'Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase' Martin Luther King

Welcome back to the second Autumn half term- I can’t believe how fast the first half term went and this half term will go even quicker I am sure! It was lovely meeting you all before the holidays to celebrate your children and I think the key message was mostly, please keep reading with your children every night. I have to say, it is lovely coming back and seeing the children so enthusiastic about the books they are reading and they are much more eager to take quizzes and get on to their next book- their is a real buzz about reading so thank you!

You can see the children have come back back well rested, full of what they have been up to over half term and most importantly ready to grow our brains and learn as much as we can! The focus has been heavily on our History ‘Stone age to Iron age’, which the children have loved learning about Skara Brae and Stone Henge. They have had to think extremely deeply, as historians do, looking at evidence and interpreting what this tells us about the way they live. We have had very exciting Maths lessons this week, where the children have been focusing on comparing numbers and using the greater than or less than sign for various representations of the number. In RE this week we are looking at Mary Our Mother, focusing firstly on when Mary found out she was to have a baby, which links in beautifully with the introduction to our Christian virtues of the half term- ‘Faith-filled and Hopeful’. Next week we will be exploring Mary’s act of faith even further and discussing how we too have faith in our daily lives.

Danceathon on Tuesday was a huge success, thank you for all of your support. The atmosphere on the playground for our Wake up, Shake up was magical, which set the mood for the rest of the day. The bell rang throughout the day, which paused our learning briefly while we danced, then we had a lesson to learn the cha cha- the children were wonderful! Finally at the end of the day, the whole school met on the playground to perform the whole dance from start to finish, it was all very exciting!

The awards this week go to …

Thank you Abi Cassidy for being such a focused Cooper Crab for working so hard and always being ready to learn.

James Barrow what an enthusiastic Bobby Bee you are! We have loved seeing your desire and enjoyment of learning this week, your hand is forever up.

Important Information…

Our class assembly is on Tuesday 19th November 9:10

Curriculum Evening is Thursday 21st October 6pm - 8pm