It has been such a reflective week in Year 6. In our RE and liturgy we delved a little deeper in to the scripture ‘I am the bread of life’, at how we can nourish ourselves spirituality as well as physically through our daily interactions with others, as well as prayer and different ways we can connect or talk to God. Earlier in the week we reflected on the gospel and what it means to follow God. We have also kicked started the Jubilee in assembly, where we are joining together as a global family for the year of Hope.
Where has our learning taken us this week?
We have had a lovely week in class. Full of hard work, enthusiasm and deep reflection- and we even managed to watch the Dr Who episode where the doctor met Rosa Parks, which was such a great tool to use before we wrote our wonderful Biographies. The children were so gripped and great conversations led on from this about the injustice of the time. This week the children have finished their Outcome 2 biographies on Rosa Parks.We have done so mcuh work leading up to this, gathering vocabulary, cohesive devices and practising our use of semi colons, the children had such a wealth of knowledge and tools and could write with great confidence. I am looking forward to marking them over the weekend- they are so proud of their work!
On Monday we had a wonderful visit from Rachel from ‘Faith Friends’, to help us to learn more about Judaism. The children showed such curisity and loved hearing about an alternative faith. They had so many great questions and we can’t wait to hear more about the celebrations and fesitivals on our next visit in summer…
Leading Learners
Well done to Riley this week.
Riley, thank you for reflecting so deeply on your writing targets, responding to any feedback given and making an active effort to keep improving your work- we are so proud of you! You take advice and comments on board and apply this to your writing, we have loved picking up your book this week and seeing just how much progress you have made!
Faithfilled and Hopeful butterflies
This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are intention in their actions. Children who show great faith in themselves, others and God. We will also be spotting children who are hopeful, who show hope for the future, enabling us to trust ourselves and those around us with the decisions that will shape our future. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Esther for being faithfilled and hopeful.
Lunch Time Awards …
Marvelous Manners awards … Ola
Role Model of the week … Sophia
Helpers in the morning
This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:
Elsie Liam Michael Layla
Next Wednesday the NHS are here to measure height and weight. There is also a short survey for the children to complete in regards to their mental well-being. Please make sure you have read the letter they have had fully, so you know what to expect on this day.
Parents day is on Friday 14th February- please make sure you are mindful of this date and appointments will be available soon.