How have you seen your child shining their light this week? We are constantly looking for role-models in school; those children who we can look to and help us all live the lives that were intended for us. In today’s assembly, we looked at ways in which Jesus found time to pray. He was a really busy man, but still he found time to take himself off and be peaceful. What ways do you do this in your house? How do you all find time to be still?
Christ Has No Body
Christ has no body but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
Compassion on this world,
Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,
Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.
Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,
Yours are the eyes, you are his body.
Christ has no body now but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
compassion on this world.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours.
During half term, Ash Wednesday takes place and we move into the season of Lent. As a school we have been thinking of ways in which we can bring ourselves closer to the cross. Each class will be contributing to our own version of Stations of the Cross that will be displayed in the school hall. We are looking forward to welcoming the school community in to view our artwork and hoping you too will be able to journey to the cross with us. Over half term the children will be making a lenten box for their class buddy. This is a container in which children can collect change for acts of kindness and helpful acts that they do at home. We will be raising money for CAFOD’s Lenten Appeal.
Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online.
Next week is National Online Safety Day - but we are going for a whole week. Technology is wonderful - I certainly would not be able to do my job without it - and I am a great believer in preparing the children for the world in which they will be going into as young adults. However, when misused, it can become very dangerous. I am finding myself dealing with more and more incidents of online behaviour where children are using apps that are recommended for 16+; it is our biggest safeguarding concern in school. Next week gives us all the opportunity to start a conversation and to reflect on our current behaviours. What could we do differently? How could we inspire change? How can we ensure that our children are monitored and safe when online?
Keep an eye on the blogs next week to see what we have been up to in school. Don’t forget about our Parents’ Padlet full of information and up to date help all about Online Safety. I will be updating this next week with all of the up to date information provided by the national bodies.
Extra-Curricular Opportunites
After half-term, there are opportunites for all children to get involved in things beyond the school day.
Reception and Year 1 Judo
Year 2 Parent and Child art Club
Year 1 & 3 Board Games Club
Year 4 Reconciliation and Holy Communion
Year 5 & 6 Football and Netball
Make sure you have visited the Sports Page and News Around the School to request a place. We will look carefully at numbers and confirm places next week ready to start after half term.
Don’t forget to send in images for the PROUD CLOUD. We have started again this term and are collecting new photographs. Please send anything in that has a sense of pride.
Role Models of the Week
Leading Learners
Virtue Role Models
Weekly Attendance
We have had so much illness in school this half-term; both staff and pupils have been affected. Thank you always keeping us updated with what is happening and filling in the attendance form. It really helps us to keep on top of things and to monitor specific illnesses in school. We have received specific guidance on measles into school and have been asked to issue the letter below. Please do take time to read it.
I have had a lovely finish to the end of the week by meeting with the School Council. There was a number of items on our agenda:
Gaining a crossing at Church Road and the next steps for this.
Buying a reading shed for the school garden - which one will we choose.
Launching a competition to design the patch of grass at the front of school.
There are lots of exciting things that are possible, it is just having the vision to bring it to life. Thankfully, I have a team of excellent counsellors to support me. They will now take this to their classes for a decision to be made.
We finish for half-term next Friday, 9th February, at 3.30pm
God bless
Mrs Gregan