With three weeks until we finish for Easter, our pilgrimage to the cross is becoming more real. But rather than focus on the sadness of the events, especially the crucifixion of Jesus, we are taking joy in the message that comes with it. This week it was all about growth. Somethings take a long time to grow, for them to develop, for them to bear fruit - do we just cut these things down, or do we give them the time; never giving up on them. The same is said for us as human beings, we all need time to grow and to develop, to be the person that we were intended to be. It is not up to us to cut this person off or to deny them, instead we embrace them, love them and allow them to just be.
In the final week of the term, we will be journeying to the cross together. Please do join us if you can:
Monday 7th April @ 9.15am - Year 2: Palm Sunday
Tuesday 8th April @ 9.15am - Year 3:The Last Supper
Wednesday 9th April @ 9.15am - Year 4: Garden of Gethsemane
Thursday 10th April @ 9.15am - Year 5: The Crucifixion
Friday 11th April @ 9:15am - Year 6: The Resurrection
Enriching Life in School
The one thing, above anything, that brings me the most joy in school is seeing the children experience things that they haven’t before; that they are making memories that will enrich their lives. Over the past few weeks, I have seen this fully in every single class. Last week it was the Tea Dance at Marine Hall, this week it is seeing our Year 4 children close the performance of The Tempest at The Grand in Blackpool. Being an RSC Associate school is something we are really proud of. Together with Year 5 as the perfect audience, we journeyed to support the children. What is so special is that the children join with lots of different children from lots of different schools - it really is a big collaboration. I cannot thank Mrs Lyons and Miss Bray enough for their work on this. Mrs Lyons has gone above and beyond to ensure that the children had the best time. In addition to this, we had the arrival of 5 duck eggs with their incubator into school on Tuesday; Year 2 were desperately hoping that they would hatch this week - and they were right. We have 5 duck chicks living in the Year 2 classroom, helping the children to understand life cycles. I know a paddling pool has been ordered ready for their maiden swim next week, before they head off to their forever home. Then today, we have been visited by Lytham Hall to make planters for the people who we love. It really has been the lovliest of weeks! The Book Fair has been really successful in school, as has the second hand book sale. We have ordered some new outdoor bean bags for the playground so the money raised from that will go towards them. The final chance to visit the Book Fair is on Monday after school.
There is so much in the news about the cost of things going up and funding being frozen, we are certainly feeling it in school and will continue to feel this going forward more significantly than ever before. The biggest change we have noticed is the price of transport to enable our children to go out and about. But these experience and memories are so important for our children, every single one of them and I am determined that they will continue and we will enhance our school further. It is time to think creatively about how we can preserve this moving forward and come together as a school community even more. I have a few plans that I will share with you after half term. Enjoy the photos below of our wonderful week!
Shining Stars and Leading Learners
Learner and Virtue award winners for this week in school. We are so proud of them!
Office News
Thank you to everyone who has settled their Parent Pay debts. Please do check them regularly to ensure that you are up to date and any errors quickly identified. Don’t forget about Sports Days!
EYFS (Nursery & Reception) - Wednesday 11th June pm
KS1 (Year 1 & Year 2) - Tuesday 10th June pm
LKS2 (Year 3 & 4) - Monday 16th June pm
UKS2 (Year 5 & 6) - Wednesday 18th June pm
Our netball and football teams are in action again next Tuesday v Clifton at LSA. Girls football will be played on Thursday away at Clifton Primary School.
School photographs will be taking place on Wednesday 2nd April. We are certainly hoping that the sun will be shining that day as they are due to take place outside in the garden. If the weather is not as lovely as we want, we will rearrange. As well as the individual and sibling photographs, we are hoping to take some of the sports teams too. I will confirm everything in next week’s blog.
Thank you for your generosity with the Easter Egg donations today - we are officially ready for the raffle! Tickets will go on sale on Monday for £1 per strip, you can buy as many as you want. Simply send the money into school in an envelope and we will add your ticket to the prize draw. There will also be a name the bunny competition too at £1 a guess. We can’t wait to get the Easter feeling.
Our Weekly School Attendance
As a family of Newcastle United fans (you may have heard) this came into fruition for us last weekend, and I shared the story of Dan Burn with children in assembly on Monday. A boy who was written off at the age of 11, let go from Newcastle United Academy, worked hard at school, in a local supermarket and then through the ranks of the lower league teams. His hard work and determination not to give up saw him return to his boyhood club and win a cup in the same week he was called up to the England Squad at the age of 32! He grew in his own way, became the person he was meant to be and got where he was meant to be - it just took a little longer and he did it in his own time. Whilst we celebrate the cup, it is testament to the hard work and dedication of the working class people of Newcastle - a place very close to my heart! It was a tale about daring to dream -that no matter what comes your way, dreams are wonderful things that can come to life in the place where you are loved the most. This school is full of dreams and I am so proud of it.
It has been a fabulous week. I hope your weekends are just as wonderful.
God bless
Mrs Gregan