'Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful'

What a wonderful week of learning we have had in Year 3! The children have been such Bobby Bee’s, showing great enthusiasm in their lessons and eager to learn as much as they can. We have really enjoyed our Maths lessons this week, as they have been such a challenge and Year 3 clearly love to grow their brains! We have been looking at number lines with just a start and end value to estimate amounts. We have had to do lots of practice of counting up in steps of 10 or 20 from a three digit numbers, which we found tricky at first- this might be something you may want to practice at home? In English, we have started to look at adverbs that describe and give more information about the verbs and have started to collect root words with the prefix ‘dis’ and ‘in’ on our spelling display, as well as practicing our 6 tricky Year 3 spellings (please see the homework page to help your children with these at home). In RE we are starting to look at the Baptismal promises and can’t wait to see some of their photographs or artifacts from their own christening next week!

Thank you for taking the time to read with your children at home. It is such an important skill and you can really see the children that benefit from the discussion around books, as they have such great empathy for the characters and understanding of plot.

Below are some of the pictures from the last week…

The awards this week go to …

Thank you Lexi for being such a reflective Isabella Insect for working so hard to improve your writing.

Lena what an enthusiastic Bobby Bee you are! We have loved seeing your desire and enjoyment of learning this week.

Important Information…

Our school trip to Brockholes is next week- Friday 11th October- please visit Parent Pay when you can.

Harvest- as always we collect for those in need. Year 3 have been asked to donate Nappies – I wonder why we have been given this item! We will collect all donations in our worship area in class and any donations will be much appreciated.

October is the month of the Rosary. Next week we will say the Rosary during our Liturgies in class, if the children have their own rosary beads they would like to bring in please do, but make sure they are in a box with the child’s name on.

Please book your parents day meeting - October 17th

Break up on Wednesday 16th October at 3:30pm