"A child's world is fresh and new and beautiful, full of wonder and excitement." Rachel Carson

We hope that you have had a lovely holiday, full fun, games and laughter.

The new term has started with such excitement this week with autumnal sunshine, blue skies and a little nip in the air. This week, we celebrated last terms, table of the half term, where Reception and Plessington sat on the top table. Well done to you all for being such wonderful role models. We also danced our way through Tuesday lunch time, to some of our favourite tunes. Throughout the rest of the week, we have had children scaling the climbing wall, skipping, playing tig, follow the leader and hopscotch to name but a few. There are definitely no limits to the children’s imagination at lunchtimes!

Mr Nay has delivered a variety of sporting opportunities and games during the lunchtime period, which the children all look forward to.Year 4 played hockey, Year 1 had a game of squares, whilst Year six had a tag rugby match. It is a joy to watch the children grow in confidence as they try out new and exciting sports and develop new skills.

Star Table of the Week: KS1 goes to Reception, whilst KS2 was a three way draw with Y4, Y5 and Y3. Congratulations and thank you children, what a wonderful start to the new term.

Role Models of the Week: KS1, Ben Y1 and in KS2, Megan Y6.. Thank you children for showing such kindness to those around you.

Jaqui’s Marvelous Manners: KS1 Gus, Reception and Saul Y3. Jaqui has been overjoyed with such beautiful manners.

Have a lovely weekend.

God Bless