"Christ has no body on earth but yours." - Teresa of Avila

In Sunday’s Gospel, we were all called to be Fishers of Men. To shine our light brightly, listen to God’s call and to bring people along with us. We have been thinking about this in school; what is our role as Christians today? Our word of the week has been FOLLOW; not to follow Jesus in the literal sense of the word, but in our calling to live our lives using Him as an example. In Nursery, the children have been looking at what it means to be part of Jesus’s team. Our worship area is now the centre of our community prayer and liturgy with a lighthouse display. Each child has added a beam of light that shows how they will shine their light brightly. Each fish is a symbol of their name and that we have all been called to be disciples of Christ.

Christ Has No Body

Christ has no body but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
Compassion on this world,
Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,
Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.
Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,
Yours are the eyes, you are his body.
Christ has no body now but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
compassion on this world.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours.

I received an invitation to an Acts of Kindness play today that this group of Year 5 children had written and starred in. It was fabulous! So many things that just happen daily that we need to think about. Thank you Year 5 for brightening my day!

We have also had a visit from Mr Marsden, headteacher at St Bedes, today. I really love showing visitors around our school as I am so proud of it. Mr Marsden is really keen to get to know each feeder school and spend time in there; we will be working closely together to ensure a smooth transition for our pupils. He has enjoyed a tour of the school, conversed with pupils in each classroom, then joined us for assembly at the end of the day. He was blown away by the excellent behaviour and enthusiastic singing in assembly. We look forward to welcoming him back soon.

Opportunities beyond the Curriculum

We have been looking closely at our enrichment programme and how learning can be cultivated beyond the curriculum and classroom. One of the links that has continued to blossom is the one with the Royal Shakespeare Company. This week, five of our pupils, together with parents and grandparents, visited The Grand Theatre in Blackpool to take part in a Storytellers workshop. With the hope of linking up with Michael Morpurgo, the children devised their own stories to share. What wonderful ambassadors of our school!

There are lots of exciting opportunities coming up in the Spring term:

  • Big Sing at Lowther Pavilion for our choir.

  • Year 1 Tea Dance at Marine Hall in Fleetwood

  • Year 4 Romeo and Juliet performance with the RSC

These are to name but a few. Please keep an eye on class pages for more information about trips and visitors.

Don’t forget to send in images for the PROUD CLOUD. We have started again this term and are collecting new photographs. Please send anything in that has a sense of pride.

Role Models of the Week

Leading Learners

Virtue Role Models

Weekly Attendance

Well done to Year 1 this week - 98.6%. Our whole school attendance was 94.5%

Next week, the office will be looking at our current attendance rates in school. Thank you to everyone that is continuing to complete leave of absence requests early so that we can process them with County in good time. We are also looking at outstanding library books in order to replenish the system. Please can you all have a good look at home for any school books? Some children have had books for a very long time. Class teachers will be sharing lists with the children in class with the hope of a book hunt taking place.

We have a number of mini-iPads in school that we cannot use anymore because of changes to our school server - 16GB ones and 32GB ones. They are old but can still be used for the internet, e-book reading and photos - perfect for little hands. We are selling them off if anyone would like one:

16GB IOS 9.3.5 = £20

16GB IOS 12.5.7 = £25

32GB IOS 12.5.7 = £30

If you email head@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk with what you require, I can get them organised next week depending on how many are sold on a first come first serve basis. The majority will come in a rubber case but without the charger.

Have a lovely weekend with your families

God bless

Mrs Gregan