"I am but a pilgrim here on earth"

Let me introduce you to Luce, the official mascot for the Jubilee Year - The Year of Hope. Luce is the official mascot for this Jubilee year and we have her in school; she has been blessed in Rome. Luce is very distintive. Her yellow raincoat is the colour of the Vatican flag and waterproof as she journies through life’s storms. Her eyes raditate light; the light of Christ. She is wearing a set of rosary beads to demonstrate her faith and show the importance of prayer. Her boots are green, the colour of hope, and very muddy; life is certainly not perfect and she has been on quite the pilgrimage. Finally, she is carrying a walking stick to show that we all need hope along the way and that our journies in life may be long.

Luce will now form part of our school family. She will take part in school trips, attend prayer and liturgy around the school, visit our parish family and church liturgies and be taken home by our pupils who are going on journies of their own. Please do come and ask if you would like Luce to go home with you.

Learner and Virtue award winners

Office News

Thank you to everyone who has settled their Parent Pay debts. Please do check them regularly to ensure that you are up to date and any errors quickly identified. We are in the process of updating the school calendar to include Summer term events. I know Sports Days are at the centre of these for you so here are those dates:

EYFS (Nursery & Reception) - Wednesday 11th June pm

KS1 (Year 1 & Year 2) - Tuesday 10th June pm

LKS2 (Year 3 & 4) - Monday 16th June pm

UKS2 (Year 5 & 6) - Wednesday 18th June pm

Our netball and football teams are back in action next Tuesday v Lytham C of E at LSA. Girls football will be played on Thursday at our school.

Our Weekly School Attendance

Well done to Year 4 & Year 2 this week with 99% who will earn extra break time next week.

Upcoming School Events

Next week the Book Fair will be landing in school. On the evening of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the book fair will be set up in the school hall. There will also be a 2nd hand book stall. If you have any books that you would like to donate to the sale, please do bring them in early next week. Use the weekend to have a sort out.

Next Friday, Friday 21st March - own clothes day and bring an Easter Egg for the Easter Raffle. Also on this day, Greg Anderson from Lytham Hall will be joining us in school to help the children make a ‘People we love’ planter. These are optional to be made and will cost £6 to cover the cost of the experience. Mrs Nel has popped it on Parent Pay and if you would like your child to be part of it, we will take payment as confirmation. The deadline for payment is Tuesday 18th March. So many have already paid - thank you! Greg will talk the children through the different plants used and each child will make it for someone they love.

It has been a fabulous week. I hope your weekends are just as wonderful.

God bless

Mrs Gregan