Indoor Athletics Competition 2019

Wow, what a job we had selecting the team for this years competition. Across Year 5 & 6, there are so many talented sportsmen and women; we are constantly looking at ways to give more opportunities to everyone who trains. We ranked the entire two groups of children across both classes and then went with the fastest and those who jumped the furthest. There are some specialists of their field!. I am excited to see what this team can produce!

As the standard was so high, we are looking to arrange another athletics competition for this children who trained with Mr Nay from Year 5. This will give all of the children a chance to compete against other another school and gain experience for competitions in Year 6.

Indoor Athletics Competition Information

Thursday 7th November at AKS from 1.30pm - 4.00pm. The children will have their lunch before they leave for the competition and will be then taken to the event by coach.

Parents and family members are more than welcome to meet us there and support us during the afternoon. Please ensure that your child is in full PE kit and has enough fluid and a few healthy snacks for during the competition.

Please ensure that your child is collected from AKS after the event.