A fabulous week! We have continued with our theme of ‘People who help us’. We have already created numerous role play areas: fearless fire fighters, doctors surgery, a bakers, a shop and there is always a home corner, mummies and daddies help us so much.
Next week we are hoping to make a hairdressing salon (don’t panic …no scissors) and a health spa! The children have also asked for a karaoke area, that should be fun!
Numberblocks 4
This week we found out that four is made up of four 1s and 2 sets of 2. We watch a video where four splits and a pair of tricky twins: the Terrible Twos, who decide it's time to tickle their friends to pieces. Click here to watch. Can you think of another way to make four?
My Happy Mind
Understanding Thankfulness
The children understand what gratitude is (we used the word ‘thankfulness’ with the children).
The children understand how it feels when we say thank you andwhen we receive thankfulness.
The children understand why it is important to be thankful.
The key outcome of this lesson is that children understand that being thankful is a really important skill. Being thankful is part of how we show people that we are happy when they help us. It is important to show people that we are happy when they help us, because then they will do it more and more. When we thank someone for helping us it makes them feel happy and it makes us feel happy too. To help us understand more we have made a ‘Thankfulness Tree’. We want to find lots of examples of how it feels to be thankful with the children. Each time we find an example we had a leaf to our tree. We have added lots already, we are hopeful that it will look like a Spring Tree by Easter!
Emma’s blog
Hello everyone,
We have been having lots of fun growing our brains.
Shapes, shapes and more shapes. They are everywhere! We have been busy looking for shapes all around nursery, both inside and out. The children have worked out that the tables are circles and that some books are square and some are rectangles! The children have made some fabulous shape pictures by gluing lots of different coloured shapes on to card.
Here is a shape game. Feed the monsters the correct shape. Click here and have fun! Don’t forget to explore Purple Mash for more shape games!
The children are really enjoying role playing people who help us. Nursery has been turned into a fire station, a doctors surgery, a green grocers, a bakery, a building yard. It's been lovely to watch them coming up with their own ideas and imaginations.
The children have also been drawing different people who help us. We have had fire fighters putting fires out, mummy's that dance, police officers with long arms to stop the bad people, and many more! It has been great listening to the children tell a story about their drawings.
Have a wonderful weekend. See you all on Monday.
Michelle’s Blog
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.
We have had such a week as we continued with our theme on People who help us. We have explored our very own fire station, doctors surgery, builders yard and green grocers.
In the green grocers we have consolidated our learning this n number four by filling our baskets with 4 items. We also learnt 4 can be made by 2 and 2.
We are continuing our funky fingers actives to develop our pincer grip ready for writing in Reception. We are also practicing our zips on our coats. Any opportunity you can give your child to try to do their zip is appreciated.
Don’t forget to check Purple Mash for some fun activities to do at home.
Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.
Everyone has great fun with Emma this week, they were finding shapes everywhere! Why not have a go at home. Check out the game Emma has put on her blog!
Here are a couple from me too!
Click here for ‘What shape can you see?’
If you want a challenge try this game! Click here.
Could I remind everyone to send in one snack per session your child attends please. We encourage fruit and veg only. Thank you.
I think that’s all for this week. Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday for another week full of learning adventures.
Stay safe and God Bless