Home Learning 4.10.19


Please support the children to write sentences about the forest using the word bank. I will be looking out for children who use and in their sentences; we have been practising using this joining word in class.


Children are to continue learning the word sets. Please support the children to learn these words inside out; the children need to be able to read these words on sight (not by Fredding in their head).

Every Monday/Tuesday the children will be tested on these words, if they know them fluently and confidently, they will be given the next set. There are 25 sets in total.

Please encourage the children to read as much as possible over the weekend. On Monday/Tuesday, the children will quiz on their accelerated reader book and will be given a new reading book. Children should be ready to quiz on their reading book on these days.


Maths C.1, C.2, C.3, C.4 and C.5. To be completed by the end of half term. There are a lot of questions to be completed, please support the children to do as much as they can.

IXL is a fantastic learning tool, please encourage the children to practise their learning on this as much as possible.