Year 6 Weekly Blog 31.01.25 'The one who has hope lives differently; the one who has hope has been granted the gift of a new life'

This week our liturgies have been centred around the Jubilee year- the year of hope. We have now launched this across the school, this is a landmark moment in the life of the global church. We, as a school community, are invited to join together as pilgrims of hope, pledging to work together for God’s kingdom of justice, peace and love. This week, we have created our Holy door leading to our classroom, welcoming hope for ourselves and others every time we enter…

Where has our learning taken us this week?

We have had another great week in Year 6, with lots of hard work, resilience and of course laughter! In English we have been practising using our active and passive voice, use of semi-colons, reading skills and have kicked off our topic on Romeo and Juliet. In maths, we have been scaling up and down, using our knoweldge oif number to problem solve, finding factors of numbers and missing numbers in calculations- all in preparation for next week where we will start our long division learning- children need to be able to retrieve their mulitplication facts quickly to be successful in this area, so please keep working with your children at home, if you feel like they need some extra practise! In French this week, we have been translating football vocabuary, in Music we have been harmonising and using notation and in Science we have conducted an experiement, testing the hypothesis: Do fizzy drinks contain more sugar than fruit juices?

Leading Learners

Well done to Ruby this week.

Ruby, you always have such a wonderful attitude towards your learning and this motivates the people around you. You are always focused and determined in any task you are given, your effort across all subjects makes you a super role model and we are always impressed with your reflections in RE.

Faithfilled and Hopeful Stars

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that show our two virtues of the half term in their actions. Children who show great faith in themselves, others and God. We will also be spotting children who are hopeful, who show hope for the future, enabling us to trust ourselves and those around us with the decisions that will shape our future. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Archie for being faithfilled and hopeful.

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Jacob

Role Model of the week … Esther

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Faye Esther Luke Jacob


  • Parents day is on Friday 14th February- please make sure you have made your appointments.

  • Homework- Please check the homework every week and keep helping your child with any work that they are struggling with. It is important to make sure we are reading for at least 15 minutes a day at home to keep broadening our vocabulary, practising fluency and for some of us we need to be able to read with speed, whilst still undertsanding the text- this only comes through regulalr practice, please help them.