This week...

A busy week with lots of new learning opportunities.

Community Coffee Morning

Last Friday a small group of nursery children joined Year 1 to go along to the Coffee Morning at the Parish Centre. What a glorious time we all had. We took some colouring to do alongside the parishioners and we also had orange juice and home made biscuits, which were delicious! We can’t wait until the next one!

Faith Friends

Faith Friends is a unique project whereby two people of different Faiths work together.

They support schools by bringing the curriculum to life by making connections between life and learning, and also that two people of different faiths, backgrounds and cultures can be Friends thus contributing to community cohesion in school and therefore in the wider community.

The children on Monday joined Reception to listen to Rachael tell us about the Jewish faith.

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

We have had a fantastic week of learning.

As part of our topic 'People Who Help Us', we now have a hair salon in nursery. The children have really enjoyed role playing either being a hair stylist, or a client, but the children know we don't actually cut hair, we just do everything else! There have been some crazy hair styles on the children and nursery ladies.

The children have been working their brains, calculating how to make number 4 using 4 number blocks, connecting them together to make the 4 different ways of making the number 4 (number bonds). The children have painted and printed their 4s in our key person floor book and had a go a writing 4 as well! 

The children continue to love dough disco. We have had so much fun together, working the dough in our hands. Dough disco helps to strengthen the children's fine motor muscles to enable them to develop their pencil grip, which in turn will help to develop their writing skills.

Here are some videos to do at home again. Enjoy. Click here and here.

On Monday, a lady called Rachel, from the Jewish Faith friends, came to see the school to talk about the Jewish faith. We were invited, with reception, to meet Rachel. She told us all about the Jewish cap.

We learnt that it's called a kippah and that it is a small, brimless, cloth skullcap worn by Jewish people as a sign of their identity, and to show respect to God. The children took it in turns to try the caps on. Take a look at the he pictures above.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone see you all next week 


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.

We have had a very busy week as we now have our very own hairdressers and we have made sure that the nursery ladies look their best.

We have enjoyed PE inside and outside this week. Inside we danced to Sticky Kids. One of the songs involved repairing the road, we had great fun as we had to pretend to be diggers, rollers and dumper trucks.

Such a busy week 

See you all next week 


Sharing love with everyone in our school community

During Prayer and Liturgy this week we learnt more about Jesus' miracles and how he shared 5 loaves and 2 fish with 5000 of his friends. We wanted to share something with our friends in school so we have made heart pictures for each class to share our love. 

People who help us

We continue to explore all the ways in which people can help us. Click here to play the ‘Guess who game’. Enjoy!

Parent Pay

Could everyone please check their child’s school bag as the main office has sent out letters regarding your Parent Pay codes and account; log on to set up your account, you will be able to change your login password. Thank you.

Finally, I am sure you will agree it’s been a fabulous week full of learning and fun.

Have the most wonderful weekend and I will see you on Monday!

Stay safe and God Bless
