Year One Weekly Blog - 14th March

Magic moments


Our class liturgy this week was a lovely session, two children chose some lovely items out of our box and formed discussions around them, these items were a heart and a church. We then sang shine Jesus shine together.

We discussed the last supper in RE this week, we spoke about the events that happened before and what came next. We discussed the key events the crucifixion and the resurrection. The children were then able to successfully recall the correct order of events independently and drew some lovely pictures of the last supper.

English and Maths

We have been focusing on the characters in Peter Rabbit this week and using some interesting adjectives to describe them. The children independently wrote some fantastic sentences using our connecting word ‘and’.

In Maths we have continued looking at whole and part numbers. What are the two parts that make a whole? We used our stem sentences to help our fluency and knowledge of number.

Science and Geography

We have had a great week for Science, we have begun learning all about every day materials such as metal, plastic, wood, rock and paper. The children used some of these materials to create a collage and we spent some time thinking about our senses and how we would think like a Scientist to describe the properties of these materials. I was SO impressed with some of the vocabulary that the children came up with.
Conversation starter : Can you remember what the words transparent and opaque mean?

We began learning about the equator in Geography, we learnt that it is an imaginary line that cuts the Earth in half and that it is the hottest part of the Earth. We looked at where some animals might live on the Earth, do they live somewhere hot? Where would that be on the Earth? If they live somewhere cold, where would that be on the Earth?
Conversation starter : Can you remember the colour chart for our Earth? What do the colours represent? Which is at the top? In the middle? At the bottom?

Forest School

To end our week nicely, today we were invited by Mrs Lavelle to have our first class session in the forest school! We joined her for a play on the field, we listened to a story around the firepit and ended by toasting some marshmallows and drinking some hot chocolate! The children had a lovely afternoon.

Going Deeper…

My Happy Mind - our lesson this week focused on “Active Listening”, this helps us to understand people and get along with them. We learnt the checklist to ensure that we are using our active listening skills: make eye contact, smile, no distractions, remember what is said, ask questions and clarify. We took part in Chinese whispers to test these skills, when we started out in small groups we were able to listen really well, but as these groups got bigger we weren’t able to manage our distractions as well.

Conversation starter : How well have you been listening recently? Why does this matter?

Lets celebrate!

Well done to our certificate winner this week, we have had a brave and enthusiastic learner in Nellie. You have worked brilliantly this week and we are very proud of you, keep it up.

Our Virtue Star this week goes to…. Poppy! You have been so grateful and generous all week, super focused and ready to learn! You are always making the right choices, Well done!

Finally, myself, Mrs Maano and Mrs Ely would like to celebrate the whole year one class… your bravery and enthusiasm at Marine Hall on Tuesday was absolutely fantastic. We are so so proud of what you achieved and we loved watching you dance away confidently on stage.

Important information and reminders.

A reminder that our Phonics Stay and Play sessions are being held on Monday (2.15pm) and Tuesday (9am) this upcoming week. Please fill in the form below to let me know whether you are able to make it. This will be a great session to show you how you can support your child with their phonics at home.

As I’m sure you are all aware, Mother’s Day is very soon! I would love it if you could all send me your favourite picture of you (mums) and your child to my email by the end of next week (21st), but preferably beforehand for a special Mothers’ Day surprise :

Mrs Mather has requested that if you buy newspapers, when you are finished with them please could you send these into school for the children to use in their art lesson next week. Thank you!

Friday 21st March - is own clothes day and bring an Easter Egg for the Easter Raffle. Also on this day, Greg Anderson from Lytham Hall will be joining us in school to help the children make a ‘People we love’ planter. These are optional to be made and will cost £6 to cover the cost of the experience. Mrs Nel will pop it on Parent Pay and if you would like your child to be part of it, we will take payment as confirmation. The cut off date for this is Tuesday.

Some dates for your diaries:.

  • Own clothes day for Easter Eggs - Friday 21st March

  • Year One class assembly Tuesday 25th March 9.15am

  • School pictures - Wednesday 2nd April

  • Family Mass - Sunday 6th April

  • Finish for Easter Friday 11th April at 2pm

I hope you have an enjoyable and restful week and look forward to seeing you on Monday!