We have reached Spring half term already, hasn’t it gone quickly? It has been such a busy six weeks, as we do just as much work as we would do in an eight week half term…but we do have lots of fun.
When we return after the holiday we will be exploring ‘changes’ which occur in our environments- Spring, weather, habitats and the natural world to name a few. We will also be going on the journey to Easter along with the whole school community, finishing with Holy week on the last week of the term. This is always an emotional time for the children and the staff. Click on the button below to see our planning.
This weeks Gospel talked about ‘trust’ (Luke 6:17,20-26). We discussed that there can be lots of things that can trouble our hearts but trusting in God frees us from worrying in this life and assures us of a life forever with God… Jesus wants us to trust in God.
We then sang a new song called ‘I trust in Him’. Click here to sing at home
This week Steph read a story about ‘The Big Umbrella’ that liked to gather people underneath in…no matter who you are. Click here. It reminded us how Jesus gathers us all in too…we could be gathers of people and follow Jesus. It is a wonderful story and opens up some great discussion. Steph and the children have made an umbrella to hang in nursery with us all safely gathered in. Take a look.
Lenten boxes
As in previous years we are asking each child during half term to make and decorate a Lenten box. We will then swap them with our partner class (YR3) in readiness to take home and fill as part of our Lenten almsgiving, the children did lots of helpful activities at home to earn money for their boxes. Last year was a bumper year, we collected lots of money to donate to worthy causes. All boxes should be in school by Monday 3rd March. Good luck and enjoy!
Online Safety week
All this week we have been talking about the digital world from how to stay safe online to how much screen time we should all have. We watched a short video about Smartie the penguin and his new birthday present. We learnt a rhyme about what to do if something worries us online. Click here and then scroll down to access the EYFS A and B stories.
Parents here’s a link you may find useful too, click here.
Little Hearts Matter
This week I sent home an invitation to take part in our charity event- Dress up Week- week commencing 3rd March. Every day that week the children and nursery staff can come to school in fancy dress and pay £1 for each day. If you can give more that would be fantastic!
We are hoping to collect donations that we can gift to the Little Hearts Matter charity. LHM is there for families like Annie’s, our nursery friend, to support them though every step of their half a heart journey, we want to help.
Everything they do at Little Hearts Matter is made possible through the support and generosity from people like you. So let’s make this event fun and helpful. Thank you in anticipation.
Click on the button below to hear from Annie.
Forest school
Last Friday it was our turn to go to forest school…such great fun. We made a huge den to sit inside and sing songs and play musical instruments, Miss Lavelle even played her ukulele. We then made pop corn over the fire pit and drank hot chocolate. Take a look
Emma’s blog
Hello everyone,
This week has been about online safety week. We have been looking at how we can be safe on our tablets, and what to do if something goes wrong, or we click on something we shouldn't. We now know we have to tell a grown up. Here is a short video about how to be safe. Click here.
The children have decided to take their learning outside by practicing writing letter sounds on the ground with chalk. Some of the children made tracks for their friends to follow and to find 'x marks the spot'. The children have been imagining there was gold, money, or chocolate treasure to find.
The children have also been practicing fundamental movement skills by kicking, throwing underarm and overarm, and catching balls with each other. It is all quite tricky, but the children love ‘having a go’ like Tommy Turtle. The children love Mr. Nay and Mr. Murray’s PE class.
The children really love a book called Wolfs Coming, and Barbara set up a small world area with the theme of the book. I brought a game in, where a wolf is hiding in the bin. The children had to get the rubbish out of the bin without waking the wolf, but if he woke up, he would jump out at you! The children loved playing the game, and so did the nursery ladies.
Have a lovely half term see you all in a week.
Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog. We have had a shorter week this week, but I think we have still managed to pack in lots of learning.
We have explored numbers this week, practising our counting and ordering skills. We love a challenge and this week the challenge has been to put the numbers in the right order. Some of the children found this tricky, so any practice they can get at home will be hugely beneficial. Here are some games to try at home over half term. Click here.
In Prayer and Liturgy this week, our word of the week was Love. The children were very passionate as they talked about the people that they love. We also painted hearts and shared some sweets with one of our friends who needs a little help with her heart. We were excited to discover that for World Book Day we can dress up all week, with donations going to help other children who need a little help with their hearts too. We had some very animated conversations about costumes, I can’t wait to see everyone in their finery. We watched the Love Monster who had a little trouble sharing. Click here.
Have a lovely half term everyone.
Lastly, don’t forget that school doesn’t open until Tuesday 25th February, we will see you then
Have a restful week with your loved ones.
Stay safe and God bless