There has been a lot of deep thinking in our class this week. In our RE sessions we have been thinking about works of mercy. These are acts that we do because we are Christian such as helping others, forgiving, being grateful and saying sorry. We have also reflected on our gospel for the forthcoming Sunday about the Transfiguration and how this encourages us to have faith in Jesus. We sung, ‘Make me a channel of your peace,’ and discussed how the words show we strive to be a vessel of Jesus - encouraging others and bringing hope.
We have been working so hard on the opening and finale of our Shakespeare. We had a director visit on Monday to give it the ‘ok!’ You are in for a real treat and it is great to see all children’s confidence grow. In maths we have focused on divisibility rules for 3, 6 and 9. We are loving our Brer Rabbit folk tales in English.
In History, we have invented our Anglo-Saxon society which the children have named Riverton. We have learned about the way of life of this civilisation and how they supported each other in their mini communities.
Conversation starters
What was an Anglo-Saxon village like? How did the families live?
My Happy mind
How can you be a channel of peace, encouraging others?
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, the learning certificate goes to Rodnie. Another double whammy certificate of Lizzie Ladybird and Cooper Crab! You improve every time you do something! You are so attentive and focused in lessons. Thank you!
This half term are virtues are Grateful and Generous . Grateful for themselves, for others and for their experiences in life and generous to others. This week Bea receives the star for being so generous with her love. You are always so olite and you are a caring, beautiful person.
Tuesday 18th March - Third Reconciliation session 3:30-4:20 just for children this week. Please complete Making things Right booklet up to p28
Shakespeare Playmaking festival Thursday 20th March EARLY START - 8:30am at school
Children can come in their PE kit on Thursday. They will need their school bag - they can bring fiddle toys, colouring books/ quiz books/drawing books and colours. They will need a water bottle and all children must have back shoes (jazz shoes/pumps/trainers or school shoes)
Friday 21st March Own clothes day and bring an Easter Egg for our Easter Egg raffle. Also on this day, Greg Anderson from Lytham Hall will be joining us in school to help the children make a ‘People we love’ planter. These are optional to be made and will cost £6 to cover the cost of the experience. Mrs Nel has popped it on Parent Pay and if you would like your child to be part of it, please pay by Tuesday next week.
So many have already paid - thank you! Greg will talk the children through the different plants used and each child will make it for someone they love.
Monday 24th March Gawthorpe hall trip - EARLY START 8:20 at school
Tuesday 25th March. 6pm - Reconciliation in church. Please could children arrive in full school uniform (not PE kits) at 5:45
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Lyons and Miss Bray