'May the Lunar New Year be as graceful and as the gentle snake.’
Happy Lunar New Year, Xin nian kuai le (新年快乐)
This week we have thought about how Jesus takes care of everyone. We discussed how Jesus fed the 5000. Bread and fish were important foods for the people when Jesus was on Earth and catching fish and baking bread were very important Jobs in Jesus’ time.
We will be making our own bread next week and bless it before we eat it just like Jesus did, and thank God for all the gifts he gives us including the food we eat.
What have we been learning this week:
Another brilliant week of Phonics, we are making so much progress. Please keep reading at home and practising your sounds. Don’t forget to watch the QR codes at home, Fred games are great for practising our blending skills.
On Wednesday we celebrated Chinese New Year, we found out it is also called Lunar New Year or the Spring Feastival. We discovered that the reason the New Year is celebrated on a different date each month because it follows a lunar calendar based the moon's 12 phases. We have enjoyed writing numbers and letters in Chinese and how to pronounce Happy New Year in Manderin. See if your child can remember how to say it. Miss Green made us some salt dough snakes for us to dceorate.
We tasted some Chinese food and created our own Dragon masks for our Friday PE lesson where we did a Dragon dance with Nursery and Year 3 performed their Chinese New Year composition, watch our performance.
Conversation starter
What animal are you? What animal is it this year?
Drawing Club:
Our book this week was Jack and the Beanstalk, I love hearing all the children’s wonderful ideas. Ask them what their secret codes did, can they remember the actions and what our new words mean?
Our words this week were:
Clambering: to climb up, across, or into somewhere with difficulty, using hands and feet.
Booming: making a loud deep sound.
Descending: going down or moving from a higher to a lower place.
Glittering: to shine brightly or sparkle.
Ginormous: extremely large or huge
Shocking: causing surprise, disgust, or other emotional upset.
Slinking: to move quietly and secretly,
Chopping: to cut into many small pieces
Forest School: A huge thank you to Mrs Krol and Miss Forster they are my star virtues this week too. Miss Lavelle was ill, so Mrs Krol and Miss Forster ran Forest school, we planted bean seeds and enjoyed hot chocolate and biscuits. The children had a wonderful time and I am so grateful to work with an amazing team that provides wondeful opportunities for Reception.
Next week it is Group 3 and Group 1
Wednesday 5th Feb:
Group 3
· Archie
· Arla
· Diya
· Hugo
· Lily
· Maggie
· Ralph
· Rupert R
· Willow
· Arthur
Thursday 6th Feb:
Group 1
· Eddie
· Florence
· Henry
· Isabella
· Maritta
· Mollie
· Roxy
· Rupert H
· Summer
· Sadie
Don’t forget come into school in forest school clothes and bring uniform in a bag for after. Please look at the forest school blog for more information.

Music: Today we listened to We’re going on a Bear hunt and decided which instrument would be the best for each movement and if we would play our instrument fast or slow, and if we wanted it to be loud or quiet. Then we went on our own bear hunt outside!
Reception Plea:
If you have any Oats, legumes (dried lentils, peas, beans etc) or rice, pasta etc we would love to have them for our tuff trays we try to create exciting tuff trays for the children each week so we would love anything you could give us, thank you.
Let’s Celebrate:
Lunchtime awards:
Our lunch time certificates are awarded by the lunch time team to those children who they see being wonderful role models and using marvelous manors:
Well done to our Role Model Florence and Isabella for her Marvellous Manners.
Thank you both for being such wonderful role models and for remembering those acts of kindness everyday!
There has been lots of progress being made in Phonics this week, well done :)
Well done to our certificate awardees: a ‘Sadie Spider’ for his determination in Phonics, you don’t give up and keeping practising all your sounds.
Whole School Virtues - Faith Filled and Hopeful:
Thank you for being a role model this week, you have been like Jesus by sharing his love and kindness in school. You have been responsible and tidied up remembering our phrase choose it , use it, put it away. You have also had a brilliant week in phonics too :)
Henry the Dog: Henry is going home with this person for a super week in Phonics, you have been focused and you are working hard on developing your blending skills.
Important Information and Upcoming Events
MATHS MASTERY FOR PARENTS -We have become part of the Maths Mastery Parents Project with the Maths Hub. We are running fun maths workshops for parents in Reception Year 1 and Year 2. This project aims to enhance and further parental engagement in mathematics. We are inviting parents into school to learn games alongside their children - these games will then be taken home straight away and in the following weeks as part of each classes home learning. Please complete the booking form below and pop the date for your child in your diary:
Reception: Wednesday 9:00 -9:50 am 12th February
Year 1: Wednesday 9:00- 9:50 am 26th February
Year 2: Wednesday 2:10pm- 3:20 am 26th February
Stay and Play
Thank you for those who have filled in the forms.It has helped me to plan the most suitable days for the majority of parents. Our sessions will be on:
Friday 4th April 9:15 - 10:15
Monday 7th April 2:15 - 3:15.
Please fill in the form and select your preferred date. If you can’t make either date any family member is welcome to attend in your place. We are very excited to share with you our learning from our Spring term.
Parents Day:
The available appointments will be on Friday 14th February from 8.30am - 5.00pm. Appointments can be booked by clicking on this link:
For more information please look at Mrs Gregan’s Blog.
Show and Tell:
Please look below to see which day your child can share their show and tell news. We love to celebrate each child’s achievements in class. So we use show and tell as an opportunity to share things that they are proud of, or to share something that is important to them. Great show and tell examples are: sharing photos, bringing in certificates or medals, a souvenir from a trip out or something that they have made at home.
Important Reminders:
Polite reminder that we are a Nut free school. Please can you bring in healthy snacks please refer to the poster for suitable snacks, we always have fruit avalible too.
Our PE days are Tuesday (outside) and Friday (inside). On these days, children can come to school in their PE uniform and will remain in this for the day. We kindly ask that velcro trainers (white, black or navy) are worn as this allows the children to be indepoendent when taking their shoes off and putting them back on. Polite reminder that for health and safety reasons, no jewellery is to be worn on PE days. We kindly ask that this is removed at home before coming into school.Art T-shirt
Please can you bring in an art T-shirt, if you haven’t already, these help us keep uniforms as clean as possible.Jumpers: please can you check that your child has brought the right jumper or PE jacket home, they can easily get mixed up when bags are being packed, there are a few missing in class, thank you.
if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at:
Thank you for all of your support
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Drummond, Mrs Summersall, Mrs Kroll and Miss Forster