Welcome back!

We have launched straight back into our lessons this week. We have completed our work on negative numbers- as you can see from the photograph we enjoyed having ice in our maths lesson on Monday. Alongside this learning, we collected content for our story writing. We have learnt how to write an effective character description, to do this we explored the work of real authors. We realized when reading these examples of exciting characters that the writer makes the reader work hard to get to know the person and they cleverly reveal important details as they go. In RE Mrs Gawthrope introduced us to three inspiring saints who showed through their example how to love our world and the people and creatures who inhabit it. This lesson led beautifully into Mass on Friday- All Saints Day. It is always lovely to be together in the church praising God alongside our parish community. On Monday we had all the apparatus out in the hall and I must apologize for our very late exit out to you. We got carried away in the hall - the bell went and we had only just started to put the apparatus away! I will make sure I watch the clock next week- sorry. Finally we completed work on the Greeks. We made vases in art (collage), finished our work on the Battle of Marathon and we researched the differences and similarities between Athens and Sparta. This topic is coming to an end - but it continues to pop up throughout the year as the Greeks and their influence spread beyond history and into art, science and politics.

Thank you for all your support at the Dancethon- I sadly missed it but Miss Brisco had a ball!

The grow your brain certificates this week went to: Ethan and Lila

Reminders for next week

Choir Monday

Please see the sports page on the Engage page to keep up to date with the Autumn 2 sports timetable
