Year 6 blog - 'I do believe something magical can happen when you read a good book!'

It is so lovely to get lost in a good book and that is exactly what we have done this half term. As we approach the end of Skellig, we are looking back at the vast amount of work we have completed around this book. Discussion texts, poetry and setting descriptions have all been completed and I am excited for you all to read them on Thursday at parents’s day. Thank you to all of the parent’s who have made an appointment or who have contacted me. If you are still to make an appointment, please book on using parent pay.

Continuing the theme of reading, Mrs Webster has today launched Lancashire’s Fantastic Book Awards in class. This is a county run scheme to encourage children to read for pleasure. Each of the children have been put into a group that is being run by a librarian in class, that group then has a book to read. Throughout the course of the year, the children will read all six books. Please look after the books that come home and read them alongside your child. Deadlines will be set by the group and discussions will take place around the book before revealing the winner at the end of the year!

As we approach the end of our first half term together, we have completed so much work and already the children have had plenty of personal successes. We are really striving to bring our curriculum to life by the use of technology this year and this week, the children have been using an app called Book Creator to make interactive books on South America. The children have been tasked to really think about the brief that they have and how to format their work carefully. I cannot wait to share these with you when they are completed!

Learning Awards

We have a creative award this week for Amber who has produced some wonderful poetry. The whole class listened and magpied Amber’s ideas. It was a really beautiful piece of poetry all about Skellig. Well done Amber!

Our second award is for Isabel for being really determined this week. There has been a big shift in your determination in maths. You are asking more questions and are thinking deeply about what you are being asked to do! Well done Isabel.

Harvest - please continue to bring in pasta sauce for harvest. We are quite depleted!

Have a lovely weekend together with your family. I look forward to seeing you all at parents’s day on Thursday.

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster