A lovely calm week at nursery. We have completed our Spring display and it looks magnificent. Take a look!
Springtime has arrived!!
During Lent we are making more time to connect with Jesus by praying more often.
We began the week by finding out more about Jesus’s journey to the cross. We read a short story and then thought how it made us feel. The children used words like “sad”, “worried” and that “it made my tummy feel funny”. Over the next few week we intend to delve deeper into the Easter Story to try and understand why? Click here to watch a short video.
On Monday we will be visiting the stations of the cross which are now hanging in the hall.
For the next three Thursday’s we are fortunate to have Miss Amy come to nursery to deliver some dance classes. We are all very excited. Thank you Miss Amy we had a wonderful time!
Emma’s Blog
Hello everyone,
What a wonderful week we have had. We have has so much fun!
Firstly, the children have been on a secret mission, making lots of exciting and wonderful surprises for Mother’s Day. We have been talking about what our mummies favourite colours are, and what our mummy looks like. I can't wait for you to see what your child has made for you, its going to be so special.
To continue our thread learning about change, we have started to explore the weather, how it changes throughout the day and the year. This links perfectly with the magnificent weather station which Michelle has started to make with the children.
We have also started to make parts of a giant weather wheel for a display in nursery. The children have made a sun, some clouds, wind and rain so we can observe changes in the weather throughout the day. Each morning and afternoon, we are going to track on the chart to see what the weather is doing…we are hoping that there is no snow! The children are finding this very interesting. Soon the children will be making their own individual weather wheels, so they can keep a check of the weather at homme too.
Here is a video about the weather, enjoy. Click here.
Have a lovely weekend everyone, and see you all next week.
Michelle’s Blog
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.
We continue our theme of ‘changes’ in the seasons as we investigated and explored the weather
First we learnt some new words to describe the weather that we see. We then wondered how we could remember what the weather is like every day. We designed a wonderful weather machine to catch rainfall. The children had lots of ideas of how they wanted to build it and what they wanted it to do.
I am sure you will agree that it looks quite glorious.
The plan is now to look at the weather and the changes that happen right before our eyes every day.
Maybe you could keep a weather diary at home
Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week
Read, Write Inc.
We managed to finish the rest of the speed sounds we didn’t do last week. Also, keep a look out for your child’s writing practice sheets. Everyone is working hard to remember the sounds and the rhyme that helps us to write them.
Click here for ‘th’
Click here for ‘y’
Numberblocks- Ice and Dice
One, Two and Three use a dice-making machine to figure out how to give everyone a fair go. They explore the properties of dice and mathematical fairness. Have you got any dice games at home?
Click here to watch.
Forest School
Last Friday we went to forest school. We went on a trip to the poly tunnel to see if there was any signs of growth and then explored the school garden to look at all the spring flowers.
We then sat around the fire pit to listen to a story about a daffodil, sing songs whilst Miss Lavelle played the ukulele and then ate pancakes and marshmallows followed by a nice cup of hot chocolate! Mmmmmmmm.
Easter Events!!!
On Friday 21st March - own clothes day and bring an Easter Egg for the Easter Raffle. Also on this day, Greg Anderson from Lytham Hall will be joining us in school to help the children make a ‘People we love’ planter. These are optional to be made and will cost £6 to cover the cost of the experience. Mrs Nel has popped it on Parent Pay and if you would like your child to be part of it, we will take payment as confirmation. So many have already paid - thank you! Greg will talk the children through the different plants used and each child will make it for someone they love.
Please note that payments must be made on Parent Pay by Tuesday 18th March
As usual nursery and school have been very busy; it is a community full of love, learning and fun!
Have a fantastic weekend everyone and I will see you all on Monday.
Stay safe and God bless