This week...

A sunny week at nursery! It was positively tropical on Thursday, fingers crossed it continues.

I think the sunshine prompted a delivery of sand for big digging outside. Everyone got stuck in to barrow the sand to the sand pit, all hands to the deck including Reception and Mrs. Gregan. We are having another ton delivered next week! We will have more sand than Blackpool beach!


Over the past week we have been visiting the chapel as part of our pilgrimage to the cross. On Wednesday we read the Gospel which was the parable of the fig tree. Click here to watch. We asked the question; what was wrong with the fig tree?. The fig tree represents God’s people- that is all of us. We are all called to change: to grow and enrich the world around us. In other words to love as Jesus loved. Jesus is like the gardener. He is patient and nurtures us to change for the better.


This week we explored what it is to be and artist. We chatted about who does painting and drawing at nursery…that meant we are all artists, but all different kinds of artists. We read the story ‘The Dot’ for inspiration. The Dot by Peter H Reynolds : a wonderful story about art and creativity for kids A Terrific story about a girl called Vashti and an her special teacher who encourages during her art class to make beautiful paintings. Click here to listen.

We were now ready to find out about Wassily Kandinsky. Kandinsky said “everything starts from a dot” and one of his most famous paintings did just that! It was a colour study with squares and concentric circles…Kandinsky loved colour and so do we! We decided that everyone would paint a Kandinsky style painting starting with a dot. We would then join them all together to create one huge colour study with squares and concentric circles. It is well on its way to being completed…watch this space.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone, 

We have had a fantastic week again of fun, learning and more sunshine.

The children have been doing lots of investigating in the garden. As spring has now arrived, it seems there are lots of mini beasts starting to move into our garden. The children have found spiders, millipedes, some baby worms and some juicy big ones (I think the nursery garden must have great soil!).

The children are not afraid of picking the mini beasts up and observing them close up. I can't wait to see what others minibeasts come to join our garden as the weather starts to get warmer. Here's a mini beast guessing game, enjoy. Click here.

We have been ‘having a go’ (like Tommy Turtle) at writing our new letter sounds for our floor book. Some of the sounds have been very tricky, but I think the children have a few favourites that they like to write, such as v and w. The children have been really trying, and have been proud of their achievements. Well done everybody, but keep practising.

The children have been very busy creating their own weather wheel this week, just like the interactive big one on display in nursery. It has been lovely to see the children’s understanding and interpretation of what the children’s knowledge about our wonderful British weather and how it can be represented as an image.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, and see you all Monday.


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

We have continued our investigations this week into ‘changes’ as we have used our weather machine to explore the weather each day. We have noticed that we haven't collected any rain this week but it has been sunny and windy. We hoped that we get some rain soon as we know our plants in the garden need sun and rain to grow.

We have enjoyed using our imaginations in the role play area, both inside and out. Imaginative play is so important for the children to explore their world and to work out their place in it. It's also lots of fun dressing up. Maybe you could have fun at home dressing up 

We have also worked hard building obstacle courses in the garden to practice our jumping and landing. Then Mr Nay taught us how to roll the balls along the floor in PE, we were very good at it, he said. We are really looking forward to Sports Day this year.

Such a busy week. Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.


Parish Coffee Morning

On Friday a small group of children popped to the Parish Centre to have a drink and biscuit with our parishioners. We did some colouring and had a lovely chat.


On Monday another small group of children will be joining Year 6 and Reception at Mass in church. This will be the first visit of the year for nursery.

Book Fair

Don’t forget that the Book Fair is in school on Monday and Tuesday. There will also be a 2nd hand book stall. If you have any books that you would like to donate to the sale, please do bring them in on Monday.

Sports Day

I know Sports Day is always a popular date for your calendar, so I am giving your plenty of notice to organise your own calendar.

EYFS (Nursery & Reception) - Wednesday 11th June pm

Little Hearts Matter

As you are aware a couple of weeks ago we had our ‘Dress Up’ charity event. We have all been so very pleased to have heard back from the Little Hears Matter Charity. We received a lovely thank you letter and a certificate of fundraising. This is down to all our wonderful and generous families, thank you again.


Thank you everyone!

What a fabulous end to an already fabulous week!

I hope that everyone has a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday. Pray for sunshine.

Stay safe and God bless.
