This week....

Welcome back everyone. It was so lovely yo see the children’s happy faces coming into nursery. I hope you are all well rested as we lots planned for this half term. Our planning was posted on the blog before half term. It helps you to get involved with our learning at home.

A glorious week of sunshine ( maybe just a little bit of inclement weather!) We have taken full advantage of it and spent lots of time in the garden. We are beginning to spot changes occurring too…the garden is coming alive! Next week we have a Spring hunt all around the school. We will be looking for clues that warmer weather is on it’s way. Watch this space!


This week we have taken the time to reflect on the virtues for this half term…Generous and Grateful. We had a long discussion about what we were grateful for in our lives and how could we be generous with our selves. The children came up with some good ideas that always revolves around being kind and loving, so important. We thought about being generous with our time, not thinking about ourselves first, sharing, in fact everything that being part of Team Jesus should be. I am so very proud.

2025 is a year of Jubilee, and the holy Father chose the theme of “Pilgrims of Hope”. It is a time to re-establish a proper relationship with God, with one another, and with all of creation. As Doors of Hope are popping up all over the school we decided to go on our own Pilgrimage of Hope, and to visit all the doors around school. We made a ‘staff of hope’ and carried a candle to light the way to God. We started with the Worship area which as been decorated for the Jubilee. Take a look at our pictures.

Meet Number 6

The Numberblocks make a new friend who likes to roll dice, and with Six in the mix, everything is a game. Learn all about the number 6 with Numberblock Six. Click here to watch.

We have spent lots of time this week recognising the dots on the dice without having to count them (subitising dice patterns for example, ‘I see three spots without counting’) as well as counting from 1-6 using 1-1 correspondence (match one number to each object). This can be tricky as sometimes there is a temptation to race ahead. We have also been learning the number names in order.

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

It was so nice to see everyone's smiling faces on Tuesday morning as we came back from the half term break. I hope you all had a peaceful and relaxing week, despite the rainy weather.

This week we have continued with our learning as we practiced counting to five, ordering numbers to five and meeting Number block number 6.

We have also continued to develop our fine motor skills by playing a game with pegs. This will help us to develop the muscles in our hands needed to hold a pencil correctly.

On Tuesday we tried to think of words beginning with the letter sounds 's'. We explored the sound bag for 's' and then made a snake as we drew the letter on our friends back 'slither down the snake'

Thank you for sending in your Lenten boxes, we will be swapping them with our friends in our partner class next week.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week 


Emma’s Blog

Hello everyone, and welcome back. I hope you all had a fantastic half term. 

 Firsty, can I say a big thank you for coming to parent's day. It was lovely talking to you all.

 The children have got right back into learning and have been having so much fun.

 On Wednesday, in PE, Mr Nay had us working hard on our ball skills, by throwing balls into buckets, which was tricky. The children loved having a go.

He also played a game like dodge ball, where he rolled lots of balls towards the children when they were walking across the playground. The children had to reach the other side without the ball touching their feet. The children were really good at this and it was Mr Nay who found it tricky trying and get them.

I had a challenge for the children this week. I put a jar with some cars in it out in nursery. The children had to look in the jar and estimate (good word) how many cars they thought were in it. It was tricky but the children enjoyed having a go and we had a range of estimations…only two children got it right…there were 6 cars in the jar. We are now going to make an estimation station so that we can play every day!

 Have a lovely weekend, and see you all on Monday morning.


Workout Wednesday

From this week, every Wednesday will be ‘workout Wednesday’ After lunch nursery and reception are going to come together and practise our gross motor skills. We have planned parachute work, friendship band work and large equipment, the list has become endless. Again watch this space.


Next week is Dress up week!!!!Every day the children and nursery staff can come to school in fancy dress and pay £1 for each day. If you can give more that would be fantastic!

We are hoping to collect donations that we can gift to the Little Hearts Matter charity. LHM is there for families like Annie’s, our nursery friend, to support them though every step of their half a heart journey, we want to help.

Everything they do at Little Hearts Matter is made possible through the support and generosity from people like you. So let’s make this event fun and helpful. Thank you in anticipation.

Lenten boxes

As in previous years we are asking each child during half term to make and decorate a Lenten box. We will then swap them with our partner class (YR3) in readiness to take home and fill as part of our Lenten almsgiving, the children did lots of helpful activities at home to earn money for their boxes. Last year was a bumper year, we collected lots of money to donate to worthy causes. All boxes should be in school by Monday 3rd March.

As you can see we have managed to cram five days worth of learning into four days…phew! Next week is looking like being just as busy.

I hope the sun continues to shine for the weekend and that you have somelovely family time.

Stay safe and God Bless
