“Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.”

This week’s Gospel could not have been more perfect for the week that we have had in school. Jesus’ message is clear, for anyone who wants to be first, must put themselves last and be the greatest servant of all. On Tuesday, we celebrated every child in school and awarded our leadership positions for this academic year. Giving every child a leadership role in school is incredibly important, not just for our older children, but even our youngest too. The children have responsibility in the classroom, with prayer and liturgy and on the playground; it really is a beautiful thing to see. We know what it means to be a servant to others, this is something we are striving to be; which is sometimes so very hard. Our Year 6 children have all been given a position, from Office Monitors, to Digital Leaders and our new Deputy Head Boy and Girl working alongside our Head Boy and Girl. Our extended leadership team will be responsible for our Catholic Life and Student Council this year. Our House Captains had one really important job to start off with, present every child in school with their house badge. Belonging to their houses is incredibly special and to be recognised is something that we want to develop this year. Please do not panic; they do not need to be worn every day, that is up to you. The children have loved them and are proud of their house colour - there is no pressure. Whatever you all find easiest. I know about many of them having had a few washes in the washing machine already!

Today, our Year 3 class completed the first part of their STAR Charter; they attended the Parish Coffee Morning, to sing French songs and share scripture cards. Over the course of the year, each class will have a parish connection. Please do join us on these events, they are really special and keep and eye out for those coming up!

On Sunday 6th October, we will be having our first family mass in church at 9.30am. These are the usual Sunday Masses which we are inviting our school community to make a special appearance. There will be no liturgy on these days, instead the children will be encouraged to stay in church and be part of the mass. We want the children to read, to take the offertory and to sing with the parish choir. If you will be able to attend, please can you complete the form below so we can select the readers etc. We will rotate these around as the years goes on and work alongside the children. Not everyone will want to read, and that is ok. It is a lovely opportunity for us all to come together beyond the school walls.

Bishop Paul’s Visit

Next Friday, Bishop Paul will be visiting us for a morning. Again it seems fitting that not only is it Our Lady Star of the Sea’s feast day but also Saint Vincent de Paul. St. Vincent de Paul is primarily recognised for his charity and compassion for the poor; for being a servant to others. To start the morning, Bishop Paul will join us for 9:30am Mass at church, followed by a visit to school where he will meet the children, staff and governors. One of the most important parts of his visit will be to meet the newly formed Mini Vinnies - Our Good Shepherds - who will lead Catholic Life this year. We need a group of children in Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 who want to get involved. Application forms have gone home tonight and need to be back in on Tuesday next week. Our Mini Vinnie Good Shepherds will meet with Miss Bassett every Monday after school from 3.30pm - 4.15pm, exploring Catholic life, and how we can contribute to our wider community. Eventually, we are hoping that our group can connect with other SVP groups. Please do encourage your child to apply if they are able to. Those in All Stars can apply and then head back to the club room after their weekly meeting.

It would be lovely to have a big school community turn out for the Bishop’s visit. If you are able to walk down to mass with us, please join us at 9am in school.

My Happy Mind

I can already see the benefit of this in school, and if you read the home-learning and weekly blogs carefully, you will see references to the brain and hypocampus! On Wednesday morning, I will be taking you through the programme and the benefit that it can have for you at home too. I will be setting up a My Happy Mind parent library of the book linked to the programme for you to sign out and borrow. They have also launched a competition for parental engagement - I know we will do well on that front. If you can join us on Wednesday morning, please fill in the form below.

Plea from School

We are still looking for the following items for school. How can you help?

  • Ground sheets, picnic blankets and water proof blankets for den making.

  • Tyres - we are in need of some tyres in our den area.

  • Dressing up costumes - has your child grown out of their costumes at home? Could these be donated to school for All Stars?

Learning Role Models of the Week

Learning role models of the week

Virtue butterfly award winners

Office news…

What a week with All Stars! Mrs Shields and Mrs Nel have been really busy setting up accounts for all of the childcare vouchers that you use - they have done a remarkable job. And it has paid off as the first payments have been made. When searching for our school, please do not click on the nursery, these accounts are being deregistered as nursery has now moved into school; only use the school account. Amounts owed are on Parent Pay so you can all find which payment works for you; if you have any questions, please do contact the school office. I am so proud of how the children have settled into the Wrap Around Care on site and the numbers speak for themselves. Thank you to all of the staff who are making this possible - proper All Stars!

Don’t forget that we have a welfare position available in school. If you are interested, please click on the link below.

Our Weekly Attendance

Well done to Year 2 this week with 100% who will receive extra playtime next week. Our whole school attendance for this week is 96.4%

Next week, the netball and football fixtures start for our school teams. All of the information is on the sports page of the website so you can arrange collection and take to the correct venue. We can’t wait to get started!

Have a lovely weekend with some sunshine I hope. We are certainly clinging onto the sunshine as much as we possibly can!

Mrs Gregan