to feel their contribution to their community. Next year, we will be introducing Family Masses. Six Sundays across the year where the 9.30am mass will be for our school community. The children will read, do the offertory and sing with the choir. Each class will also visit the Parish Centre over the year to visit the parishoners at coffee morning, taking something that they have been learning or wanting to share with them. It would be lovely to see some of our parents and grandparents attend too. The final thing that we will be introducing is a STAR Charter. This is an opportunity for every child in the school to contribute to their community through a series of tasks. These tasks will be done as part of classroom life, but there will also be an opportunity to apply for distinction; this is where the children contribute to their community beyond school and using their own iniative. I believe that our children have so much to offer and I want them to know their worth in our world. There will be more information about this in September, and about how you can get involved as a family. We have really seen the power and strength of our community this year; it would be so lovely to build on that next year too!
Plea from School
We are still looking for the following items for school. How can you help?
Scooters: do you have any old scooters at home that your children no longer play with or use, maybe they have grown out of them? We could use them in school at play times for our new scooter zone.
Board Games: our new Wrap Around Care Offer is in the planning stage and we are looking at our resources. We could do with some board games. Have you got any board games at home that you no longer play with? Could they be donated to school?
Office news…
We are in the final stages of putting together our wrap around care provsion and will be writing to all parents who have booked places next week. Please click on the button below for further information that you may require.
Our Weekly Attendance
Finally, as we head into the final week of school, let’s hope we are starting it as European Winners on Monday. The Year 5 & 6 play is on next week, if you would like a ticket, please do come and get one from the office.
House point winners for this half-term, with an own clothes day for house colours on Tuesday, is Plessington!
We finish at 2pm next Friday for the summer holidays.
Mrs Gregan