We are now right at the beginning of Lent and Year 6 this week have spoken about in Liturgy what we must do to prepare for the death adn resurrection of Jesus, as we journey towards the cross. We have reflected on how we can build our relationship with God through many different ways such as prayer, fasting and almsgiving. We then made our own lenten promises, of what we will do during this time to become closer to God and added it to our Prayer and Liturgy display.
This run up to May is always a crucial one, where we can really refine the skills we need and reinforce any necessary information. So many of you have asked how you can help your child at home and what you can do to give them confidence in the final few weeks. Staying calm and not putting unnecessary pressure on children will ensure that they remain confident and continue to have that ‘I can’ attitude; early nights will be crucial over the next few weeks as they will be tired from all of their hard work and of course keep talking to them about their success but also areas to improve, helping them to set a plan of what they can do to reach their targets. One HUGE way to support your child, is homework. Every week, I spend time organising and planning for the areas that Year 6 need the most, complimenting what we are doing in class. Having a parent work alongside them to do this homework WILL help them. Reading is the other area, reading alongside your child every night- modelling fluency and pace, modelling reading punctuation and asking them questions about what they have read will also have a great impact.
What have we been learning this week?
English - This week we have looked in to the fight scene of Mercuito and Tybalt, as well as continuing to revise the tense rules for simple, perfect and progressive tense, as well as working on the active and passive voice. Yesterday, we reflected closely on Juliet’s response to hearing the news and looked at her confusion and confliction as we gather oxymorons and even made our own!
Maths - We have continued to master our fraction work, solving problems, converting mixed and improper fractions, comparing and ordering and of course consolidating our arithmetic.
French- This week we have started looking at items around the home in french.
PE- This week we have been working on our racket control and rallying skills in tennis…
Leading Learners
Well done to Cora this week.
Cora, you have been so resilient in your learning and this week we can see how your hard work is paying off! You have persevered with that deep maths learning of new methods, you are retrieving your grammar much more with ease and you have been so determined to complete all your work independently. Your fraction work this week has clicked in to place and you are whizzing through it, as you have such a sound recall of your times tables. We are so proud of your ‘I CAN’ attitude, enthusiasm and determination!
Grateful and Generous stars…
This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that show our two virtues of the half term in their actions. Children who show gratitude for all of their own and other people’s gifts- also regarding other people as precious gifts themsleves, reflecting our school’s mission statement. We will also be spotting children who are generous, who show generosity in their service for others. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Dominic for being Grateful and Generous.
Helpers in the morning
This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:
Erin Esther Ella Riley
Date for the diary- Year 6 Resurrection Assembly is on Friday 11th April.
Friday 21st March Own clothes day and bring an Easter Egg for our Easter Egg raffle.
If your child would like to make a ‘people you love’ planter on Friday 21st March during school, then the payment for this is on ParentPay- it is the perfect time with mother’s day and Easter just around the corner! Final payments are due before Tuesday, this will be when orders are taken and unfortantely no later payments will be accounted for.
Scholastic book fair starts after school on Wednesday19th March- 21st March.
School Leaver Hoodies- a Parent payment of £20 has now been set for all those wanting to purchase a school leavers hoody. These are a great keepsake for the children and usually they request to wear these on their leavers day out ready for a class photo! Top Marques, St Annes, are now expecting you to go in to shop to make sure you get the correct size and let them know what size you want- payment is not needed in the shop this is through ParentPay.
Have a lovely weekend.
We will see you on Monday.
Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker