Turning to the Cross
This week, we celebrated the start of Lent at mass as a whole school. This was such a beautiful time, of deep prayer and reflection, it is an invitation to rearrange your priorities—to focus on what matters most and leave behind what matters least.
We have now exchanged our Lenten boxes with Reception, ready to collect money for Cafod during Lent. It was so clear how much effort all the children had put in to when creating their boxes and they loved getting together again to give it to their partner.
You are never alone when you are lost in a book…
We love World Book Day! Yesterday brought such happiness, laughter and excitement to the classroom. I hope you enjoy looking at the photographs from yesterday! We started the day off with the live ‘Great Big World Book Day Footy & Booky Quiz 2025!’ led by the football premier league, which was all about books and of course football! Then we swapped our books with one another and then spent some time reading with our reception partners. The rest of the day was dedicated to our class novel ‘The boy at the back of the class’ where we collected vocabulary and wrote a description piece of a market place!
Where has our learning taken us this week?
Maths - We have continued with our long division practice and consolidation, but we are doing really well- we even have some to practise for homework! We have got ur fraction work up and running- simplifying fractions, comparing fractions and now changing improper and mixed fractions! In English, we have studied the balcony scene in more detaled and written our independent diaries as Romeo- I can’t wait to read them!
We had a fabulous mroning at forest school! We have had mud kitchens, den building and tree climbing- think the picutres say it all …
Delving deeper through talk …
What is the consecration and how is Jesus present throughthe mass?
My Happy Mind…
Can you remember what was on the check list for being an active listener?
Leading Learners…
Well done to Archie this week.
Archie, you work tirelessly in lessons to be the best you can be and we love teaching you as you are always so focused and engaged. Your attention to detail, reflective attitude towards your learning and ability to think deeply about subjects, help you to take your learning that step further.
Grateful and Generous stars…
This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that show our two virtues of the half term in their actions. Children who show gratitude for all of their own and other people’s gifts- also regarding other people as precious gifts themsleves, reflecting our school’s mission statement. We will also be spotting children who are generous, who show generosity in their service for others. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Benjamin for being Grateful and Generous.
Helpers in the morning
This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:
Michael Benjamin Liam Cora
Date for the diary- Year 6 Resurrection Assembly is on Friday 11th April.
Friday 21st March Own clothes day and bring an Easter Egg for our Easter Egg raffle.
Scholastic book fair starts after school on Wednesday19th March- 21st March.
School Leaver Hoodies- a Parent payment of £20 has now been set for all those wanting to purchase a school leavers hoody. These are a great keepsake for the children and usually they request to wear these on their leavers day out ready for a class photo! Top Marques, St Annes, are now expecting you to go in to shop to make sure you get the correct size and let them know what size you want- payment is not needed in the shop this is through ParentPay.
Have a lovely weekend.
We will see you on Monday.
Mrs Harrison, Mrs Webster and Mrs Barker