"Lent is the perfect time to deny ourselves in order to enrich others' lives" - Pope Francis

“The ashes on our foreheads remind us that we belong to God, and nothing in this world can separate us from His love”.
— Quote Source

When Father Peter spoke to the children at mass on Wednesday, he used the image of our school badge to explain the significance of Ash Wednesday. Whilst lots of schools have adopted a blue uniform, non of them have a badge like ours. Our badge represents our school and the pride that we have in it. Our ashes cross on Wednesday represents our faith and our commitment to it. Only a small number of children wear our school badge, where millions of people worldwide have worn the cross this week - we belong to something much bigger. A school tradition in Lent is the making and swapping of Lenten boxes. There have been so many thoughtful ones made this week and swapped. Now it is over to you. The children have been tasked with completing acts of kindness and help at home in order to raise money for CAFOD. Keep collecting small bits of change and let’s see just how much we can raise.

On Tuesday, our Year 4 children started their preparation for their Holy Communion and Reconciliation. This year we have 41 children completing the programme as we welcome 11 children from other schools who belong to our parish. This really is communion in action. Not only did the children start their prep, but so too did the parents. There are two parents sessions where they are tasked with discussing how they can support their child and to identify what they may find challenging. We discussed our own experiences of sacraments, and focused on Reconciliation. Thank you to all of the parents who attended and took time to contribute to the session. Father Peter also mentioned how he would like to bring the sacrament of Confirmation earlier in a young person’s life and instead of high school, for them to make it whilst they are still at Our Ladys; in Year 6. The proposal would see the current Year 5 complete 4 sacramental confirmation classes in the Autumn term. Please can you complete this form if you would want your child to make their confirmation.

"A book is a gift you can open again and again" 

World Book Day is certainly a favourite day in school; so much fun is had by all! We have really worked on our reading culture in school and to enable every child to love books. Over the past month, we have redesigned our library and made it open to all and like a mini-book shop. I hope you will agree that it looks magical and will continue to be loved by every child in school. As part of our celebrations this week, our Year 4 children took story time in there; reading books for Reception. It really was magical!

We had the perfect end to World Book Day. As I was catching up on my work from the day, there was a knock on my office window - it was Dan Worsley our local author who visited us in school last year. He had heard about our new library transformation, and after visiting a local primary school for the day, he decided to stop by and take a look. We quickly gathered some of our All Stars and Choir and asked if he would formally open the library. After grabbing some ribbon, attaching it to the tree; Dan cut it and told the children to keep reading and finding new adventures. What a fitting end of the day!

Play builds the kind of free-and-easy, try-it-out, do-it-yourself character that our future needs.

Last week I shared with you how play and lunch time had changed in school - it has been another really successful week. On Monday we launched the new playground equipment that we have raised money for through school events. New scooters, playtime equipment and chalk boards have been added to the den area for play. The sun has definitely helped this week but SO MUCH FUN has been had! Our older children have continued to support the younger children at lunchtime in the hall and play with them outside. It really is a community feel and has started the season of service; Lent, so well.

Lunch menu for next week in school

Learner and Virtue award winners

Academisation Update

You will all be aware that before Christmas we went out to consultation for the Bishop’s vision of Our Ladys to academise and join BEBCMAT. Both staff and parents were consulted on what we had been asked to do and both were given the opportunity to ask any questions that they had. Following the consultation process, reports were produced and submitted to the governing body for consideration, before making a formal decision about the journey forward. After considering all questions, the governing body decided to submit an application to join the BEBCMAT to the DFE, which this week has been granted and an academy order has been issued.

There is still a long way to go on this journey and the timeline for full academy status in line with Bishop Paul’s visit is still unknown. It does mean that we can start working with BEBCMAT to complete key paperwork and ensure that when the time does come, we will all be fully informed completely ready. I will continue to communicate with you throughout the process via the button on the main page of the website and please do ask any questions that you have. My door is always open and I am more than happy to discuss anything at any point.

Upcoming School Events

On Friday 21st March - own clothes day and bring an Easter Egg for the Easter Raffle. Also on this day, Greg Anderson from Lytham Hall will be joining us in school to help the children make a ‘People we love’ planter. These are optional to be made and will cost £6 to cover the cost of the experience. Mrs Nel has popped it on Parent Pay and if you would like your child to be part of it, we will take payment as confirmation. So many have already paid - thank you! Greg will talk the children through the different plants used and each child will make it for someone they love.

Thank you so much for the Food Bank donations for February, they have been blown away with our school’s contributions. A staggering 34.53kg of food was donated in February. In March, we are collecting biscuits. Many of you will have given up biscuits for Lent, why not buy a pack for our food bank - this can be your almsgiving.

It has been a fabulous week. I hope your weekends are just as wonderful.

God bless

Mrs Gregan