Welcome Back!

It was brilliant to see the children looking refreshed and revitalised after their week off school - it was most definitely needed! The class have sprung straight back into action with a week filled with fantastic learning and concentration. We have been busy rehearsing for our class assembly next week by projecting our lines clearly and speaking with confidence and expression. The children can’t wait to perform for you all next week! Please don’t forget to practise these over the holidays.

During maths sessions this week we have moved onto our new addition and subtraction topic. We have been using our place value knowledge to help create different number sentences and have used different concrete objects and equipment to help us to find the answers.

Reading has been a big focus in English sessions this week, with the children taking their star reading assessment quizzes. These quizzes are then used to determine the children’s ZPD reading level. Some of you may notice that your child’s ZPD has altered a little; please do trust me on these. The children spent the first term in Year 2 getting to grips with the accelerated reading routine; reading independently, quizzing independently and changing books in the library. After monitoring this, in particular quiz scores, it has been clear to see that although children are able to decode and read their books, the understanding and comprehension of what they have read is not always there. I have told the children that this is something which is now going to be monitored closely, and ZPDs will be altered depending on how well they perform on quizzes. This will hopefully stop the children from rushing through quizzes in the hope of selecting a new book as quickly as they can. Thank you for your understanding and support in this; it is essential that children are reading at the correct level for them and can do so independently. Please do understand that we continue to have further reading sessions in class which also continue to develop their reading skills. If you do have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

If you have forgotten how to use the parents section of Accelerated Reader, please check the help section on this page for more information.

Let’s Celebrate

Jay, you have come back to school after the holidays buzzing with enthusiasm!  You have participated so brilliantly in every lesson this week and have been putting your hand up to share your ideas.  Your speaking voice when speaking in front of your friends has been so confident and you have been so smiley in our classroom.  I am very proud, Jay!  Keep it up!

Wow Lily-Mae, you have been such a ‘Concentrating Cooper’ Crab this week.  You have been so focused in every lesson and have shared so much learning with the class.  It has been wonderful to see your pride when you have known you have completed something to the best of your ability.  Well done Lily-Mae – you have worked so hard this week. 


Our class assembly is taking place on Tuesday 5th November at 9:10am and 9:35am. We are looking forward to seeing you there.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Woodend and Mrs Connolly