“Discover how to visit the past and bring yesterday's stories into our lives today”

Sorry for the late post, but I wanted to make sure that I uploaded all the pictures from today to show you what a muddy but wonderful time we all had! Wow, today has definitely been the highlight of our week… we all had the best time, despite the wet weather! In the morning the children worked together so cooperatively to build their shelters as the early Stone Age men would have done. There was lots of little extra touches as well that were added, such as fires, chairs and some very impressive entrances. I am sure you are impressed by the photographs. Then all the children, used flints to begin their own fires, which was then safely put out by heat proof gloves- they were all super sensible! We then had the opportunity to get dry inside while we had our lunch, until is was back to the forest to play some hunting games! What a day!

This week we have fit in to the week so much learning… we have written our own versions of ‘the Tortoise and the Hare’ with some very different animal combinations of animals in our fables. In RE it was lovely to see so many photographs and memorabilia from the children’s christening, that helped with our learning of what happens at the sacrament of Baptism, so thank you for sending them in.

I look forward to seeing you at parents meetings next week, to discuss how well your children have settled and how they learn in Year 3…

The awards this week go to …

As we were out all day today, we said that we would give the awards out on Monday.

Important Information…

Harvest- thank you for the donations of nappies it is much appreciated, we will be sending them off our school donations on Tuesday during our Harvest celebration, so it is not too late to donate on Monday if you haven’t already.

Marsden and Harcourt won house team this half term- they are able to wear house colours on Tuesday!

Photography day on Wednesday- make sure you look smart!

Parents meetings on Thursday

If you haven’t already please could you pay for the trip through parent pay- many thanks

Break up on Wednesday 16th October at 3:30pm