'In every end, there is also a beginning.'

And so…here we are. I feel nothing but pride for our whole community and how we have moved forward together, each and every day. In assembly this morning, we held our first STAR Awards. A time to recognise everything that we are thankful for. We listened to the Gospel of Jesus healing the ten lepars and how thankful they were. Now is definitely the time for gratitude. There have been so many memories from this year and I wish I could capture them all. I have popped a few in the video below.

Today we also awarded our first STAR Charter winners. This was presented to Year 5 for the work that they have done over the year to support Dominic, ending with the fabulous afternoon of sport. Because of their hard work, they were each presented with a star pin badge to recognise their efforts. We have raised over £3000 for Manchester Children’s Hospital! Many of you have asked how you can continue to support the cause. The Barrow Family are taking part in a Walk for the Brain Tumour Research. I have attached a link to their story here. I hope that next year, 240 STAR Awards are given out as every child in the school completes the Star Charter Award.

KS2 Award Winners

KS1 Award Winners

Nursery Award Winners

Today we say a big thank you to our Year 6 Leavers who have worked so hard and always led with compassion. We wish them all the luck in the world as they head off to their new adventures; knowing just how much they are loved!

As you are aware, we are due to have a kitchen extension over the Summer Holidays. I am currently in discussions with contractors about what this will mean for us in school and how it will affect our dinner service. As soon as I know, I will communicate this to you ready for the new school year. Finally, thank you. Thank you for the many gifts that have been received into school and for the tonnes of kind words and emails I have received over the past week. Have the most wonderful summer with your families and we look forward to welcoming you into school on Tuesday 3rd September at 8.45am.

God Bless

Mrs Gregan