What a great week we have had in Year 4. We were so proud of you all in assembly on Tuesday - you spoke with confidence and were so independent - you worked as a great team to teach everyone the joy of living in curiosity, awe and wonder. We have had such a great time studying plants and you really demonstrated this! Well done to all.
My head spins with all that we have achieved this week - from typing a newspaper report all about Moses and the ten plagues of Egypt to all of our lovely research in Geography into extreme environments and plants around the world. You have become really effective searchers! In maths we are breaking those larger numbers up to understand and describe them in different ways. English has been very exciting - starting our new fiction topic into fairy tales and the opening of ‘The Pied Piper.’ We have been trying out some new learning strategies too - playing a game called ‘Centrepiece’ to help us gather information in groups together and another game called ‘Ideas round up,’ to discover everyone’s predictions of what might happen next in the story. Not to mention an exciting tournament with Mr Nay today in PE - which will conclude on Monday!
We wish William well as he starts his new journey in a different school. There were many tears today - your classmates love you William and I am sure you will make so many more new ones. We all wish you the very best.
Let’s Celebrate!
This week three learning certificates were awarded. Olivia received a Lizzie Ladybird certificate for acting on and learning from teacher feedback. Sophie received a Tommy Turtle certificate for letting the whole class share her mistake and learn from it and Ava received a Cooper Crab certificate for being such a ready and keen learner - you do not miss a trick! All three of you girls are so helpful in class too!
Emmanuel and James were our swimming stars this week. Your excellent listening helped you both progress really well. We are proud of you.
Please continue to send in noodles packets for our harvest collection on Tuesday
Harcourt and Marsden won the house competition this half term and can come in their house colours on Tuesday.
Wednesday is photograph day.
Please continue to collect sponsorship money for our Danceathon on the first week back.
We break up on Wednesday at 3.30pm and then I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday for our ten minute appointment to share your child’s start to year 4.
Have a lovely weekend together with your families. God bless,
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather, Miss Atkinson and Mrs Kennedy.