There has definitely been an air of memories being made this week. From blue wobbly monsters, ballroom dancers treading the lights fantastic to a friendly tennis match being played, the playground has been full of endless possibilities! Some year 4 children joined together to do the Conga, while others practiced their basketball skills. Year 3, turned their hands to do Lego building and continued with their Purple Mash. Year 6 have continued to lead the school beautifully, effortlessly and with kindness and compassion, thank children.
Keystage 1 have also continued to flourish with new friends and companions having great adventures of their own. We have had mountaineers scaling and conquering the heights of the A frame, horses galloping across the field and Hula hoopers fine tuning their skills. Thank you Keystage 1 for a wonderful week of laughter and kindness.
Star Table of the Week: KS1, This week it was a draw, well done and thank you Y1 and Y2. You are being such wonderful role models for the Reception class.
KS2, Plessington, Thank you and well done Plessington for making the dining room such a lovely place to be.
Role Models of the Week: KS1- Rafe, Y1. KS2- Ava Y4. Thank you children, you show such love and compassion to those around you.
Jaqui’s Marvelous Manners: This week goes to KS1- Faye Y1 and KS2- Eli Y4. Well done to you both, you are so polite to all those you meet throughout the whole day.
Have a lovely weekend, God Bless.