Welcome back Year 1

What a wonderful week of learning we have had in year 1! All of the children have come back to school well-rested and eager to learn, with big smiles on their faces.

 This week in English, we have been writing all about fruits and vegetables and we even got to taste some! There has been chaos in the classroom, as something small and round and green is on the loose! So far, the children have come across Mrs Carrot and Mr Broccoli, who have both been tormented by the unknown character. Ask the children to step into their magic mirror and describe what has happened to these characters. Their facial expressions are fantastic!

 This term we are growing to be faith-filled in our beliefs and hopeful for the future. Bella bravely put on a blindfold as myself and the class guided her around the classroom, to pick up the class Tiger and return him safely. Bella showed us all that she had faith in her teachers, her classmates and herself.  We discussed how we can’t always ’see what is ahead of us’, but that our faith guides us. The children shared lots of ideas of who and what they have faith in and placed these onto our faith tree.

 Thank you so much to everyone who sponsored the children for the Danceathon. We had a fantastic day, dancing all over the school and the playground. The money raised will be going towards a new piece of equipment for the trim-trail. The children are very excited about this and our class councillors can’t wait to share year 1’s ideas at the next class council meeting.

We finished off our week with an amazing show and tell. The children all showed the creatures they had made, and spoke so confidently about them. The children’s brains will be full of wonderful animal facts, please ask them to tell you something new they have learned. I will be putting some of their work on display and everything else will be returned on Monday; the children were keen to share their amazing work with Mrs Curtis. Thank you for the support you have given them in creating their work and researching their chosen animal.

Yoga stars

This week’s yoga stars were Sophia and Luke. You were both so still and calm, well done you two!

Class Tiger

This week the Tiger has chosen to come home with Elsie. Elsie, you have been such a role model to your classmates this week. You always listen to others and put your hand up to share your ideas. The Tiger cannot wait to spend the weekend with you!


Let’s Celebrate

Concentrating Cooper Crab—For always being such a focussed learner! Liam, no matter the lesson or activity, you are always ready to concentrate and learn. Managing your distractions and putting your learning first, is a tricky skill and you have mastered it. I am so proud of you Liam. Give yourself a  pat on the back!

Enthusiastic Bobby Bee  - For answering over 2000 questions on IXL so far this term! Sophia, you have gone above and beyond to grow your brain at school and at home. You have practised so many skills and you should be so proud of the extra effort you are putting into your learning! Hip-hip hooray!


  • As the weather gets colder, please ensure that all hats, gloves and scarves have the children’s names in. Similarly, I have a growing collection of PE clothes with no name in them, in the classroom. If you are missing an item of clothing please come and claim it.

  • Our class assembly is on Tuesday 12th November. The children are so excited to share their learning with you all!

Have a fantastic weekend,

Miss Lane and Miss Woodrow