“The spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions. The nearer we get to him, the more intensely missionary we become.”

There are certain weeks where the Gospel and the theme of our school week fit perfectly. This week was one of them. We heard all about the meaning of the word greatest, and what transpired was to be the greatest servant of all, you must indeed serve. Today has been a really special day in our school’s life as we welcomed Bishop Paul Swarbrick to our community. You all know how proud I am of us, and in particular our Catholic identity. It is this that drives us and ignites our desire to be the best human beings possible. It only seemed right that we started his visit in church, where we celebrated mass together, before coming back to school to meet our staff and governors. Bishop Paul worked his way around the classes, speaking with pupils and was even given some worms in nursery. What a lovely way to celebrate our school. The children shone so brightly and spoke so elequently. Thank you to the choir who led us so beautifully in church. Bishop Paul commented on their singing. Thank you to everyone who joined us today and who walked with us. We will need you again on Friday 11th October for our Harvest Festival please.

One of the main jobs of the day for Bishop Paul, was to meet with our newly formed Mini-Vinnie Good Shepherds. These children will be turning concern into action, and alongside our leadership group, running iniatives in school. Watch out for their work in the coming months as we build up to Harvest and Advent. Their first meeting in school will be Monday 7th October from 3.30 - 4.15pm.

Don’t forget our first family mass on Sunday 6th October. Readings, offertory and choir will all be finalised on Monday. Thank you to everyone that has filled in the form saying that they will attend. As with everything that we offer in school, these are just opportunities and are never compulsory, just another way of coming together. Ironically, the theme of the Gospel that weekend is children coming to God - seems just perfect.

My Happy Mind

On Wednesday morning, we welcomed 30 parents into school to hear all about our safeguarding and well-being programme for children. Already, we have seen the power of this programme with the children discussing their hippocampus and pre-frontal cortex as part of normal language; why not ask them about neuroplasticity! As part of the coffee morning, each parent was given a copy of the myHappyMind journal for coming and downloaded the parent app too. They have been given the mission to spread the myHappy word and to get every parent to download the app. Here you can track what your children are learning in school and also access key resources to support well-being. The button below will take you to a letter that explains how to download the app and link to our school. After half term, there will be an open morning where you can come and watch a session take place. Let’s spread the word!

On Thursday 10th October, it is World Mental Health Day and we will be supporting Hello Yellow. On this day, the children can wear yellow and bring in £1 or a donation. With that money, we want to create a parent library that is linked to myHappymind and buy books for you to understand what we are doing in school. We look forward to shining brightly in our yellow and being rays of sunshine!

Learning Role Models of the Week

Learning role models of the week

Virtue butterfly award winners

Parking around school has been an increasingly concerning issue this week. With the bad weather and the addition of road works in the vicinity, we have had a number of phone calls from very upset residents who can either not get out of their drive or have been spoken to in a rude way. In the Spring and Summer, we did a really good job of parking away from school and walking in. I am asking if we can do that again, to keep the roads around our gates quiet and to keep our children safe (and neighbours happy). Next week, we are being visited by Road Safety Lancashire and the policing team to discuss and observe. Please be mindful where you are parking, thank you.

Our Weekly Attendance

Well done to Year 5 this week with 99.3% who will receive extra playtime next week. Our whole school attendance for this week is 91.4%

School sporting fixtures got back underway this week - there was certainly a buzz around the school on Tuesday. The netball and football team headed off to LSA to compete against St Peters. We were incredibly proud of the sportsmanship of all the children who competed. There is no fixture next Tuesday due to it being LSA open evening for Years 5 & 6, but the girls will play their football match on Thursday here at school after it was postponed earlier in the week.

On next week’s blog, you will be able to book your appointment for Parents’ Day on Friday 18th October. As these are virtual, you will able to access them from anywhere, so do not worry if you are away on holiday. After half-term, there will be the opportunity to come and see your child’s work and talk to them about what they are most proud of.

Have a lovely weekend with some sunshine I hope. We are certainly clinging onto the sunshine as much as we possibly can!

Mrs Gregan