This week...

A sunny week at nursery! It was positively tropical on Thursday, fingers crossed it continues.

I think the sunshine prompted a delivery of sand for big digging outside. Everyone got stuck in to barrow the sand to the sand pit, all hands to the deck including Reception and Mrs. Gregan. We are having another ton delivered next week! We will have more sand than Blackpool beach!


Over the past week we have been visiting the chapel as part of our pilgrimage to the cross. On Wednesday we read the Gospel which was the parable of the fig tree. Click here to watch. We asked the question; what was wrong with the fig tree?. The fig tree represents God’s people- that is all of us. We are all called to change: to grow and enrich the world around us. In other words to love as Jesus loved. Jesus is like the gardener. He is patient and nurtures us to change for the better.


This week we explored what it is to be and artist. We chatted about who does painting and drawing at nursery…that meant we are all artists, but all different kinds of artists. We read the story ‘The Dot’ for inspiration. The Dot by Peter H Reynolds : a wonderful story about art and creativity for kids A Terrific story about a girl called Vashti and an her special teacher who encourages during her art class to make beautiful paintings. Click here to listen.

We were now ready to find out about Wassily Kandinsky. Kandinsky said “everything starts from a dot” and one of his most famous paintings did just that! It was a colour study with squares and concentric circles…Kandinsky loved colour and so do we! We decided that everyone would paint a Kandinsky style painting starting with a dot. We would then join them all together to create one huge colour study with squares and concentric circles. It is well on its way to being completed…watch this space.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone, 

We have had a fantastic week again of fun, learning and more sunshine.

The children have been doing lots of investigating in the garden. As spring has now arrived, it seems there are lots of mini beasts starting to move into our garden. The children have found spiders, millipedes, some baby worms and some juicy big ones (I think the nursery garden must have great soil!).

The children are not afraid of picking the mini beasts up and observing them close up. I can't wait to see what others minibeasts come to join our garden as the weather starts to get warmer. Here's a mini beast guessing game, enjoy. Click here.

We have been ‘having a go’ (like Tommy Turtle) at writing our new letter sounds for our floor book. Some of the sounds have been very tricky, but I think the children have a few favourites that they like to write, such as v and w. The children have been really trying, and have been proud of their achievements. Well done everybody, but keep practising.

The children have been very busy creating their own weather wheel this week, just like the interactive big one on display in nursery. It has been lovely to see the children’s understanding and interpretation of what the children’s knowledge about our wonderful British weather and how it can be represented as an image.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, and see you all Monday.


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

We have continued our investigations this week into ‘changes’ as we have used our weather machine to explore the weather each day. We have noticed that we haven't collected any rain this week but it has been sunny and windy. We hoped that we get some rain soon as we know our plants in the garden need sun and rain to grow.

We have enjoyed using our imaginations in the role play area, both inside and out. Imaginative play is so important for the children to explore their world and to work out their place in it. It's also lots of fun dressing up. Maybe you could have fun at home dressing up 

We have also worked hard building obstacle courses in the garden to practice our jumping and landing. Then Mr Nay taught us how to roll the balls along the floor in PE, we were very good at it, he said. We are really looking forward to Sports Day this year.

Such a busy week. Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.


Parish Coffee Morning

On Friday a small group of children popped to the Parish Centre to have a drink and biscuit with our parishioners. We did some colouring and had a lovely chat.


On Monday another small group of children will be joining Year 6 and Reception at Mass in church. This will be the first visit of the year for nursery.

Book Fair

Don’t forget that the Book Fair is in school on Monday and Tuesday. There will also be a 2nd hand book stall. If you have any books that you would like to donate to the sale, please do bring them in on Monday.

Sports Day

I know Sports Day is always a popular date for your calendar, so I am giving your plenty of notice to organise your own calendar.

EYFS (Nursery & Reception) - Wednesday 11th June pm

Little Hearts Matter

As you are aware a couple of weeks ago we had our ‘Dress Up’ charity event. We have all been so very pleased to have heard back from the Little Hears Matter Charity. We received a lovely thank you letter and a certificate of fundraising. This is down to all our wonderful and generous families, thank you again.


Thank you everyone!

What a fabulous end to an already fabulous week!

I hope that everyone has a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday. Pray for sunshine.

Stay safe and God bless.


This week...

A lovely calm week at nursery. We have completed our Spring display and it looks magnificent. Take a look!

Springtime has arrived!!


During Lent we are making more time to connect with Jesus by praying more often.

We began the week by finding out more about Jesus’s journey to the cross. We read a short story and then thought how it made us feel. The children used words like “sad”, “worried” and that “it made my tummy feel funny”. Over the next few week we intend to delve deeper into the Easter Story to try and understand why? Click here to watch a short video.

On Monday we will be visiting the stations of the cross which are now hanging in the hall.


For the next three Thursday’s we are fortunate to have Miss Amy come to nursery to deliver some dance classes. We are all very excited. Thank you Miss Amy we had a wonderful time!

Emma’s Blog

Hello everyone,

What a wonderful week we have had. We have has so much fun!

Firstly, the children have been on a secret mission, making lots of exciting and wonderful surprises for Mother’s Day. We have been talking about what our mummies favourite colours are, and what our mummy looks like. I can't wait for you to see what your child has made for you, its going to be so special.

To continue our thread learning about change, we have started to explore the weather, how it changes throughout the day and the year. This links perfectly with the magnificent weather station which Michelle has started to make with the children.

We have also started to make parts of a giant weather wheel for a display in nursery. The children have made a sun, some clouds, wind and rain so we can observe changes in the weather throughout the day. Each morning and afternoon, we are going to track on the chart to see what the weather is doing…we are hoping that there is no snow! The children are finding this very interesting. Soon the children will be making their own individual weather wheels, so they can keep a check of the weather at homme too.

Here is a video about the weather, enjoy. Click here.

Have a lovely weekend everyone, and see you all next week.


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

We continue our theme of ‘changes’ in the seasons as we investigated and explored the weather 

First we learnt some new words to describe the weather that we see. We then wondered how we could remember what the weather is like every day. We designed a wonderful weather machine to catch rainfall. The children had lots of ideas of how they wanted to build it and what they wanted it to do.

I am sure you will agree that it looks quite glorious.

The plan is now to look at the weather and the changes that happen right before our eyes every day. 

Maybe you could keep a weather diary at home 

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week 


Read, Write Inc.

We managed to finish the rest of the speed sounds we didn’t do last week. Also, keep a look out for your child’s writing practice sheets. Everyone is working hard to remember the sounds and the rhyme that helps us to write them.

Click here for ‘th’

Click here for ‘y’

Numberblocks- Ice and Dice

One, Two and Three use a dice-making machine to figure out how to give everyone a fair go. They explore the properties of dice and mathematical fairness. Have you got any dice games at home?

Click here to watch.

Forest School

Last Friday we went to forest school. We went on a trip to the poly tunnel to see if there was any signs of growth and then explored the school garden to look at all the spring flowers.

We then sat around the fire pit to listen to a story about a daffodil, sing songs whilst Miss Lavelle played the ukulele and then ate pancakes and marshmallows followed by a nice cup of hot chocolate! Mmmmmmmm.

Easter Events!!!

On Friday 21st March - own clothes day and bring an Easter Egg for the Easter Raffle. Also on this day, Greg Anderson from Lytham Hall will be joining us in school to help the children make a ‘People we love’ planter. These are optional to be made and will cost £6 to cover the cost of the experience. Mrs Nel has popped it on Parent Pay and if you would like your child to be part of it, we will take payment as confirmation. So many have already paid - thank you! Greg will talk the children through the different plants used and each child will make it for someone they love.

Please note that payments must be made on Parent Pay by Tuesday 18th March

As usual nursery and school have been very busy; it is a community full of love, learning and fun!

Have a fantastic weekend everyone and I will see you all on Monday.

Stay safe and God bless


This week

Wow, what a week! We have all been so very busy!

Our Spring walk

On Monday we went on a spring walk looking for signs of Spring. We were looking closely for any differences in the nursery garden and around the school. We spotted sticky buds on the trees, lots of daffodils, crocus, and hyacinths growing every where, we even heard bird song. Click here to watch a short video.

We decided that we would paint spring flower pictures for a display in nursery. We also thought it would be a good idea to put blossom on the winter branches we have in our classroom. Watch this space, our display will be ready for next week. Perhaps you could look for signs of spring in your garden.

Shrove Tuesday

On Tuesday we found out about Shrove Tuesday. We talked about getting ready for Lent and why we eat pancakes. Click here to watch a short video.

In the afternoon we made our own dough and practiced tossing pancakes in the garden. They went everywhere, even on a friends head. It was such great fun!

At snack time we ate some real pancakes ( not the ones that had been on the floor!). We sprinkled sugar and lemon on them…they were yummy! Mmmmmm!

Ash Wednesday

On Wednesday we started our journey to the cross. We read the Gospel about Jesus being tempted in the desert. We learned that after being baptised by John the Baptist, Jesus was tempted by the devil after 40 days and nights of fasting in the desert. The tempter then departed and Jesus returned to Galilee to begin his ministry. click here to watch a short video.

When Mrs. Gregan and the school came back from Mass we all received our Ashes. Father Peter said the ashes mark on our forehead was like a badge to show everyone that we were Christians…a bit like our Team Jesus badges.

After lunch we swapped our Lenten Boxes with our partner class (Year 3).We are hopeful that we can have another bumper year collecting for Cafod.

Story time at the library

Also on Wednesday we all took a trip to St Annes library for story time. We lsitened to lots of stories but our favourites were:

The Whales on the bus- click here

The Suitcase- click here

Read Write Inc

We been so busy this week we have not managed to meet our next set of sounds! We have so many to remember now it would be great if you could keep practising at home. Click below to find our what Geraldine Giraffe has to say.

j - click here

v - click here

w - click here

Wolfs coming!

Our favourite story ever! When we went for our Spring walk we played wolf’s coming in the school castle. When the children heard ‘wolf’s coming we had to all run the the castle and hide….arghhhhh!

If you haven’t read the story click here

Our Charity Dress up week!

Such a joyous, fabulous week and that is down to all of you! Thank you SO VERY MUCH. Everyone had enjoyed dressing up this week and we have been blown away by your generosity. We have raised £289.42 for the Little Hearts Matter Charity, which is truly fantastic.

About Little Hearts Matter

Little Hearts Matter is the only charity in the UK dedicated to supporting and empowering anyone affected by the diagnosis of a single ventricle heart condition – or half a working heart. They support families along every step of their journey, from initial diagnosis, through treatments and into life at home.

Their mission is to provide a support and information service that reduces the isolation, fear and the lack of understanding experienced by families when a child is diagnosed with having half a working heart.

Your kindness and willingness to get involved will help this wonderful charity to support children just like our friend Annie.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone, 

We have had a wonderful week and the weather as been great the sun has been shining, which has been great for learning outside.

We have been on spring walks to the library, looking for signs of spring, and to top it off, the children have had a fantastic week dressing up for Annie's charity, Little Hearts Matter. Thank you everyone for joining in. It has been lovely seeing all the children dressed up as different characters, from cheeky monkeys, a nurse, super heroes to princesses and many more.

Thank you nursery children, and year 3, for the wonderful Lenten boxes. The children are so grateful for their boxes, and can't wait to fill them with money for being helpful at home.

 We have been looking at our new number 6 this week, and the children have been rolling the big dice to find number 6. They had a go at copying the 6 pattern on the dice on to paper using dabber pens. It was tricky as the children got a little carried away with the experience of using the pens.

Here is a matching number game, enjoy!  Click here

Have a lovely weekend, and keep your fingers crossed for the sun to stay out. 

See you all next week  


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

We have had such a glorious week dressing up each day for the charity Little Hearts Matter. Thank you all for your generous donations and we have loved all your costumes.

We have had a really busy week! We met with our partner class Year 3 to swap our Lenten boxes for the children to collect their Lenten promises.

We have enjoyed lots of stories this week, including stories at St Annes library.

We have continued to practise recognising the patterns on the dice as we played snakes and ladders. We have also had fun working on maths stories trying to make 6 lots of different ways.

Our learning continued as we learnt new letter sounds. We have nearly learnt all of them, thank you to everyone who is supporting the children at home with this.

On Wednesday we joined up with Reception for our Workout Wednesday as we built big obstacle courses in both our garden and the Reception garden too. 

We continue to practice our funky fingers as this week we tried a Buzz Wire game where we had to have a steady hand and not set the buzzer off. It was very tricky so we are going to keep practicing.

We finished the week by going on a nature walk and looking for signs of spring. We were excited to see lots of flowers popping up all around school. We can't wait to get busy gardening so we can plant some more.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.


World Book Day

World Book Day 2025 took place this Thursday!

It is an annual celebration of authors, illustrators, books and the joy of reading.

World Book Day provides a fantastic opportunity to focus on reading for pleasure, and by embedding a habit of reading that brings a wide range of benefits.

We had a great day reading our favourite stories and our partner class even came to join in the fun after lunch!

Phew! I wasn’t joking when I said we had a busy week!

I think everyone has earned a well deserved rest this weekend. Fire up the BBQ if the sun shines.

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.

Stay safe and God bless


This week....

Welcome back everyone. It was so lovely yo see the children’s happy faces coming into nursery. I hope you are all well rested as we lots planned for this half term. Our planning was posted on the blog before half term. It helps you to get involved with our learning at home.

A glorious week of sunshine ( maybe just a little bit of inclement weather!) We have taken full advantage of it and spent lots of time in the garden. We are beginning to spot changes occurring too…the garden is coming alive! Next week we have a Spring hunt all around the school. We will be looking for clues that warmer weather is on it’s way. Watch this space!


This week we have taken the time to reflect on the virtues for this half term…Generous and Grateful. We had a long discussion about what we were grateful for in our lives and how could we be generous with our selves. The children came up with some good ideas that always revolves around being kind and loving, so important. We thought about being generous with our time, not thinking about ourselves first, sharing, in fact everything that being part of Team Jesus should be. I am so very proud.

2025 is a year of Jubilee, and the holy Father chose the theme of “Pilgrims of Hope”. It is a time to re-establish a proper relationship with God, with one another, and with all of creation. As Doors of Hope are popping up all over the school we decided to go on our own Pilgrimage of Hope, and to visit all the doors around school. We made a ‘staff of hope’ and carried a candle to light the way to God. We started with the Worship area which as been decorated for the Jubilee. Take a look at our pictures.

Meet Number 6

The Numberblocks make a new friend who likes to roll dice, and with Six in the mix, everything is a game. Learn all about the number 6 with Numberblock Six. Click here to watch.

We have spent lots of time this week recognising the dots on the dice without having to count them (subitising dice patterns for example, ‘I see three spots without counting’) as well as counting from 1-6 using 1-1 correspondence (match one number to each object). This can be tricky as sometimes there is a temptation to race ahead. We have also been learning the number names in order.

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

It was so nice to see everyone's smiling faces on Tuesday morning as we came back from the half term break. I hope you all had a peaceful and relaxing week, despite the rainy weather.

This week we have continued with our learning as we practiced counting to five, ordering numbers to five and meeting Number block number 6.

We have also continued to develop our fine motor skills by playing a game with pegs. This will help us to develop the muscles in our hands needed to hold a pencil correctly.

On Tuesday we tried to think of words beginning with the letter sounds 's'. We explored the sound bag for 's' and then made a snake as we drew the letter on our friends back 'slither down the snake'

Thank you for sending in your Lenten boxes, we will be swapping them with our friends in our partner class next week.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week 


Emma’s Blog

Hello everyone, and welcome back. I hope you all had a fantastic half term. 

 Firsty, can I say a big thank you for coming to parent's day. It was lovely talking to you all.

 The children have got right back into learning and have been having so much fun.

 On Wednesday, in PE, Mr Nay had us working hard on our ball skills, by throwing balls into buckets, which was tricky. The children loved having a go.

He also played a game like dodge ball, where he rolled lots of balls towards the children when they were walking across the playground. The children had to reach the other side without the ball touching their feet. The children were really good at this and it was Mr Nay who found it tricky trying and get them.

I had a challenge for the children this week. I put a jar with some cars in it out in nursery. The children had to look in the jar and estimate (good word) how many cars they thought were in it. It was tricky but the children enjoyed having a go and we had a range of estimations…only two children got it right…there were 6 cars in the jar. We are now going to make an estimation station so that we can play every day!

 Have a lovely weekend, and see you all on Monday morning.


Workout Wednesday

From this week, every Wednesday will be ‘workout Wednesday’ After lunch nursery and reception are going to come together and practise our gross motor skills. We have planned parachute work, friendship band work and large equipment, the list has become endless. Again watch this space.


Next week is Dress up week!!!!Every day the children and nursery staff can come to school in fancy dress and pay £1 for each day. If you can give more that would be fantastic!

We are hoping to collect donations that we can gift to the Little Hearts Matter charity. LHM is there for families like Annie’s, our nursery friend, to support them though every step of their half a heart journey, we want to help.

Everything they do at Little Hearts Matter is made possible through the support and generosity from people like you. So let’s make this event fun and helpful. Thank you in anticipation.

Lenten boxes

As in previous years we are asking each child during half term to make and decorate a Lenten box. We will then swap them with our partner class (YR3) in readiness to take home and fill as part of our Lenten almsgiving, the children did lots of helpful activities at home to earn money for their boxes. Last year was a bumper year, we collected lots of money to donate to worthy causes. All boxes should be in school by Monday 3rd March.

As you can see we have managed to cram five days worth of learning into four days…phew! Next week is looking like being just as busy.

I hope the sun continues to shine for the weekend and that you have somelovely family time.

Stay safe and God Bless


This week...

We have reached Spring half term already, hasn’t it gone quickly? It has been such a busy six weeks, as we do just as much work as we would do in an eight week half term…but we do have lots of fun.

When we return after the holiday we will be exploring ‘changes’ which occur in our environments- Spring, weather, habitats and the natural world to name a few. We will also be going on the journey to Easter along with the whole school community, finishing with Holy week on the last week of the term. This is always an emotional time for the children and the staff. Click on the button below to see our planning.


This weeks Gospel talked about ‘trust’ (Luke 6:17,20-26). We discussed that there can be lots of things that can trouble our hearts but trusting in God frees us from worrying in this life and assures us of a life forever with God… Jesus wants us to trust in God.

We then sang a new song called ‘I trust in Him’. Click here to sing at home

This week Steph read a story about ‘The Big Umbrella’ that liked to gather people underneath in…no matter who you are. Click here. It reminded us how Jesus gathers us all in too…we could be gathers of people and follow Jesus. It is a wonderful story and opens up some great discussion. Steph and the children have made an umbrella to hang in nursery with us all safely gathered in. Take a look.

Lenten boxes

As in previous years we are asking each child during half term to make and decorate a Lenten box. We will then swap them with our partner class (YR3) in readiness to take home and fill as part of our Lenten almsgiving, the children did lots of helpful activities at home to earn money for their boxes. Last year was a bumper year, we collected lots of money to donate to worthy causes. All boxes should be in school by Monday 3rd March. Good luck and enjoy!

Online Safety week

All this week we have been talking about the digital world from how to stay safe online to how much screen time we should all have. We watched a short video about Smartie the penguin and his new birthday present. We learnt a rhyme about what to do if something worries us online. Click here and then scroll down to access the EYFS A and B stories.

Parents here’s a link you may find useful too, click here.

Little Hearts Matter

This week I sent home an invitation to take part in our charity event- Dress up Week- week commencing 3rd March. Every day that week the children and nursery staff can come to school in fancy dress and pay £1 for each day. If you can give more that would be fantastic!

We are hoping to collect donations that we can gift to the Little Hearts Matter charity. LHM is there for families like Annie’s, our nursery friend, to support them though every step of their half a heart journey, we want to help.

Everything they do at Little Hearts Matter is made possible through the support and generosity from people like you. So let’s make this event fun and helpful. Thank you in anticipation.

Click on the button below to hear from Annie.

Forest school

Last Friday it was our turn to go to forest school…such great fun. We made a huge den to sit inside and sing songs and play musical instruments, Miss Lavelle even played her ukulele. We then made pop corn over the fire pit and drank hot chocolate. Take a look

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone, 

This week has been about online safety week. We have been looking at how we can be safe on our tablets, and what to do if something goes wrong, or we click on something we shouldn't. We now know we have to tell a grown up. Here is a short video about how to be safe. Click here.

The children have decided to take their learning outside by practicing writing letter sounds on the ground with chalk. Some of the children made tracks for their friends to follow and to find 'x marks the spot'. The children have been imagining there was gold, money, or chocolate treasure to find.

The children have also been practicing fundamental movement skills by kicking, throwing underarm and overarm, and catching balls with each other. It is all quite tricky, but the children love ‘having a go’ like Tommy Turtle. The children love Mr. Nay and Mr. Murray’s PE class.

The children really love a book called Wolfs Coming, and Barbara set up a small world area with the theme of the book. I brought a game in, where a wolf is hiding in the bin. The children had to get the rubbish out of the bin without waking the wolf, but if he woke up, he would jump out at you! The children loved playing the game, and so did the nursery ladies.

Have a lovely half term see you all in a week.


Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog. We have had a shorter week this week, but I think we have still managed to pack in lots of learning.

We have explored numbers this week, practising our counting and ordering skills. We love a challenge and this week the challenge has been to put the numbers in the right order. Some of the children found this tricky, so any practice they can get at home will be hugely beneficial. Here are some games to try at home over half term. Click here.

In Prayer and Liturgy this week, our word of the week was Love. The children were very passionate as they talked about the people that they love. We also painted hearts and shared some sweets with one of our friends who needs a little help with her heart. We were excited to discover that for World Book Day we can dress up all week, with donations going to help other children who need a little help with their hearts too. We had some very animated conversations about costumes, I can’t wait to see everyone in their finery. We watched the Love Monster who had a little trouble sharing. Click here.

Have a lovely half term everyone.


Lastly, don’t forget that school doesn’t open until Tuesday 25th February, we will see you then

Have a restful week with your loved ones.

Stay safe and God bless


This week...

A great week at nursery! We have been busy tidying the garden in preparation for planting in a few weeks. We have also noticed signs of Spring! We have noticed the daffodils and snowdrops in the nursery garden…warmer days are on the way.


In this weeks Gospel we explored the word ‘follow’ and what Jesus is asking when he said to Peter that they should be fishers of people. We read from Luke 5:1-11and watched a short video to help us understand the miraculous catch of fish the fishermen landed after following Jesus’ instructions click here to watch. We discussed what a ‘miracle’ is (an unusual or wonderful event that is believed to be caused by the power of God) and if have ever witnessed one.

We learnt that it is important to make the right choice about who or what we follow. Jesus asks each and everyone of us to make following Him our most important priority and that is what we have tried to do this week.

Spa afternoon

On Wednesday afternoon we had a relaxing spa afternoon. We transformed nursery into a Zen area with candles lavender diffusers and dimmed lights. We started by engaging in mindfulness and yoga activities. We then took turns to soak our feet in warm bubbly water and massage our friends hands with soothing hand cream. Everyone was beginning to feel a bit sleepy so we laid down on squishy mats, closed our eyes and placed cool slices of cucumber on them whilst listening to tranquil music….it was sooooo lovely. I hope everyone had a good nights sleep.

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog 

We have had such a lovely, chilled week this week as we have enjoyed our very own spa day. This was a lovely experience for the children as we  pampered our friends with a hand massage.

We have continued to develop our fundamental movement skills in PE, concentrating this week on throwing and catching and hopping.

Hopping on one leg is really tricky. Why don't you challenge your child to a hopping race. You can do this anywhere and it's giving your child some much needed practice.

We have also met some new letter sounds this week and have worked hard d to remember these. We have also had time to practice writing these sounds as well.

Our learning has continued as we consolidated our understanding of number five. We have had a go at throwing the dice and saying which number it lands on without counting the spots. This is tricky so any games involving using a dice will help your child to subitise.

Finally, thank you to everyone who has booked appointments for Parents Day on the 14th February. If you haven't, then I do still have a couple of slots available.

Have a lovely weekend 


Emma’s blog

Hello everyone, 

We have had a fabulous week of learning. The children have had fun making 5 with their fingers, working out that we can make 5 in different ways. For example 2 on one hand and 3 fingers on the other hand make 5, or 4 and 1 make 5.

The children have been giving each other high 5s, and they have even been drawing around their hands and printing high 5s on their floor book, which looks great. Here is a game I think you will like. Can you feed the teddy 5 or less cakes. Click here.

I'm looking forward to showing you the children’s floor book on Parents Day, as the children have worked so hard. They have really enjoyed getting involved with their book.

We have also been practicing writing some of the sounds that we are leaning. They are tricky, but the children have enjoyed trying to have a go. It really helps to say the rhymes that go with sounds, as this will help the children to learn to write the letters as well as learning the sounds.

I can't believe next week is our last week before we break up for half term. Time flies when you are having so much fun.

Have a wonderful weekend, and see you all on Monday.


Numberblocks 5- Holes

For the children who are ready for a challenge! Here’s a short video about addition, subtraction and number bonds to 5. Five and friends discover a hole that makes their heads fall off! Learn how to count up and down and how to add to five with this video. Click here.

Parent Day

This term Parent Day is being held on Friday 14th February. Key persons will be available all day (9.00 am - 3.30 pm) so please sign up for a time slot (20 minutes per family) throughout the day. The appointment sheets will be brought out each evening after school. We look forward to seeing you for a catch up.

Read, write Inc.

This week we have met some more sounds e, l, h, sh, r. The children are getting very good at recognizing the sounds and saying them correctly. We practice them every day! We are still trying to write the sounds and the rhymes are helping. Click on the button below for the sounds placemat to have a practice at home. Don’t forget duck fingers to hold the pencil! Now lets see what Geraldine Giraffe has to say..

Click here for ‘e’

Click here for ‘l’

Click here for ‘h’

Click here for ‘sh’

Click here for ‘r’

Forest School is this Friday. We are hoping to make dens and eat pop corn!! Watch for more on this next week.

Half Term holidays.

School and nursery will be closing for half term on Thursday 13th February and reopening on Tuesday 25th February.

Garden shout out!

If anyone has any seeds, plants or shrubs they are willing to donate to the nursery garden we would be most grateful. Thank you in anticipation.

I hope the suns shines this weekend and we can spend lots of time outdoors. Fingers crossed!

Stay safe and God Bless


This week...

A funny sort of week but nonetheless busy! You may have noticed that Frances and Emma have been missing this week…poorly. The good news is that they are much better. Everyone has been praying for a speedy recovery

Year of Jubilee 'Pilgrims of Hope’

Every 25 years, we have a Jubilee Year, a moment of significance in the Church when we refocus and open ourselves to special graces. This Jubilee Year is entitled ‘Pilgrims of Hope’. It started on 24th December 2024 with the opening of the Holy Door in Rome. In school we have decided to changes our classrooms doors into Holy Doors of Hope. This week nursery completed their door…take a look, we are very proud.

Next week we ‘hope’ to take a ‘pilgrimage’ to look at everyone else’s door. If you would like to find out more and join our Pilgrimage click here.

Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog 

We have had such a busy week. This week we met number 5 and have explored how many ones are in five. 

We have also found out about how letters are delivered. We wrote 2 letters, one to Barbara and one to Mrs Gregan last week and we walked to the post box to post them. They were both surprised and delighted to receive their letters in the post.

It has been Chinese New Year this week and we couldn't resist the chance to try some Chinese food and to dress up as we performed a dragon dance.

Mr Murray worked us hard in PE as he taught us how to throw overarm . He was very impressed with our throwing skills 

In worship we continue to learn how simple acts of everyday kindness really do help make the world a better place. See if you can catch your child being kind this weekend.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week 


Meet Number 5

We have had great fun meeting 5 this week.

Five arrives to get the band together-and gets the party started-with a big high five!

We learnt:

  • that 5 is one more than four

  • to count objects to 5

  • to subitise 5 objects

  • to line up and order 1to 5 in order

We also started to look at more number bonds.

4 and 1 equals 5

3 and 2 equals 5

4 ones equals 5

We are now practising writing the number 5. Here’s the rhyme to help you.

5-Down and round then line up high, high five. Don’t forget to keep practising the numbers 0-4 too!!!

Chinese New Year

This week we have been finding out about Chinese New Year. We learnt that Chinese New Year is the biggest holiday celebrated among Chinese people. It is often referred to as the spring festival because it signals the beginning of spring. It is a time when families and friends get together to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new. We then celebrated by eating Fortune Cookies and prawn crackers….mmmmm yummy! We even made red (a lucky colour) Chinese Lanterns.

Then we did a Chinese Dragon Dance…such great fun! Take a look at the photos! We were having so much fun Mrs Gregan had to pop in to see what it was all about!

We had so much fun we asked Reception and yr3 to join us. Year 3 played the music for us and we danced, watch our video below:

Parent Day

This term Parent Day is being held on Friday 14th February. Key persons will be available all day (9.00 am - 3.30 pm) so please sign up for a time slot (20 minutes per family) throughout the day. The appointment sheets will be brought out each evening after school. We look forward to seeing you for a catch up.

Book bags

Could I remind everyone not to bring back packs to nursery as they are causing a blockage in the nursery entrance. A blue Our Lady book bag fits neatly into our storage boxes. They can be purchased form Top Marque on Park Road, St Annes. Thank you.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and a well earned rest.

Stay safe and God bless.


This week...

A busy week with lots of new learning opportunities.

Community Coffee Morning

Last Friday a small group of nursery children joined Year 1 to go along to the Coffee Morning at the Parish Centre. What a glorious time we all had. We took some colouring to do alongside the parishioners and we also had orange juice and home made biscuits, which were delicious! We can’t wait until the next one!

Faith Friends

Faith Friends is a unique project whereby two people of different Faiths work together.

They support schools by bringing the curriculum to life by making connections between life and learning, and also that two people of different faiths, backgrounds and cultures can be Friends thus contributing to community cohesion in school and therefore in the wider community.

The children on Monday joined Reception to listen to Rachael tell us about the Jewish faith.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

We have had a fantastic week of learning.

As part of our topic 'People Who Help Us', we now have a hair salon in nursery. The children have really enjoyed role playing either being a hair stylist, or a client, but the children know we don't actually cut hair, we just do everything else! There have been some crazy hair styles on the children and nursery ladies.

The children have been working their brains, calculating how to make number 4 using 4 number blocks, connecting them together to make the 4 different ways of making the number 4 (number bonds). The children have painted and printed their 4s in our key person floor book and had a go a writing 4 as well! 

The children continue to love dough disco. We have had so much fun together, working the dough in our hands. Dough disco helps to strengthen the children's fine motor muscles to enable them to develop their pencil grip, which in turn will help to develop their writing skills.

Here are some videos to do at home again. Enjoy. Click here and here.

On Monday, a lady called Rachel, from the Jewish Faith friends, came to see the school to talk about the Jewish faith. We were invited, with reception, to meet Rachel. She told us all about the Jewish cap.

We learnt that it's called a kippah and that it is a small, brimless, cloth skullcap worn by Jewish people as a sign of their identity, and to show respect to God. The children took it in turns to try the caps on. Take a look at the he pictures above.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone see you all next week 


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

We have had a very busy week as we now have our very own hairdressers and we have made sure that the nursery ladies look their best.

We have enjoyed PE inside and outside this week. Inside we danced to Sticky Kids. One of the songs involved repairing the road, we had great fun as we had to pretend to be diggers, rollers and dumper trucks.

Such a busy week 

See you all next week 


Sharing love with everyone in our school community

During Prayer and Liturgy this week we learnt more about Jesus' miracles and how he shared 5 loaves and 2 fish with 5000 of his friends. We wanted to share something with our friends in school so we have made heart pictures for each class to share our love. 

People who help us

We continue to explore all the ways in which people can help us. Click here to play the ‘Guess who game’. Enjoy!

Parent Pay

Could everyone please check their child’s school bag as the main office has sent out letters regarding your Parent Pay codes and account; log on to set up your account, you will be able to change your login password. Thank you.

Finally, I am sure you will agree it’s been a fabulous week full of learning and fun.

Have the most wonderful weekend and I will see you on Monday!

Stay safe and God Bless


This week...

A fabulous week! We have continued with our theme of ‘People who help us’. We have already created numerous role play areas: fearless fire fighters, doctors surgery, a bakers, a shop and there is always a home corner, mummies and daddies help us so much.

Next week we are hoping to make a hairdressing salon (don’t panic …no scissors) and a health spa! The children have also asked for a karaoke area, that should be fun!

Numberblocks 4

This week we found out that four is made up of four 1s and 2 sets of 2. We watch a video where four splits and a pair of tricky twins: the Terrible Twos, who decide it's time to tickle their friends to pieces. Click here to watch. Can you think of another way to make four?

My Happy Mind

Understanding Thankfulness

The children understand what gratitude is (we used the word ‘thankfulness’ with the children).

The children understand how it feels when we say thank you andwhen we receive thankfulness.

The children understand why it is important to be thankful.

The key outcome of this lesson is that children understand that being thankful is a really important skill. Being thankful is part of how we show people that we are happy when they help us. It is important to show people that we are happy when they help us, because then they will do it more and more. When we thank someone for helping us it makes them feel happy and it makes us feel happy too. To help us understand more we have made a ‘Thankfulness Tree’. We want to find lots of examples of how it feels to be thankful with the children. Each time we find an example we had a leaf to our tree. We have added lots already, we are hopeful that it will look like a Spring Tree by Easter!

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

We have been having lots of fun growing our brains.

 Shapes, shapes and more shapes. They are everywhere! We have been busy looking for shapes all around nursery, both inside and out. The children have worked out that the tables are circles and that some books are square and some are rectangles! The children have made some fabulous shape pictures by gluing lots of different coloured shapes on to card.

Here is a shape game. Feed the monsters the correct shape. Click here and have fun!  Don’t forget to explore Purple Mash for more shape games!

The children are really enjoying role playing people who help us. Nursery has been turned into a fire station, a doctors surgery, a green grocers, a bakery, a building yard. It's been lovely to watch them coming up with their own ideas and imaginations.

The children have also been drawing different people who help us. We have had fire fighters putting fires out, mummy's that dance, police officers with long arms to stop the bad people, and many more! It has been great listening to the children tell a story about their drawings.

 Have a wonderful weekend. See you all on Monday.


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

We have had such a week as we continued with our theme on People who help us. We have explored our very own fire station, doctors surgery, builders yard and green grocers.

In the green grocers we have consolidated our learning this n number four by filling our baskets with 4 items. We also learnt 4 can be made by 2 and 2.

We are continuing our funky fingers actives to develop our pincer grip ready for writing in Reception. We are also practicing our zips on our coats. Any opportunity you can give your child to try to do their zip is appreciated.

Don’t forget to check Purple Mash for some fun activities to do at home.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.



Everyone has great fun with Emma this week, they were finding shapes everywhere! Why not have a go at home. Check out the game Emma has put on her blog!

Here are a couple from me too!

Click here for ‘What shape can you see?’

If you want a challenge try this game! Click here.


Could I remind everyone to send in one snack per session your child attends please. We encourage fruit and veg only. Thank you.

I think that’s all for this week. Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday for another week full of learning adventures.

Stay safe and God Bless


Welcome to 2025!

Welcome back everyone!

I hope Everyone had a fabulous Christmas and are well rested. We are all raring to get our bodies and brains moving!

My Happy Mind

During this module, the children will learn all about the importance of gratitude, or being thankful. Key learning points include: learning the importance of being thankful and that it helps us and others to feel good. We will experiment with different ways of showing their gratitude. We will start to develop a habit of taking the time to stop and show gratitude as well as learning about the importance of stopping and taking time to be thankful.

Click on the button below to access the Parent Pack

Meet Number 4

This week we met number 4! Four is the new block on the block and can’t wait to share how much he loves to be square! Click here to watch.

We are learning that:

  • 4 is one more that 3

  • counting to 4

  • the structure of 4 as a square number

  • the recognition of 4 items without counting (subitising)

    Look out for the number 4 puzzle to make at home!

Read write Inc.

This week we have been learning some new sounds; c, k, u, b, and f. We have been spotting them everywhere! The tricky part is remembering all the other sounds we learnt before Christmas. Keep having a go at home, it really does help.

Gealdine the giraffe:

for c click here

for k click here

for u click here

for b click here

for f click here

Don’t forget we are only learning Set1 Phonics, don’t be tempted to race ahead! Click here for more information.

People who help us!

This week we have started to explore the world of ‘Fearless Fire Fighters’. We have all been painting fire fighters, a pump engine and of course the hoses. To begin our week we read books about the life if a fire officer and then watched a couple of short videos…then we were off. The construction area quickly became a fire station and the garden our hose pipes put out lots of pretend fires!!! Click here and here to watch at home.

We also made a doctors surgery…great fun!

Snowy Days!

We had great fun in the snow this week…we made a snowman!!

Emma’s Blog

Happy New Year everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.

 The children have got right back into nursery life, and have been enjoying being back with their friends and growing their brains again.

 We enjoyed the snow on Monday, which was still untouched from Sunday in the nursery garden. The children helped to make a snowman, with a hat and a smiley face. We listened to the crunching sounds under their feet as we were playing.

As it is a new term, we have been discussing our new topic 'People who help us'? Firefighters, police officers, doctors, shop assistants, and many more. We played a game where we matched objects to a picture of someone who helps us, for example, bits of rubbish would go with the picture of refuse collectors etc.

The children had a great understanding of how people help us. Here is a video about different people who can help us. Click here.

 We continued our learning by meeting numberblock 4. We found out that 4 blocks can make a square. We also have been learning some new sounds c, k, u, b, f. The children have been enjoying the challenge.

I have set some fun activities on the Purple Mash app. Please have a look, as I can't wait to see your work.

Have a lovely weekend, and I will see you all on Monday for more learning.


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone and welcome back to nursery.

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a lovely time with your family.

We were so excited to start the new year with snow. We made a wonderful snowman in the garden and watched him everyday until he turned into ice.

We loved hearing the children tell us all about their adventures over the Christmas holidays. 

We will be sending home a challenge bag where the children have to build a snowman using tweezers. It would be helpful if you could return this back to nursery at your child's next session. Thank you in advance.

Our learning this half term will be concentrating on our theme of People Who Help Us. We have learnt more about all the important jobs that people do 

We have also learnt that anyone can help somebody else. We can all be kind and make a difference. We watched this video and tried to spot all the acts of kindness. Click here.

This week we have celebrated the feast of Epiphany as we went on our own journey to the worship area where we met the Maji. Epiphany is a Christian festival that takes place just after Christmas, around the 6th of January. The Epiphany story celebrates when the Three Wise Men (sometimes known as the Magi or Three Kings) arrived to see Baby Jesus in Bethlehem. It is also known as Three Kings Day or the Feast of Epiphany and is celebrated in many places around the world.   

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week 


Purple Mash

Purple Mash is a comprehensive suite of online learning tools and content, designed to be used by school and nursery in the classroom and at home. This is a wonderful site, please take full advantage of it! Your login details and how to use the programme will have been sent home. If you have misplaced them or not recieved them let me know.

Also, keep checking regularly as your child’s key person will be setting work for you to do at home (if you want to).


Lastly, can I remind everyone that your child will need one piece of fruit or veg for each session. We have milk and water here or if you prefer you can send a water bottle from home. Please no juice.

As you can see it has been a busy start to 2025, even more learning next week so have a restful weekend and I will see yo on Monday.

Stay safe and God Bless


We wish you a Merry Christmas....

It has been an even busier week than usual. The children are thoroughly exhausted from partying and enjoying all things Christmas.

This week we have made reindeer food, make crispy Christmas pudding cakes and decorated biscuits…mmmmmmm.

Take a look!

Christmas Party

On Thursday we put on our party clothes and joined in the fun along side KS1 and Reception. Such great fun! We even had a visit from a very special person. In the afternoon we had a movie (with popcorn) and continued the fun by playing pin the nose on Rudolf. FABULOUS!!!

A visit from Father Christmas

As always we had a special visitor join our party…yes you guessed, Father Christmas. Everyone was so very excited and he brought everyone a gift too!

It is with a heavy heart that we said goodbye to our wonderful Mrs. Shields today. She has been a huge part of nursery life and she will be missed massively. I am sure you will agree that she deserves a fabulous retirement…she has earned it, no more early starts Mrs. Shields!

A HUGE thank you from everyone, for all your support and hard work over the years.

On behalf of the nursery team, it just remains for me say a big ‘thank you’ to you, our wonderful parents and families, for trusting us with your most precious children; it is a huge privilege. Have a Happy and Holy Christmas, and we will see you on the 6th January 2025.

God Bless and keep each other safe

Barbara, Michelle, Emma, Steph, Justine and Frances.

This week...

An emotional week for everyone as we journey to the stable. The children have been very reflective as we went on our Advent pilgrimage around school. Each station held a piece of the Christmas story which the children were able to describe beautifully.

We also visited the worship area where we discussed the Nativity scene and the Advent wreath. We now have two candles lit, one for ‘hope’ and one for ‘peace’.

Our visit to Clarence House Care Home

On Wednesday along with Reception we visited Clarence House Rest home to deliver cards and gifts to the residents who were so appreciative and touched by such a kind gesture. We also sang the songs from our Christmas Nativity…there was not a dry eye in the house!!

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog 

This week we have enjoyed a trip to visit the residents at Clarence House, where we sang our nativity songs. We hope they enjoyed it as much as we did 

Our learning has continued as we have met number block number 3

We discovered that ‘3’ is everywhere. The 3 little pigs, 3 Billy Goats Gruff, 3 bears and even 3 sides in a triangle. We watched a story about the 3 bears here and discussed all the bad choices Goldilocks made. Click here to watch.

We then had a space hopper race, 1,2,3, go!

In the garden we went on a number hunt to look for number 3, we found lots!!

Why don't you have a number hunt this weekend 

Have a lovely weekend 


Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

I can't believe we only have one week left at nursery before we break up for Christmas. How time flies when we are having so much fun.

 This week, we have been having a go at writing our new letter sounds, i, n, p, g, o. We used the RWI rhymes to help us to write the sounds, using our duck fingers to hold the pen in the correct way. This helps the children to control the pen when forming the letters, as it’s very tricky. All of the children had a really good go. Well done.

We have also been growing our brains learning about shapes. The children have been recognising that there are shapes everywhere around nursery. The children even made shapes using their hands which is very inventive. Here is a shape game for you to play at home. Have a go at feeding the monster the correct shapes. Click here and have fun! 

Lastly, I just wanted to say how proud we were of the all the children on Wednesday. We went to visit Clarence House care home. The children showed such kindness towards the residents, and really enjoyed talking to them. It was lovely to see. 

Have a wonderful weekend. I am looking forward to seeing you all on Monday for our last week before we break up.


Shapes, shapes everywhere.

This week we started to explore shapes. We discussed what makes them special. Is is their sides, corners or curves. We watched short song to help us remember….it even sang about a dodecagon. We counted twelve sides!!!! Click here and here to find out more at home. Enjoy finding shapes around the house, the garden and even when you are out and about. They are absolutely everywhere!!

Meet number 3 - 3 is one more than 2 click here

Three arrives with a bang- and a song and dance about her favourite number 1,2,3, Everybody look at me.

One two three does magic tricks with apples to show the others who goes first, who’s biggest and how to surprise your number friends. Click here.

We are learning:

To count to 3

To compare numbers 1, 2 and 3- bigger and smaller

To order numbers 1-3

To know that 3 is made of 2 and 1

To write number 3- make a curve just like me, then one more and you’ve got 3

Bake off Day

A big thank you to everyone who sent in cakes for our bake off day. We really enjoyed sampling them. The school was full to the brim with cake!!


We visited the chapel to see the last part of our Advent pilgrimage to the stable. We found an empty manger. We talked about the feeling inside of all of us as we patiently wait for the arrival of Jesus on Christmas Day.

Next week…

KS1 Christmas Party is on Thursday 19th 9.30-11.30, and everyone is invited to join us. If it is not your child’s usual session you can drop them off at 9.30 and collect them at 11.30…exhausted! Dust of those dancing shoes children it is always a noisy but fun couple of hours.

KS2 is holding their Christmas Carol Service on Monday 16th December at church at 2.00pm and 6.00pm. It is always a beautiful service and well worth attending. It fills your heart with the spirit of Christmas. I hope to see you there.

On Friday 20th December school and nursery will close at 2pm for the Christmas holidays.

Keep a look out for your Christmas Taskmaster activity sheet…for those quiet moments!!!!!

Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday.

Stay safe and God Bless


This week...

Another fabulous week at nursery!

Travelling Nativity

As in previous years our journey to the stable has been aided by our travelling Nativity. Everyone has truly embraced it’s meaning and has contributed wonderfully. Thank you.

I am sure that you will agree when I say how wonderful the Foundation Nativity was this week. I am beyond proud of all our children who sang so beautifully. Our children are a only three and four years old and for them to have the trust in us to perform like professionals…well I have no words. Truly magical.

Advent Prayer Candles

Cut out a candle for each week of Advent.

Christmas Cards

As in previous years, and in our ongoing commitment to look after God’s wonderful earth, we ask that the children do not send cards to everyone on nursery. If they would like to make one at home to send to everyone at nursery that would be fabulous!

Christmas Party

Key Stage 1 and Foundation Christmas party is being held on 19th December 9.30-11.30 am. All the children are invited to join us but if it is not your child’s usual session could you please arrange for them to be collected at 11.30 am. We will be baking a special birthday cake for Baby Jesus to eat at the party!!! Mmmmmmm!

Visit to Clarence House care home

On Wednesday 11th December we will be visiting Clarence House Care Home. We will be joining Reception (in two small groups) to take some cards and decorations we have made to help spread some Christmas cheer. We may even sing a couple of our Christmas songs.

If you do not want your child to take part in this visit could you please let me know a.s.a.p.

Emma’s Blog

Hello everyone 

Firstly, I would like to say how proud I am of all the children working so hard to make our Nativity be so special. A big well done and thank for your support.

 Advent has begun and the children have been making preparations for Baby Jesus. We have decorated the Christmas tree. They have been hanging baubles, then (lots) of tinsel. It looks very sparkly.

The children also helped build a Nativity display. They chose where each person should go in relation to the stable. We noticed that we were missing the big star, so the children made a beautiful sparkling star. Our Nativity is now perfect.

We have all been so busy working hard, preparing something that is top secret, but you will find out soon!

The children continue to love dough disco, and we have started to have a go at our Christmas song. Here it is for you to enjoy at home, click here and have fun.

…and to all the children, look out for the cheeky elf in nursery next week!

 Have a fabulous weekend everyone.


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

We have well and truly entered into the Christmas spirit as we have had a week of preparation for Christmas. We have entered the season of Advent and what a wonderful week it has been. We hope you all enjoyed the Nativity performances. We were so proud of all the children, we hope you were too.

Our Advent celebrations continued as we acted out the Nativity story, using the Nativity set in nursery. 

We have had lots of busy elves, making gifts, painting and making sure all our creations are ready to go home.

The children have enjoyed using their imaginations as they have dressed up in the Christmas dressing up clothes!

 There have been lots of Father Christmas's chasing the reindeer and Mrs. Christmas has been caring for everyone.

We are looking forward to next week when we can watch the rest of the school perform their Nativity plays.

Have a lovely weekend 


Such a fabulous week at nursery. I think everyone deserves a rest this weekend…maybe even a treat!

Thank you for your wonderful support.

Stay safe and God bless


This week...

Each week seems to be getting busier and busier at the moment! I can’t believe we have been at nursery for one term already!! Looking at the calendar the next couple of weeks are going to be even more hectic, starting with our Christmas Nativity next week. This years production is called ‘Follow the Star’, we hope you enjoy it.


Thank you to everyone who has sent in pictures of their child enjoying the Travelling Nativity. There are some fabulous drawing depicting the Christmas story too!

Next week we will be journeying through Advent together. We would like to start by learning this song (to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star), maybe you could help at home.

Advent is a time to wait (hold hand up as you say “wait”)

Not quite time to celebrate, (shake head and wag finger from side to side)

Light candles one by one, (put 4 fingers up, one at a time)

Till Advent time is done. (wave hands, palm down)

Day by day we work and pray, (put fist on top of fist, back and forth)

To prepare for Christmas day! (give yourself a hug)

As a group we will be reflection on:

How we can get ready at home?

How we can get ready at school?

How we can get ready for Jesus?

Don’t forget to join us at our family Mass this Sunday at Our Lady Star of the Sea church. We would love to see you all there.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone.

What a wonderful week of fun and learning we have had.

We have had so much fun this week in PE with Mr. Murray. He has been teaching us how to bounce a large ball, and throw it up into the air without letting it roll away. We dropped the ball from our hands, letting the ball bounce at our feet before trying to catch it. As you can imagine, balls were flying everywhere! Mr. Murray also asked the children to run around the outside of a big circle, and he would shout out 'change' and the children had to turn and run the other way…very confusing. Mr. Murray made it tricky by randomly shouting ‘change’, the children loved the challenge.

To continue our learning thread about our body, and to link numbers 1 and 2, we have been looking at pictures of everyone’s eyes and mouths (and other body parts, have we got one or have we got two?). We showed the children pictures of just the eyes and mouths of the friends and nursery ladies, we had to work out who was who. It was very tricky. We talked about how some things are the same, and how some things are different, for example, different/same coloured eyes or different shaped mouths, different skin tones and how we all have one nose and two eyes etc.

We have been very busy rehearing for our Nativity. The children have worked so hard, and we are looking forward to performing it to you all next week.

Here is a story about the Nativity. Click here. 

Have a lovely weekend. Rest up, ready for our big performances next week.


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog 

We have had such a busy week as we have enjoyed singing our Nativity songs ready for next week. We can't wait to join Reception in telling the very special story of the first Christmas. We have loved seeing all your photos of the travelling nativity that you have shared with us. Thank you so much for taking care to send it back to nursery the next day. This means we can make sure every family will have a turn before the end of term.

We have been busy little elves this week but sorry, it's all top secret at the moment. You will just have to be patient and wait and see what we have been up to.

We have also continued learning about our bodies. This week we have learnt about our lungs. We watched a video about a little boy with asthma and it explained how our lungs work. Click here.

We then did a painting using our lungs, not a paintbrush. We used straws to blow the paint.

We have included some photos of the hail storm we had last week as we were too late to include them in the blog.

See you all next week and have a lovely weekend 


Christmas Cards

As in previous years, and in our ongoing commitment to look after God’s wonderful earth, we ask that the children do not send cards to everyone on nursery. If they would like to make one at home to send to everyone at nursery that would be fabulous!

Christmas Party

Key Stage 1 and Foundation Christmas party is being held on 19th December 9.30-11.30 am. All the children are invited to join us but if it is not your child’s usual session could you please arrange for them to be collected at 11.30 am. We will be baking a special birthday cake for Baby Jesus to eat at the party!!! Mmmmmmm!

Visit to Clarence House care home

On Wednesday 11th December we will be visiting Clarence House Rest Home. We will be joining Reception (in two small groups) to take some cards and decorations we have made to help spread some Christmas cheer. We may even sing a couple of our Christmas songs.

If you do not want your child to take part in this visit could you please let me know a.s.a.p.

Lastly, I thought I would just mention that after years of Nativities, it helps the children if they do not see you in the audience. If you sit where you can see them and they can’t see you it will limit the chances of them getting upset or distracted. Thank you.

I hope to see you all at Family Mass on Sunday.

Stay safe and God Bless


This week...

A big thank you to everyone who managed to come along to our parent drop in session on Tuesday. It was so lovely to see you.

This week we have started to make our Advent Prayer Station. Advent Stations are a prayer journey that helps us prepare for Christ's birth. Our contribution to the whole school will be Mary setting out on the journey to Bethlehem.

The Travelling Nativity is still winding it’s way towards your home, everyone will get a turn before we break for Christmas.

Meet Two!

Another one

One discovers it’s tricky to play tennis when you’re the only block in the world. She bumps into a magic mirror and meets another One- and they join forces to make Two. Click here to watch.


Two finds a pair of magic dancing shoes and shows One that everything is better with 2, singing, counting things that belong in pairs. Click here to watch.

We learnt:

  • Counting to 2

  • The ‘Twoness’ of two

  • How to write two- one curve down is what to do, then straight across to make a two. Have a go at home but don’t forget the duck fingers!

Read, Write Inc.

This week we started to learn the next five sounds from Read, Write Inc. Speed- set 1. i, n, o, p, g.

Click on the links below to watch Geraldine the Giraffe explore the sounds.

‘i’ click here

‘n’ click here

‘o’ click here

‘p’ click here

‘g’ click here

Keep a look out in your child’s book bag to have a go at writing the sounds. The sound mats we sent home before half term will help you out and as always don’t forget your duck fingers!

Here is Oxford Owl website for more information. Please focus on the sounds we have covered at nursery, we need to walk before we run!

Emma’s Blog

Hello everyone,

 The cold weather is definitely here now, but that doesn't stop the children playing and learning outside. We are starting to have a go at zipping or buttoning our coats up by ourselves. We know it can be tricky, but by having a go, it is a step closer to them putting their coats on independently. Here is a video you can watch together and practice. Good luck. Click here.

To continue with our learning thread about our bodies, we have been looking at why it's important to wash our hands before eating, after using the toilet, or just when our hands are dirty from doing everyday activities. This is to help the children understand the importance of keeping our hands free from germs. We did an experiment where I used a bowl of water and sprinkled pepper on the top to represent the germs, then by adding washing up liquid on our fingers (which represented the soap on their hands), the children dipped their fingers into the water. The pepper (germs) moved away from their fingers which we told them was like when you have washed your hands using soap and warm water, all of the germs go away. It's amazing to see, so have a go at home. Here is the video about germs. Click here. and here.

Have a fabulous weekend everyone. Wrap up warm when your out and about, and I will see you all on Monday. 


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog 

This week we have taken some time to consolidate some of our previous learning. We have continued to learn how to care for our teeth in our very own dentist. We have explored and discussed which foods are good choices for our bodies and our teeth. I have been impressed with the children's knowledge about healthy eating. I'm sure you will be amazed with their knowledge too, if you ask your child which foods are bad choices and should only be eaten as treats occasionally.

This week we met Numberblock two. We have learnt that one plus another one is two. We have investigated and explored pairs of two. We had to sort out the washing, all the socks had got mixed up. The children worked hard to find the right ones to make a pair. This is a good game to play at home. Get them to match the socks after laundry day.

Another busy week and more planned for next week.

Have a lovely weekend 


Parent information

As part of Lancashire Educational Psychology Services new early years offer, they are delivering a series of CPD events for Parent Carers.  These are aimed at any Parent Carer in Lancashire with a child aged 0-5 years. Click on the button below for more information.

Another busy week and only one more before our Nativity. We can’t wait!

Have a splendid weekend everyone and see you all on Monday!!

Stay safe and God bless.


This week...

Christmas preparations are well underway! We are learning our songs for the Nativity…the children are loving them! We have also started making our Christmas surprises (secret, sorry)

I would like to start this weeks blog with a few important reminders…sorry!

School Admissions September 2025

If your child is in their last year of pre-school/nursery you can now apply for their primary school place at:

It's quick and easy - and you will receive email confirmation of your application.

You must apply even if you already have siblings in school.

If you live in Lancashire you can include out of area preferences on your online application.

The closing date for primary reception applications for September 2025 is 23:59 on 15 January 2025.  

If you are applying for Our Lady Star of the Sea you are required to submit further documentation:

  • your child baptism certificate

  • signed faith reference (click the button below)

Water bottles

May I please remind everyone that only plain unflavoured water should be in your child’s water bottle. We have milk available if they prefer.

Christmas Nativity

We will be starting to learn our Christmas Nativity songs next week! We are all excited. The nursery children will be stars in our production. They will all require white leggings, a plain white t-shirt and a strand of silver tinsel please (named please). We have the shiny star costumes here ready and waiting.

Nativity productions will take place on:

Tuesday 3rd December: this production will be the dress rehearsal for the main school only. If you want your child to take part they will have to be in nursery at 8.45 am and collected at 10.30 am if it is not your child’s usual session. Please note a DVD of the production will be taken at this performance that you will be able to purchase.

Wednesday 4th December: Parent performance 9.30 am

Thursday 5th December: Parent performance 9.30 am

Please note: tickets are priced at £2 and owing to fire regulations are limited to 4 per family over both performances.

Have you ordered your tickets….they are selling fast. Complete the order form sent out last week and bring in asap.

Christmas Party

This year the KS1 Christmas Party is being held on Thursday 19th December 9.30-11.30 am. All the children are invited to join the fun but if it is not your child’s usual session they must be collected at 11.30 am. Dust of those dancing shoes children!!!!!

Parent Drop in session

On Thursday 19th November 3.45-4.45 pm we will be holding our half termly parent drop in session. We invite you lovely parents to come along to nursery and see what we have been doing and to have a chat with the nursery team. Please try and pop in to see us!

Travelling Nativity

Our Travelling Nativity has started its journey to the stable. The children who have already had chance to take it home have loved sharing the birth of Jesus as a family. We have seen some lovely drawings in our sketch book too. Thank you to everyone that has sent us pictures of your child enjoying this special story sack. We have been sharing them with the nursery friends.

If you have not had your turn yet don’t panic it will be your turn soon!

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

 What a week of learning and fun we have had.

 We have been busy practicing our cutting skills. The children have been cutting out pictures of healthy foods, such as fruit and vegetables, and unhealthy foods, like cake and sweets (which we talk about only having on our treats days). We have on our wall, a big picture of the inside the human body and we have been deciding where our cut outs should be placed discussing how the healthy foods benefit our bodies and help our brains work. The children enjoyed talking about how they like eating healthy foods and making good choices. Here is a short video about how its good to eat healthy food. Click here. Enjoy! 

The children have been working hard with their pencil control by having a go at writing the sounds that we are learning, m, a, s, t, d. We have been using the rhymes to help us write.

We have also been having a go a writing our numbers 0 and 1, again using the rhymes to help us write them. It has been lovely hearing the children say the rhymes as they are practicing.

0- round in a loop like an empty hoop.

1- one line down like a stick, makes a 1, that was quick.

Keep having a practice at home if you can.

Have a lovely weekend see you all on Monday.


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

The weather has definitely been colder this week but that hasn't stopped our play. We have been developing our throwing and catching skills this week, in the garden and in PE with Mr. Murray. As it gets the closer to the start of Advent Christmas we have started practicing our songs for the Nativity, we are so excited. Don't forget to order your tickets if you haven't done so already.

Our brain growing continues as this week we learnt about digestion. We watched a video that shows what happens when we eat food. Watch the video here

We then did our own experiment to watch what happens to the crackers. First we crunched them up in a bag, then added liquid and watched as the crackers were broken down 

We've also learnt more about what our body needs and how to make healthy food choices. 

Have a lovely weekend 


Our Lady’s Christmas events

Check out Mrs. Gregan’s blog this week for more information!!!

Click on the button below for events and dates.

Have a fabulous weekend and we will continue our learning journey on Monday.

Stay safe and God Bless


This week...

Another busy week…

We have continued our exploration of the body and how to stay fit and healthy. We started by watching the following short videos:

Click here to find out about the main parts of the body and here to find out about the major organs of the body. We have also been discussing which foods are good for our body and which are treat foods.

Remembrance day

This week we have been talking about the importance of peace, unity, and bravery in our everyday lives. We have been encouraging the children to share their thoughts related to these themes, and discuss ways they can practice these values at home and school.

We talked about the reason poppies are used to remember those who have given their lives in battle; because they are the flowers which grew on the battlefields after World War One ended. We watched a short video that depicts The Great War experienced by the animal inhabitants of a WW1 battlefield. Click here to watch at home. Everyone spotted the poppies straight away. We even have made our poppy wreath for or Worship table.

On Monday we will be observing a Moment of Silence: to honour those who have served in wars and conflicts. We will sit quietly and think about the themes of peace, unity, and bravery during this time.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

What a wonderful week we have had, continuing to grow our brains.

We have been busy making firework sticks using sparkly pipe cleaners. The children were challenged to wrap the pipe cleaners around the stick. It was a little tricky, as the children had to use both hands to control the twisting and wrapping. This activity targets improving fine motor skills, like the pincer grasp and hand strength. The children enjoyed making the sounds of fireworks as they were making them.

We have also continued to be creative this week, making poppy's for our nursery remembrance wreath to go on the worship table. The children painted part of an cut out egg box in the poppy colours, and as we were making them, we discussed what the poppy represents. Here is a video showing you how to make a egg box poppy wreath if you wanted to have a go at making one at home. Click here and have fun!

We have been enjoying PE outside this week with Mr. Murray. There has been lots of throwing activities and balancing the bean bags on our heads. We have been working as a team, sorting the coloured cones into our house colours. The children really enjoyed this time with Mr Murray.

As the weather is changing, we have needed to wear our coats a lot more. We have been teaching the children how to do the 'coat flip' to help them put their coats on themselves. Here is a video for you to have a go at home. This will help the children become a lot more independent when putting their coats on. Click here.

Have a fantastic weekend, and a big rest. See you all on Monday.


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

We have had a very busy week as we continue to learn all about our bodies. This week we have explored our insides, trying to work out how our bodies work and how all our organs fit into such a small space. We think our bodies are amazing, but we are learning that we have to look after them. We have to get lots of exercise and make healthy food choices.

We discovered that our potatoes and carrots had grown and were ready to eat. We worked hard digging them up, sorting and washing them. Then we had a carrot picnic in the garden. They were delicious!

We have also been busy learning about remembrance by making poppies and also bonfire night by making fireworks pictures on the computer.

We have also had lots of practice at writing the numbers we have met, 0 and 1.

Why not have a go at home. Don't forget your duck fingers!

Have a lovely weekend 


Christmas Nativity

We will be starting to learn our Christmas Nativity songs next week! We are all excited. The nursery children will be stars in our production. They will all require white leggings, a plain white t-shirt and a strand of silver tinsel please (named please). We have the shiny star costumes here ready and waiting.

Nativity productions will take place on:

Tuesday 3rd December: this production will be the dress rehearsal for the main school only. If you want your child to take part they will have to be in nursery at 8.45 am and collected at 10.30 am if it is not your child’s usual session. Please note a DVD of the production will be taken at this performance that you will be able to purchase.

Wednesday 4th December: Parent performance 9.30 am

Thursday 5th December: Parent performance 9.30 am

Please note: tickets are priced at £2 and owing to fire regulations are limited to 4 per family over both performances.


Water bottles

May I please remind everyone that only water should be in your child’s water bottle. We have milk available if they prefer.

Spare clothing

An urgent request for any spare clothing you can donate to nursery. Our clothing stocks have dwindled and need replenishing. Please can you help? As always we would be most grateful.

Travelling Nativity

This week we will be starting sending home our Travelling Nativity sack. We start early to make sure that everyone has a chance to journey to the stable with us. It contains the story of The First Christmas, candles and some figures so that your child can act out the story that you have read together. Also in the sack this year there will be a Journey to the stable reflection book. We would love your child to draw a representation of the story in the book. Remember to write your child’s name on the page so we can share the reflections at school.

We would be grateful if you could send some images of your child using the story sack for our Worship book. If you send them from your phone we will print them here. Enjoy!!

Children in Need

Next Friday (15th November) we will be collecting for Children in Need. The children are invited to come to nursery in their pyjamas, bring along a teddy and pay £1!!! All proceeds will go to Brian House Children’s Hospice. Please give them your support.

Parent Drop in session

This half we will be holding our drop in session on Tuesday 19th November 3.45-4.45 pm. This is an opportunity just for you to come to nursery and see what we have been learning. It will also give to chance to chat to the nursery team . Please try and bob in to see us.

Number 1

This week we met number 1. We discovered the concept of ‘oneness’. One is a single unit. If one is the quantity then what is being counted is arbitrary, and the size of the one thing counted is also arbitrary, e.g. one sun or one ant- there is one of each even though the sun is bigger than an ant.

One is represented as a Numberblock, as a finger, familiar things, as a spoken word, as a movement (one hop), as a numeral. Related words for oneness, e.g. first and alone.

During this episode there is opportunity to attach the number name ‘one’ to a single unit.

We use ‘one’ in multiple situations, e.g.

  • The answer to ‘how many…?’

  • One is the amount

  • One is the quantity

  • First means position one

  • Once means one time

    We encourage the children to use a stem sentence to talk about a single unit, e.g. “ I see one apple.”

Click here to meet one and everything will make sense! In this episode a little block falls out of the sky, meets her numberling, ONE, and discovers one wonderful world of numerous single things that appear during the song. One also sings about being first in line and being lonely.

As you can see it has been another very busy week! Have a lovely weekend and I will see everyone on Monday.

Stay safe and God Bless


This week...

Wow, what a week! We have hit the ground running. We have now started to learn our letter sounds. This week we have introduced m, a, s, t, d. More information on how we say and write the sounds can be found here, please take five minutes to find our more. Resist the temptation to race a head we will be taking it slow and steady and will not move on in haste. We will be sending home two sound mats this week for you to reinforce the sounds we are learning at home.

Here are a few short videos to work through over the next couple of weeks:

‘m’ click here

‘a’ click here

‘s’ click here

‘t’ click here

‘d’ click here

If you keep going back to the videos and spot objects around your environment it will help your child to remember! Also using your sound mat have a go at practising writing the sounds. Remember to say the rhyme as you write and to use duck fingers! Good luck everyone!

Meet Zero the Hero

We have started our Maths Mastery learning too! We met Zero the Hero.Ask you child how many ‘0’ is! Click here to watch.

We learnt that 0 means nothing…not even 1!

0 has no blocks…no blocks at all!

0 is one less than 1!

I have sent home a picture to colour in. When your child has finished send it back to nursery so that we can celebrate! Which brings me nicely on to this half terms My Happy Mind!

Why not ask your child if they can write this number the rhyme goes like this…‘round in a loop like an empty hoop’. Don't forget those duck fingers!

My Happy Mind

This half term we will be exploring our Character Strengths. Click on the button below to find out more and how you can support your child at home.

We will be creating a celebration board to documents everyone’s strengths. Watch this space!

Emma’s blog

Welcome back everyone, I hope you all had a fantastic break.

We have been very busy at nursery growing our brains and having lots of fun too!

It has been lovely seeing how the children have got right back into nursery life, learning, playing, helping and caring for each other, and most importantly, being kind to one another.

As it’s a new half term we are finding out about our bodies. Did you know, we all have a skeleton which is made up of 206 bones!!? We have been learning about our major organs, how to look after them by eating healthy foods and doing lots of exercise.

We played a game where the children worked their brains to sort which foods were healthy or unhealthy. Healthy foods got the 'thumbs up' group, and unhealthy foods got the 'thumbs down' group. The children agreed that they have unhealthy foods on their treat days.

To continue with the thread everyone had fun dancing to the skeleton song. We learnt how our skeletons bones are connected to another bone! Here is the song to enjoy at home. Click here.

Have a lovely weekend everyone. See you all on Monday for more brain growing.


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

I hope you all had a wonderful relaxing half-term.

We have jumped head first back into our learning this week. This week we have started learning our first letter sounds. We are also making sure we work those muscles in our hands and fingers that will enable us to be fantastic writers. Both Emma and I have been sending home activities to do at home to get our funky fingers strong. Please do look out for these activities in your child's book bag and please send it back for your child's next nursery session.

We have also had lots of fun learning about our bodies, starting will h our skeletons. The children needed some convincing that they all had a skeleton but we have learnt that we have 206 bones in our skeletons. We sang this song click here.

We were all fantastic on our trip to the library for story time. The librarian was impressed with how well everyone sat and listened to the the stories. 

Our learning continues as we have started to learn about numbers, starting with zero the hero.

Have a look lovely weekend everyone 


Our trip to the library

On Wednesday we all went to St Annes Library for story time. It was quite a long way to walk but we did it!! We were all a bit tired when we got back though!

The Librarian read some spooky stories…oooooh!! The children sat so beautifully and did excellent listening. I was so very proud of them.

Click here to listen to one of the stories we read.


On Wednesday we started our fire work pictures. We started by making a HUGE splatter painting in the garden….sorry is everyone went home splattered, I know I did. We intend to do some ICT splatter pictures next, these shouldn’t be so messy!

Such fun! We are going to see how many colours we know the names of! Click here for the colour song! See how many colours your child can name…

Next week we are going to make a colour investigation table…we can’t wait!

If you are having fireworks at home or going to a bonfire remember to stay safe. We have been talking about the dangers of bonfires and fireworks. Click here for short video.


This week we read the parable of the Good Samaritan. Click here to watch and discuss at home. We have been trying to be even more kind and to love our neighbour as we would love ourselves…that’s what Jesus would want us to do.

Purple Mash

Purple Mash is an award-winning cross curricular website for nursery and primary school children, enabling them to explore and enhance their knowledge in a fun and creative way. Hosted online and compatible with all tablets and computers, it delivers an exciting mash-up of curriculum focused activities, creative tools, programs and games.

This we we will be sending home instructions on how to access the the website and also your childs unique login code. Keep a look our for work that is set from your childs key person too. Enjoy!!

Phew, I think that some of what we have been doing at nursery this week…we have achieved so much more!!! I think a well earned rest is in order thei weekend.

Have a lovely weekend everyone I will see you on Monday for another busy week!

Stay safe and God Bless


This week....

Time flies when you are having fun and we certainly have been having fun at nursery. We have all noticed how much the children have progressed and can’t wait to move their learning further on when we return after the half term holiday.

Next half term will be extremely busy…we have Bonfire night, Remembrance Sunday and of course Christmas. Click on the buttons below to see what we will be getting up to!

Just for your diary the date for the Foundation Stage Christmas Nativity will be on the 4th and 5th of December. More details will follow after the holidays…watch this space!

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

I can't believe how fast this term has gone. We have really enjoyed this time getting to know each other and the routine of nursery. We are so proud of them all.

The children have embraced taking the responsibility to look after the nursery garden. As autumn has arrived, there are plenty of leaves that have fallen onto the ground. The children have enjoyed sweeping them up, listening to the sounds they make when you jump on them. With all of the autumn treasures in the garden, we made a sticky tape wrist bands and used these to collect things we could find (luckily there were no bugs stuck on… phew!). Here are some interesting facts about autumn, click here.

The children have continued working hard with their fine motor skills by threading pipe cleaners though small holes, they also enjoyed filling and pouring with small utensils. To continue our hand strengthening during the holidays, here are 2 new dough disco songs for you all to have a go at home! Click here and here!

I hope you all have a wonderful break. Rest lots, and I will see you all in a weeks time.


Michelle’s blog

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog.

I can’t believe that we have reached half term already, it only seems like yesterday that we were starting the new term in September. I am so proud of all the children, they have been on an amazing start to their nursery journey, and have really started to grow their brains. We have learnt this half term all about how our brains work to keep us happy and calm, how we need to keep our brain happy and healthy so that the hippocampus, amygdala and pre-frontal cortex parts of our brain can work together. If you haven’t already, now would be a fantastic time to explore the Myhappymind website, as there are some useful resources for parents on there too.

We have also had a fantastic start to the year of worship by learning all about Creation and how God made our wonderful world for us. We have learnt how God loves us all and we should follow His example and share our love too. I do have to say that this is something the children are particularly good at, they are so full of love for each other.

As we get to know each other we have started to play games together, sharing and taking turns. It is wonderful to see the children begin to think of others and realise that they can get so much pleasure by making others happy.

We have also started to really practise our physical skills, both inside and out, where we have had lots of opportunities to learn to jump, throw, catch and run. This is something we will continue to develop throughout the year, all ready to wow everybody with our physical skills at Sports Day in the summer.

I hope you all have a lovely half term break. When we come back we have lots more learning planned as we grow our brains even more.



This week we started to learn the words and actions to ‘My Lighthouse’ in preparation for joining the whole school for celebration Assembly on a Friday. Click here to try the actions at home and here to listen to the song! The message is that God is a beacon of light, a fortress that defends, protects, and rescues us from our own doubts. The children love it!

Finally, here’s a little adventure you could do during the holidays…don’t forget to send some pictures!

Water bottles

A gentle reminder that if children are choosing to bring in water bottles from home can you please ensure that they only have water in them. As part of our healthy eating and drinking policy the children have the option to have milk or water only in nursery. Thank you.

Please remember that Nursery is closed for the half term holiday from Thursday 17th October until Monday 28th October.

Have the most wonderful half term and enjoy the time you spend together with loved ones.

Stay safe and God Bless


This week...

All things Harvest this week!

We have been talking about God’s Wonderful World and how it allows us to grow foods to eat. We found out how food was harvested and stored for the Winter months and how we should be grateful. We watched a couple of short videos. Click here for Harvest Time Down on the Farm and here for What is Harvest Festival?

We even made our own bread and ate it for snack! Everyone said it was delicious! We found our about wheat and how to make bread with my friend Pip, click on the button to see the slides. Maybe you could make some bread at home too!

We also danced the Harvest Samba, click here to dance at home!

We had great fun mixing our own playdough too!

Harvest Festival with Reception

Such a wonderful celebration! It was so lovely to be together as a whole Foundation Stage. We found out about Harvest Festival and talked about the generous donations we had collected and why?

To finish our assembly we said a prayer to say ‘thank you’ to God for giving us the world to live in and for the opportunity to grow such fabulous foods. We then danced the Harvest Samba all around the hall…and played instruments! It was joyous!

After worship we all had a BIG play in the nursery garden…together. It was magical!!

If you fancy a Harvest Story at home click here!

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

Summer has definitely gone now, and autumn is finally here, but it hasn't stopped the children from having fun.

Our nursery garden is full of Autumn colours and leaves. There are still plenty more to fall too, that means lots of sweeping! Never to miss an opportunity to be creative the children have been turning the leaves in to leaf people! They have brought them alive by gluing the leaves onto paper and adding faces and body parts! They look fabulous!!!

Here's an Autumn song. Hope you enjoy singing along to it. Click here. 

To continue working on our fine motor skills, the children have been having fun making dens using lots of different fabrics and large pegs to hold their den together. The children found it a bit tricky, as the pegs were quite wide to grasp, but they kept on trying, just like one of our learning characters, Sadie Spider…try, try, try to catch that fly!!!!

To further challenge the children’s fine motor skills we have been having a go at a fun finger and hand strengthening activity…stretching their hand muscles. The activity involved stretching hair scrunchies over a large cup, just like putting a sock over their feet. I will also be sending this activity home for you to practice, so have fun! It will help the children to put their socks on independently after PE sessions…good luck everyone!

Have a wonderful Autumn weekend and I will see you all for our last week before half-term.

Michelle’s blog

Welcome to this week's blog everyone.

We continue with our brain growing as we have been developing our pincer grip. We do this by taking part in lots of activities where we have to use our fingers to grip and pick up. I hope you have been enjoying the Evil Pea game that has been going home. I have enjoyed hearing the children tell us about how they played it at home with their families. This game helps children to develop a pincer grip, which they will need to become confident writers. We have lots more games planned, so they children can share their learning at home.

This week we have noticed that Autumn is definitely here. We have explored and investigated the leaves in the garden and have noticed that they are changing colour. Why not go for an autumn walk and see what you can discover. Here are some ideas.

Have a lovely weekend 


Wow! What a fabulous week!

It’s hard to believe we have nearly been at nursery for half a term! Can I remind everyone that nursery will close on Thursday next week for the half term holiday, we return on Monday 3rd November. Make sure you have a good rest because we will be starting number work (cardinality and counting) and sounds (phonemes) when we return!

The cardinal value of a number refers to the quantity of things it represents, e.g. the numerosity, ‘howmanyness’, or ‘threeness’ of three. When children understand the cardinality of numbers, they know what the numbers mean in terms of knowing how many things they refer to. Counting is one way of establishing how many things are in a group, because the last number you say tells you how many there are. Children enjoy learning the sequence of counting numbers long before they understand the cardinal values of the numbers. Subitising is another way of recognising how many there are, without counting.

Don’t panic, it’s fun!

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe.

God Bless
