This week our class worship was led by Daniel, Jacob, Elsie, Scarlet and Heidi. The led our Liturgy on Tuesday and shared with us their personal prayers.
On Wednesday, we attended Mass to mark the start of Lent, we have also swapped Lenten boxes with the children in nursery.
On Thursday we listened to how Jesus went into the wilderness. There, in that lonely and wild place he was tempted by the devil. Jesus showed us how we can use this time of Lent to grow closer to God and keep him in our hearts. Greg explained how we can pray, fast, give and make space for God during Lent. We then prayed together and sang 'Sign Your Cross' with Sr Chiara.
Our learning this week…
English - We have written our final adapted Iron Man stories. The children have spent a lot of time planning and putting together all the skills to het to their final drafts. Many of them were excited to get their imaginative ideas down ow paper.
Our March Author of the month is Tom Fletcher - we have already started reading his book The Creakers. Next week we will be looking closely at the features of tri-fold leaflets. If you see any whilst you are out and about it would be great if you could send them into school.
Maths - This week has been all about capacity and volume, we’ve been using the metric measure litres and millilitres. The children have really impressed me with their focus this week - maths isn’t always easy but every child this week has worked their socks off!
Spelling - Our spelling focus this week is contractions. Please see our homework blog and homework books for tasks.
World Book Day - What can I say?! You all looked fantastic!
This half term are virtues are Grateful and Generous
Virtue Star - Vincent
Learner of the Week - Dexter
You have come back after half term with a renewed focus and a great attitude to learning. You manage distractions and listen to learn ensuring you get the most from each learning opportunity. We’re really proud of you, keep it up!
Reminders and Notices
Ribchester Museum Trip Tuesday 18th March - please complete permission slips by clicking the button below. Payments are due on Parentpay, thank you to those who have already paid.
Friday 21st March Own clothes day and bring an Easter Egg for our Easter Egg raffle.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Naylor and Miss Hennessy