Year 6 blog - 'There are no true stories in the world except biographies.'

Welcome back to our second half term together and this week has certainly gone with a bang! We have completed so much work in every single lesson, I really feel like we are flying! Thank you to all those parents who came and saw me on parents’ day. I always enjoy the first meeting and getting to know you all and to just make sure that the children have settled in and are happy. We cannot ask the children to work any harder than they are doing, they just need to work smart too and produce the best work that they possibly can. Always use the opportunity to showcase just what you can do! This morning we have been to mass for the feast of All Saints. Thank you to Pedro, Mollie, Ruby, Hiruni, Nathan and Baxter who read beautifully. Also to Sophie and Anwar who carried the offertory so reverently.

I really hope that the children have come home and have told you about the biography work that we have been starting in class this week. We started by looking at what biographies are and which ones we would enjoy reading. Usian Bolt was our starting focus before moving onto Chris Hadfield. Who knows, maybe your children will be writing a biography about you! Maths has continued to operate at a really deep level in class with so many children showing elements of greater depth thinking on a daily basis.I am sure the children have been telling you about Mr Gregan’s addition errors, he really should know better! We will be using our addition and subtraction strategies to solve deeper stories and word problems over coming weeks. In history, we have started our work on Tudor Britain - always a firm favourite in class! The deadly Henry VIII and his multiple marriages, his divorce from the catholic church and the legacy he has left will be a focus for the next few weeks.

Samlesbury Hall - on Thursday 14th November, we will be heading on a trip to continue our understanding of Tudor Britain. The children will learn about what it felt like to live in Tudor times and to be at the mercy of Henry VIII. We will also be exploring the spooky goings on of the hall and retracing the footsteps of ‘The White Lady’…and my what a story it is to tell. We will feel the shivers, hear the stories and imagine the goings on. This will make for a great piece of writing back in school. If you haven’t paid for the trip, please can you cover the expenses on Parent Pay, thank you. All of the children who usually have a school dinner on a Thursday will be provided with a packed lunch.

Learning Awards

What a week of learning, there were some extraordinary pieces of work this week and some focused attitude to learning.

Lucinda, you have gone above and beyond with every piece of homework that you have completed this year and your work on Walt Disney was no exception. Thank you for your efforts, they will stand you in great stead this year and into high school.

Mati, you are such a focused learner who always strives to complete each piece of work to the best of your ability. What a great learning attitude to have. Keep it up this year. Be brave and have fun with your learning!

Have a wonderful weekend together

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster.