Year 5 Weekly Blog 15.11.24- ' Everything is better in pyjamas’

The week has certainly flown by this week as the countdown to Christmas has begun! Lots of learning has been taking place, even when dressed in the comfiest pyjamas at the end of the week. Regardless of all of the excitement of teddies, onesies and oodies, the children’s focus and attitude towards their learning was still as expected- which is a big sign of maturity as upper juniors. This was seen during our English and spelling lessons today with the children thinking deeply into different pairs of homophones and how they differ and also when it was time to get active during our ‘legends carousel’ in English. Can the members of your household complete the ‘Pronunciation Poem’ ?

In Maths, it has been all things money this week, with us comparing the value of the different coins/notes we use and how we can combine these to reach total amounts. We have looked at different methods that we can use when calculating with money to make things simplier for ourselves- such as adjusting.

In Geography ,we have continued with looking into the world map and the countries within it- this week it has been all about capital cities. We shared what we already know about them and how many capital cities do they already know around the world. We then used our investigating skills to locate the biggest cities in the UK and where they are located on a map.

We also started our Computing lessons this week and deep dived into the world of coding. The children were able to apply their previously learned skills and their creativity to complete certain tasks.

Conversation starters

  • Can you remember which character strength you chose that you need to work on in My Happy Mind. Share this with your parents and discuss how they could help you strive to improving this strength.

  • Geography: We have looked at capital cities of the world. Compete with your family members to see who can name more capital cities of the world.

Let’s Celebrate

Virtue Star of the Week: Our virtue star of the week goes to Hudson. You have such a kind and caring nature Hudson and you are so prophetic in your actions- especially out on the playground. Your aim is always to have fun and to look after others and this is just a joy to see.

Joseph for being a determined and reflective learner: What a week you have had Joseph! I have seen a big shift in your maturity levels this past few weeks and how reflective you have been in your choices. I can see how determined you are in making sure your making more right choices and this has been noticed by all of your staff members. Keep this up!

Amelia for being a determined and enthusiastic learner: You are like a woman on a mission when it comes to your learning Amelia. You are so determined to get through your work, also making sure it is of a high standard- and you do this with such enthusiasm. Excellent work.

My Happy Mind Champion of the Week-

Lunchtime Certificates

Role Model of the Week- Tommy

Marvelous Manners- Charlotte


  • Homework: Make sure to check the homework blog and make sure homework is handed in on time.

  • Coats: Now the weather is starting to drop and we edge closer towards winter, can all children have a coat with them to make sure they are protected when out at break times.

  • Travelling Nativity: Please enjoy the wonderful story of the nativity with your child when you receive this. This needs to be brought back into school the following day to allow another child to share this joy. You can take a picture of your child with the nativity and send me this via email.

  • Own Clothes Day: To celebrate the arrival of December and the festive period, then children can wear their own clothes and also donate a bar of chocolate for the Christmas Raffle. This will take place on Friday 29th November.

  • Christmas Bake Off: Last year went so well, we just had to do it again! All things Christmas with cakes, bakes and jumpers on Friday 13th December.

  • KS2 Christmas Concert: This will take place at Church on Monday 16th December. The children will perform the concert twice at 2pm and 6pm.

Year 5 Weekly Blog 08.11.24- ‘To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die’

What an action packed week it has been for only our second week back after half term. After first recognising the 24 character strengths of the ‘Celebrate’ module of my happy mind, the children were tasked with the job of reenacting one of the 6 chosen virtues- collaborating these 24 character strengths with a little role play. Later in the week, we got to compare our chosen reflections of our own personal strengths to the official ‘My Happy Mind Character Strengths Test’ online.

The main focus of the week came on Tuesday morning with our class assembly. With not so much time to prepare for this, the children showed lots of courage, flexibility and determination leading up to and on the day of the assembly. The theme of the morning really was portrayed excellently by the children and how teamwork and kindness should look both in and out of the classroom- now it is time to put this into action in our day to day schooling life.

On Wednesday, this saw us go out into the community to complete our first trip as the eco-council of the school. We took the short walk to Beauclerk Gardens for a bulb planting session with the Fylde Rangers. The children were eager to put the work in straight away with us planting over 200 bulbs in just 1 hour!

In English, it has been all things relative clauses this week with the children grasping a really good understanding of what these are and how to apply this creatively to our writing. I am excited to see these being used in our next creative writing piece.

In Maths, we have now breached into a new place value column- hundredths. We used physical representations to compare the value of this to tenths and ones.

Conversation starters

  • Can you remember which character strengths you ticked as your strongest? Discuss this with your parents and see if they agree. Can you find the list of 24 strengths online and get your parents to pick their top 5.

  • Geography: We have looked at lines of longitude and latitude this week. Discuss with your parents when you have been abroad on holiday. Do they remember the time difference compared to the UK?

Let’s Celebrate

Virtue Star of the Week: Our virtue star of the week goes to Tilly. You are such a calming presence in the class Tilly and you are such a kind friend. When one of your closest friends needed help this week, you didn’t panic or stress. You calmy found your class teachers and helped to really defuse potentially stressful situation. Thank you so much for this.

William for being a focused learner: Managing distractions is such a tricky challenge to overcome, especially as a nine year old, and yet you manage to do this with ease and ignore those around you who could cause you a distraction. Keep being a role model to both our Year 1 children and for your Year 5 classmates.

Hugo for being a co-operative learner: You were not just chosen to represent in the school for the football tournament because of your ability but because of your attitude and maturity shown to sporting activities this year Hugo. Even when the games weren’t going our way or you were waiting to come on, you didn’t moan or sulk, you just got on with it. Another role model to the class on how to behave in sporting activities.

My Happy Mind Champion of the Week- William

Lunchtime Certificates

Role Model of the Week- Poppy

Marvelous Manners- Rory


  • Homework: Make sure to check the homework blog and make sure homework is handed in on time.

  • Coats: Now the weather is starting to drop and we edge closer towards winter, can all children have a coat with them to make sure they are protected when out at break times.

  • PJ Day: Our annual pajama day will be on Friday 15th November. Bring £1 to wear your PJ’s for the day and to help raise money for Brian House charity.

  • Own Clothes Day: To celebrate the arrival of December and the festive period, then children can wear their own clothes and also bring in a bar of chocolate into school for £1. This will take place on Friday 29th November.

  • Christmas Bake Off: Last year went so well, we just had to do it again! All things Christmas with cakes, bakes and jumpers on Friday 13th December.

Year 5 Weekly Blog 01.11.24- The more you celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate'

What a first week back it has been! The start of our longest half term of the year has begun and it has flown by. It has been a slightly different week, with Mrs Harrison taking the class for the first three days of the week. During this, the children have been doing lots of reading into our class novel with the us coming towards the end of the fantastic story. They have also started their new grammar topic of relative clauses and looking at different ways we can add extra information to our main clauses.

We also began our next module of My Happy Mind which is all about celebrating our minds and focusing what we are good at. We did this by analysing the 24 character strengths that we all have and self-reflected on which strengths we possess the most of.

In Maths, to prepare for our money topic, we have been looking over our place value of going smaller than ones. We have looked at the relationship of ones and tenths and how we can represent this in various representations. The week has also been heavily focused on preparing for our class assembly, with the children jumping straight into script reads, drama and singing. This will be performed on Tuesday 5th November at 9:15am and 9:35am.

We began our first Geography topic of the year with the focus being on the world map and the countries within. We started by recapping our knowledge of the worlds continents and oceans and linked our previous holiday destinations to a world map. We then finished off by testing the children’s knowledge of flags- especially those who have very similar flags to close by nations.

Conversation starters

  • Can you remember which character strengths you ticked as your strongest? Discuss this with your parents and see if they agree. Can you find the list of 24 strengths online and get your parents to pick their top 5.

  • Do you remember the 5 really tricky flag questions I put you to the test with? Can your parents get 5/5 on this too!

Let’s Celebrate

Virtue Star of the Week: Our virtue star of the week goes to Beth. This week you have taken your own time in your breaks to help organise other children’s book folders- to make sure that they are not scrunched or folded. The children really did appreciate this and it was such a thoughtful thing to do.

Lilly for being a focused learner: Your attitude towards your learning is always spot on Lilly, even when we have changed our seats- your focus has still been at the level we expect of upper juniors. Excellent work.

Gus for being a determined learner: Mrs Harrison has been super impressed with you this week Gus. You have really applied yourself throughout all of our lessons this week- especially in your grammar work in English.

My Happy Mind Champion of the Week- Louis

Lunchtime Certificates

Role Model of the Week- William

Marvelous Manners- Isioma


  • Year 5 Class Assembly: Our class assembly will be on Tuesday 5th November starting at 9:15am. The children will perform their assembly again at 9:35am on the same day.

  • A- Team Football Tournament: If your child plays in the A team for the school football team , then please read the blog on the sports page regarding this for more information. This will take place on Tuesday 5th November.

  • Book Look: This will take place on Friday 8th November, starting at 9:15am. If you’re available, please come down for a lovely coffee and book look morning.

  • PJ Day: Our annual pajama day will be on Friday 15th November. Bring £1 to wear your PJ’s for the day and to help raise money for Brian House charity

Year 5 Weekly Blog 17.10.24-

And just like that, we have arrived at the end of our first half term of the year (it’s scary to think that Christmas is on its way). Regardless of the weather, it has still been a fun yet productive final week of autumn 1. On Monday, to celebrate completing our first unit of ‘My Happy Mind’, we put our arts and crafts skills to the test to make some ‘HAP Hats’. I’m hoping that these hats made it home in one piece for all of you to see. Our ‘My Happy Mind’ Champion for this week was Joseph, who wore his badge with pride and really looked after it this week- thankyou Joseph.

In certain lessons, it was about wrapping up our knowledge in that subject with some evaluation quizzes in which the children relished this and whizzed through their questions.

In History, we continued with the Battle of Marathon and analysed this as historians to look at the different verisons of this famous story. The children had to use the evidence presented to find the clues and answers to specific questions in order to assess the credibility of the story.

In English, we have continued in reading our class novel of ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’, surpassing Chapter 6 of our exciting childhood classic.


  • Sports Club Opportunities- Information for Autumn 2 clubs are available on the sports page of the blog.

  • Homework- Please check the homework blog for work to do over half term.

Have a wonderful half term break.

From Mr Cornwell, Mrs Barker and Mrs Tierney

Year 5 Weekly Blog 11.10.24- ' You are not weak for struggling, you are brave for facing your battles face on'

It has been a action-packed and fun-filled week in Year 5. On Wednesday, we began our second year of enrichment opportunities with each class going to another teacher to take part in an activity of their choosing. To kick things off, Year 5 took the small trip to their previous classroom for some card games with Mrs Lyons, where they learned a personal favourite of mine- Gin Rummy.

On Thursday, it was ‘World Mental Health Day’ in which we collaborated this with ‘Hello Yellow’. Our focus of the day was to stay informed what mental health is, what can cause mental health illness. We talked about the importance of talking to trusted adults and not bottling up any upsetting emotions and how we can maintain a positive mental attitude. The children then had some self-reflection on their own personal qualities and what makes them happy. The children then got to take part in my enrichment opportunity of ‘quiz mastering’ where they used their knowledge to battle through the quiz. We then ended the day with some arts and crafts by creating some happy yellow emoji bookmarks, something that the children can then take home.

We then ended our week in coming together in faith with our annual harvest mass. Thank you all so much for your generous donations- they really are appreciated. In English, it has been a full week of independent writing of our story based on ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’. Lots of sore hands this week with pages and pages of writing. The children have certainly earned their half term break.

In Maths. We have been doing lots of rounding and looking at numbers up to a million and focusing on rounding to digits across the place value chart. Children have enjoyed the challenge of applying these learnt skills into some problem solving and reasoning style questions.

In History, we have built on last weeks knowledge of Athens and Sparta to look at one of the most historical events of the Ancient Greek times- The Battle of Marathon. With lots of information to process including opposition, reasoning and strategical warfare, the best way to retain this information was to reenact the battle itself. With the class being split into Athenians, Spartans and Persians, they travelled across seas and battled hard on the Bay of Marathon. Big shoutout to our Philidipphies for their commitment to their role in running many laps around the school playground.

Conversation starters

In ‘My Happy Mind’, we have looked at how certain tasks can be fearful for us but have a low level of danger, which can send our amyglada into overdrive.

This may be :

  • the dark

  • public speaking

  • heights

This week’s question, “How do you calm yourself down when you’re feeling stressed?

Let’s Celebrate

Josh for being an enthusiastic and brave learner: We are all so proud of you Josh- representing the school football team! You have worked really hard in the training sessions leading to this and you were so happy to be playing alongside your classmates in the Our Lady’s shirt- collecting all of your stats from the game. Make sure you transfer this enthusiasm into the classroom.

Charlotte for being a reflective learner: You are a child who just loves learning Charlotte, especially displaying your learning in your books. This is why you set yourself high standards when it comes to presentation. Even though you are a terrific writer, during our independent writing you are still asking for help when you need it because you want to get the best out of the learning opportunity. Great work!

Virtue Star of the Week: Our virtue start of the week goes to Finley. You are just so attentive towards your classmates Finley. Such a kind and considerate soul who really takes everyone’s concerns and thoughts into account. You have shown this throughout many of our teamwork tasks this week.

My Happy Mind Champion- Tommy

Lunchtime Certificates

Role Model of the Week- Finley

Marvelous Manners- Ciaran


  • Sports Club Opportunities- Information regarding this is available on the sports page of the website. If interested, please complete the forms to register your child for a specific club.

  • Parents Day Appointments- This will take place on Friday 18th October. Bookings have gone live on ‘the cloud’ which is available on Mrs Gregan’s weekly blog.

  • Half Term- School will close on Thursday 17th October at normal time. School will reopen on Monday 28th October.

Have a wonderful weekend,

From Mr Cornwell, Mrs Barker and Mrs Tierney

Year 5 Weekly Blog 04.10.24- 'Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much'

Yet another week has flown by in Year 5 with lots of learning, lots of thinking and lots of experiences taking place. Four lucky children this week were chosen for a trip out to St Peter’s for a forest school experience, something that we as a school are interested in having in our outdoor area. Photos from this are available on Mrs Gregan’s blog.

In Maths, it has been all things rounding in our number topic, with us recapping the important steps from Year 4, before we moved onto rounding to the nearest 10,000 and 100,000.

In English, we have began our independent write for our first narrative of the year- The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. The children have been combining their creative thinking and grammar skills so produce some excellent sentences.

In Science, we looked at methods of how to separate solutions via evaporation and looking at other real life examples of solution and how these are separated.

In RE, the focus has been about looking after our common home and what we can do protect God’s creation. This has linked perfectly to our Word of the Week which has been ‘unity’- how can we unite as God’s creation to look after his planet.

Conversation starters

In ‘My Happy Mind’, we have looked at ways of how to improve our brain to carry out activities that release serotonin. We created checklists of things that we currently do that help our brain and a list of targets to improve on.

These included:

  • regular exercise

  • Good amount of sleep

  • Consistent sleeping patterns

  • Reduced screen time on devices

This week’s question, “How does your checklist compare with your parents?

Subject question of the week- In History, we have looked at the life of a Spartan compared to an Athenian.

The Spartans main focus’ were strength, bravery and endurance. Where would you rank these three traits in terms of importance?

Let’s Celebrate

Matilda for being an inquisitive and cooperative learner: This week, you were given the opportunity to represent the school in an out of school learning occasion. You were given this chance because you are a role model and the virtues you portray every day. You worked so well in your forest school team and asked lots of really interesting questions that were beneficial to the school.

Ciaran for being a focused and determined learner: You have really taken on your teachers new expectations in Year 5 of focusing on your learning the second you step into the classroom. This has been seen in your Maths work this week as you have been flying through all of your rounding work. Excellent job Ciaran.

Virtue Star of the Week: Our virtue start of the week goes to Grace. Your patience, kindness and stillness is just so graceful Grace. You are a such a good learning partner to have. You are so considerate towards everyone and their needs and you always respect their viewpoints. A delight to teach!

My Happy Mind Champion- Beth

Lunchtime Certificates

Role Model of the Week- Lily

Marvelous Manners- Tilly


  • Sports Club Opportunities- Information regarding this is available on the sports page of the website. If interested, please complete the forms to register your child for a specific club.

  • Harvest Festival- For harvest this year, our chosen food for this year is canned meat. Any donations would be hugely appreciated. Our Harvest Mass will be on Friday 11th October which is when we will be taking our food donations down to church.

  • Thursday 10th October World Mental Health Day- To collaborate with this day, we are doing ‘Hello Yellow’ so the children bring £1 in and they can wear anything yellow. This could be a t-shirt, football kit, socks, hair bobble- anything.

  • Parents Day Appointments- This will take place on Friday 18th October. Bookings have gone live on ‘the cloud’ which is available on Mrs Gregan’s weekly blog.

Have a wonderful weekend,

From Mr Cornwell, Mrs Barker and Mrs Tierney

Year 5 Weekly Blog 27.09.24- ' If God is at the center of your heart, then your mere presence will touch others' hearts'- St Vincent De Paul

What a wonderful and reflective week it has been at Our Lady’s with today being a special day in the Catholic calendar as we celebrated both St Vincent De Paul and Our Lady Feast Day. We spent the morning celebrating this together in mass at church, which was led by our special guest for the day- Bishop Paul. Bishop Paul then joined us back at school where he got to witness life at Our Lady’s- in which he was super impressed with. To celebrate this in class, we designed some Our Lady medallions, which will be created into a class bunting for our worship display.

In Science, it was time to get practical to test how to separate different materials from mixtures. The children analaysed all three methods and suggested scenarios when and when not to use each of these. Of course, we had to finish the lesson with our favourite solubility experiment- ‘Sugar or Salt’.

In Maths, it has been all things column addition and subtraction. A method that the children are familiar with in Year 4 but we have applied this to our 6 and 7 digit numbers. We also had to use this method in our angles topic to find the missing angles on straight lines and around a point.

In English, we have been using all of our collective vocabulary from last week and applied this into our complex sentences, using our subordinating conjunctions (I SAW A WABUB) as sentence starters. We then finished the week by begining our planning for our own narrative write by deciding which mythological creature we are going to use in our story. The children put their knowledge to the test with a famous ‘Cornwell Quiz’, with 4 teams coming out victorious.


Please read the letter below to find out what we did in this weeks kidsafe lesson.

Conversation starters

On Monday, we have continued with ‘My Happy Mind’, with the focus being on ‘Neuroplasticity’ and how we use our brains to store and remember certain information.

This week’s question, “What other techniques do you use to calm your emotions?”

Subject question of the week- In RE, we looked at when we have misused our trust and how we seek forgiveness from whose who we have wronged.

How forgiving are you as a person? How could you improve on this?

Let’s Celebrate

Rory and Isioma for being determined learners: We all know that homework is not necessary everyone’s favourite pastime. Your compulsory homework is always complete which shows your teachers you are committed to bettering yourself but to put in the effort in your optional homework is just outstanding. You have gone above and beyond with your history homework and have created some toolkits that the whole class can use- excellent work.

Virtue Star of the Week: Our virtue start of the week goes to John-Paul. You really are a discerning young man Johnny. Your judgement and decision making has been impeccable this year. You are always making the right choice, even when your friends are not- you know what the right thing to do is and your not to be swayed.

My Happy Mind Champion- Kieran

Lunchtime Certificates

Role Model of the Week- Logan

Marvelous Manners- Grace


  • Medical Forms-If you haven’t completed the medical form for this year then please do so ASAP.

  • Sports Club Opportunities- Information regarding this is available on the sports page of the website. If interested, please complete the forms to register your child for a specific club.

  • Harvest Festival- For harvest this year, our chosen food for this year is canned meat. Any donations would be hugely appreciated.

Have a wonderful weekend,

From Mr Cornwell, Mrs Barker and Mrs Tierney

Year 5 Weekly Blog 20.09.24- ' A calm mind brings inner strength and self confidence to succeed in life’

Another week has flown by in Year 5 with plenty of hard work, interesting discussions and learning adventures taking place. It was lovely for you parents to come in and see what your child’s new learning environment is like and I hope you found the evening informative and enjoyable. Here are the slides from the induction evening.

In English, we have began reading the first two chapters of ‘The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe’ and discussed some of the characteristics of the characters. We have worked really hard on expanding our vocabulary to add more description to our creative writing.

In Maths, we have now gone above and beyond one million! the children have had a really good understanding of 6 and 7 digit numbers by ordering and comparing these types of numbers, along with some addition and subtraction calculations.

In Science, the focus was all things ‘solubility’ with us looking in detail the properties of a soluble material with some named examples. We then put this to the test by playing the very popular ‘Sugar or Salt’ game.


In this weeks lesson, we looked at how to stay safe on the internet and what we should/shouldn’t do. We discussed what to look out for when we sense something yukky has appeared online and how we can check if our sites are safe. Can you remember the two signs to look for in a search bar?

Conversation starters

On Monday, we have continued with ‘My Happy Mind’, with the focus being on how we can calm our amyglada down when we are in a state of fear/shock. Lots of scenarios that we discussed were situations that carried lots of fear but resulted in low level danger. We used a technique called ‘Happy Breathing’ to help calm ourselves down whenever we are in a state of fight, flight or freeze.

This week’s question, “What other techniques do you use to calm your emotions?”

Subject question of the week- In History, we looked at the rise of Athens in Ancient Greece with the creation of democracy being a key factor.

How democratic are we as a country? Could we be better at this?

Let’s Celebrate

Logan for being enthusiastic: I love your attitude towards learning Logan. The same heart and passion you show out on the football pitch is matched when you’re in the classroom. Your hand is always up as you want to contribute to the lesson and your super focused has allowed you to get through all of your independent tasks- Keep this up!

Poppy for being focused: The first week of a new year can be hard as you find your feet and get to grips with the new work. This week, your teachers have seen a big shift in your focus, especially during your independent tasks. With this attitude, you will only grow stronger Poppy.

Virtue Star of the Week: Our virtue start of the week goes to Rose. You have really stood out this week both in and outside the classroom. The way you have been helping the younger children during break and lunch times, looking after them on the playground with the scooters and also helping them with their lunch in the dinner hall. You really are a role model to our younger children.

Lunchtime Certificates

Role Model of the Week- Matilda

Marvelous Manners- Sean


  • Asthma Forms-If your child has asthma, you would have received a separate medical form to complete. Please complete this and bring it back into school

  • Sports Club Opportunities- Information regarding this is available on the sports page of the website. If interested, please complete the forms to register your child for a specific club.

  • House Badges- All of the children have been given a coloured badge to represent their house. I hope the children enjoy wearing these with pride throughout school. Please take good care of these and make sure it is still attached to any jumpers or hoodies if these are taken off.

Have a wonderful weekend,

From Mr Cornwell, Mrs Barker and Mrs Tierney

Annual Flu Vaccination

This vaccination is recommended to help protect your child against flu. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and can cause serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable family and friends by preventing the spread of Flu. There may be a rebound in Flu levels this coming winter following low levels in the past 2 years. The vaccination is free and is a quick, simple, painless spray up the nose. Our vaccinations in school will take place on Monday 14th September.

Please complete the online consent form.

If you DO NOT wish your child to be vaccinated for whatever reason please complete the form stating NO and the reasons.

Online Consent Form: 

Use the link below to access the online consent form and enter the unique school code with BP in capital letters - BP119627

Please inform the School Vaccination Team (Not School) of the following:

 •           If your child has steroid tablets prescribed two weeks prior to vaccination.

•           If in the few days prior to vaccination your child has been wheezy.

•           If after consenting you take your child to your GP surgery to receive their vaccination

 It is your responsibility to contact the school vaccination team to ensure they do not receive the immunisation again. Our contact details are:

 Blackpool, Wyre & Fylde: 01253 951984 Morecambe / Lancaster 01524 519430

Year 5 Weekly Blog 06.09.24- ‘The journey of a thousand miles begin with just one step’

What a fantastic start to the new year we have had! Friends reunited and new relationships forming with new teachers- just plenty of smiles all round. The children have taken to life in the upper juniors with real excitement and pride as they have dived straight into the learning, along with their roles and responsibilities.

We began our first day back by coming together as a school in unity with a morning assembly, followed by our first look into the exiting curriculum of Year 5 with a bit of History, where we are learning about Ancient Greece. As promised, we finished the end of the day with the famous parachute (curtesy of Reception) to give both children and staff a chance to get to know each other.

The rest of the week consisted of beginning our English and Maths topics with us focusing on retrieving some key skills such as grammar, punctuation, times tables and place value. It was only fitting that we ended the week in worship together as we celebrated the new year at mass. The children were partnered with their new Year 1 buddies in which they were so gentle, kind and supportive towards.

“Treat others how you would like to be treated”- This is our class slogan for the year in which we aim to promote kindness, compassion and respect towards everyone in what we say and do throughout our daily life.

Photos have been taken throughout the week to capture the children’s first steps in their Year 5 journey- these will be uploaded in next weeks blog after all of the consent forms have been submitted.


This week, we started up our kidsafe lessons again to go over our rules of these lessons along with our chosen theme for the week. Please read the letter below to see what was discussed in the lesson.


  • Induction Evening- This will take place on Wednesday 18th September. There will be two opportunities to attend this with them being at 3:45pm-4:30pm and then 4:45pm-5:30pm.

  • Medical and Consent Forms- Please complete these ASAP to allow your teachers to know about any medical requirements that your child has along with consent forms over online publications.

  • Sports Club Opportunities- Information regarding this is available on the sports page of the website. If interested, please complete the forms to register your child for a specific club.

  • School Gates- Gates will open at 8:45am in the mornings and closing at 8:55am. Gates will open up again at 3:15pm with the classroom doors being opened between 3:20pm-3:25pm. You can come through any of the two gates both in the morning and afternoon.

Welcome to Year 5!

We hope you have all had an excellent summer (we can’t wait to hear all about it) as we welcome you back into school and into the upper juniors! The classroom is ready to go- all we need is you brilliant children to make it a home. There are so many exciting learning opportunities in Year 5, along with leadership opportunities that can really bring out the best in your child. Can you remember our ‘BIG WORDS’ from our transition morning back in July?

Don’t forget to come equipped with your own pencil cases, making sure you have all you need in there but please make sure they are small enough to fit in your trays at the end of the day.

  • Art in on a Tuesday- please remember to bring in your art tops to stop your uniform from getting paint on- we will keep this in our trays. THERE WILL BE NO ART THIS WEEK. THIS WILL START UP ON 10TH SEPTEMBER.

  • Outdoor PE is on a Wednesday. On these days you need to make sure you wear tracksuits but also have a pair of shorts either under your trousers or in your bag to get changed in to.

  • Indoor PE days will be on a Thursday. Same uniform requirements as outdoor PE lessons. All earrings and watches will need to be removed for all PE lessons.

  • Homework- will go out on Friday afternoons and will be due in the following Thursday.

Induction information will be sent out next week, so please look out for when it will be. You will be able discover more about the exciting opportunities and topics that they will be learning during their time in Year 5 and we can answer any questions you may have! More information, such as important forms that will need completing will be available soon so please do keep checking the Year 5 page.

Important Notices:

  • Please make sure all coats and school uniform is labelled- let’s get off to a good start.

  • We can’t wait to see you all on Tuesday and hear about your holidays!

  • We will welcome Marsden (Kenilworth Road entrance) and Harcourt (St Patrick’s Road entrance) at 8:45am and Bamber (Kenilworth Road entrance) and Plessington (St Patrick’s Road entrance) at 8:50am.

Enjoy your last day of the holidays and we look forward to seeing you in Year 5,
Mr Cornwell, Mrs Tierney and Mrs Barker

Year 5 Weekly Blog 19.07.24- 'One step at a time is all it takes to get you there'

And just like that… the end of the year is here. What an amazing year it has been with this amazing group of children. The combination of personalities, humour and brains has really made it such a fun year. The Year 5 team would like to thank the children for all of their hard work, focus, determination and most importantly, kindness.

Although the workload decreased gradually this week, the children were still kept busy with lots of fun activities. To finish our french unit of food, we experienced a french food tasting afternoon with plenty on the menu. A range of sweet treats such as croissants, pan nu chocolats and crepes were served up along with some savory cheeses of brei and camembert. The children then washed this down with some red wine (cranberry juice) or white wine (apple and grapefruit juice).

We also had our final PE lessons of the year, both inside and out, with the children taking part in a whole class cricket match (with a few teachers included). The children voted on boys vs girls, with the girls coming out as 3-0 winners. We then all participated in a friendly tournament of silent dodgeball- a brilliant invention of mine I must say.

The highlight of our week was definitely at the beginning of the week with the end of year play- and it truly was the greatest show! The children’s energy and excitement around the whole production was amazing. I am one for sure am looking forward to their play this time next year.

Let’s Celebrate

Our certificates this week have been voted by the children for their learners of the half term with our winners being Erin, Rafe and Rex. You were all complimented for your focus, kindness, braveness and loving nature- well deserved.

Our virtue butterflies this week have gone to Archie and Ola. You are both so generous with your time in helping me out in any task that needs doing. It is your trustworthy nature to why I choose you for these tasks.


  • Optional Homework- There is no compulsory homework over the summer holidays but it would be beneficial for the children to keep on track of their learning and stay sharp so that they are ready for September.

    • Year 5/6 Spellings List

    • TTRS

    • Lots of independent reading

Year 5 Weekly Blog 12.07.24- ' Alone we can do so little. Together, we can do so much'

Wow! What an amazing week it has been. We are making sure that we go out with a bang this year in Year 5. A lot of our week consisted of our play practices in which the children are most certainly ready for. If you haven’t already, make sure to purchase ticket for the show from the office. With all of the play practices this week and with groups of children constantly in and out of the classroom, we have used this week to finish off any remaining work across our curriculum- which has allowed the children to really focus on their independence in taking ownership of their work.

Thursday saw us take a trip to St Bede’s for a PE day. It was brilliant for the children to spend an entire day at their potential future high school and get a real feel for the place. The children were joined by many other primary schools in the Lytham St Annes area, in which it was brilliant to see the children reunited with their friends from outside of school. This was also a brilliant opportunity for the children to meet new people and start building new friendships for the future.

We finished the week in style as Year 5 got the opportunity to host a sports afternoon, directed by the Barrow brothers, in aid of the children’s hospitals that have been helping our Dominic throughout his treatments. The class have come together the past few weeks to create all of the ideas that were on display this afternoon and we hope that all of the children enjoyed the event. We can’t thank you enough for the extra preparation that you did for our event such as baking cakes to donating prizes for the tombola. Nearly £3,000 raised so far which is absolutely fantastic- and still counting!

Let’s Celebrate

Lunchtime Certificates

  • Marvellous Manners- Rafe

  • Role Model of the Week- Cora


  • Y5/Y6 End of Year Play- The dates and times of the performances are listed below. There will be three performances of the play on these dates:

    • Monday 15th July at 6pm

    • Tuesday 16th July at 9:30am

    • Tuesday 16th July at 6pm

    If you haven’t already, please get in touch with our office team to purchase your tickets.

  • Summer Holidays- School will close at 2pm on Friday 19th July for summer.

Year 5 Trip to St Bedes- Thursday 11th July

On Thursday 11th July, we will be spending the day at St Bedes for a PE day. The children will need to be in their PE kits when they arrive to school and are to make sure they bring plenty of fluids (water only). The weather at the moment is forecasted for 15 degrees, with lots of clouds, but please do check for any changes just incase the children will require a coat or sun cream.

Please fill in the form below in regards to what type of lunch your child is having on the day.

Year 5 Weekly Blog 05.07.24- ' Hope is being able to see the light despite all the darkness'

Oh how the weeks fly by- only two weeks of the year left (which is really hard to believe). Yet again, the children have had to be flexible- with their usual days not being so usual at this time of the year. Practicing for the play has meant lots of time out of class but the effort, focus and commitment towards this has been excellent.

Our week kicked off with our final enrichment morning- with the children taking part in some morning gardening with Mrs Hotchkiss and Mrs Mather. The children could really apply their eco skills and get stuck straight into the tasks.

Wednesday was also a big day for the children as they got to spend the morning in their new class and with their new teaching team on our transition morning. The children were filled with both excitement and a few nerves. Mrs Harrison reported back to me to say how lovely the class were and that she saw huge potential in the class in such a short amount of time spent with them. The children set a series of personal goals to achieve in Year 6 along with playing some exciting games such as human bingo.

We finished our week off in celebration as the children came dressed in red, white or blue clothing to put us in the spirit of the Euro’s (we need all the hope we can get). A visit from NatWest was also a lovely surprise, in which the children took part in a fraud investigating lesson and how to look out for these dangers online.

Let’s Celebrate

  • Ben for being an enthusiastic learner: I have just loved watching you on stage throughout al of our play practices. You really are acting for every minute of the performance. Your comfort and confidence to perform has allowed you to throw yourself straight into any role asked of you. I can’t wait to see this in full motion when you’re in Year 6.

  • Ella for being a reflective learner: You are a child who uses our class council sessions so wisely Ella. You take in every word from your teachers on how we can improve in Year 5 and carry out our advice both in and out of the classroom. Keep being you- keep making the right choices and others will follow.

  • Virtue Butterflies: Our new virtues for the half term are grateful and generous. This weeks butterfly goes to Rafe. You are so generous with your time as you always spend some time after school to help tidy the classroom- even if it isn’t your mess to clean. Thank you Rafe!

Lunchtime Certificates

  • Marvellous Manners- Gabriella

  • Role Model of the Week- Millie


  • Wednesday 10th July Music Concert- This will take place at 2pm of this day to celebrate what the children have learned this year in music.

    There will be no music lesson on Monday but clarinets will have to be brought in on Wednesday

  • Thursday 11th July- We will be spending the day at St Bedes, along with many other schools in our area for a ‘PE Day’. Children are to come into school in their PE kits so there will be no need for watches and earrings. Plenty of water will be needed.

  • Friday 12th July Dominic’s Fundraiser Sports Afternoon- More information available on the blog page in Year 5.

  • Y5/Y6 End of Year Play- Letters regarding costumes for the children’s roles in the play have been sent out and need to be brought into school ASAP. There will be three performances of the play on these dates:

    • Monday at 6pm

    • Tuesday at 9:30am

    • Tuesday at 6pm

    Information regarding tickets is available on the Year 5 blog page.

Dominic's Sport's Afternoon- Friday 12th July

On Friday 12th July, Year 5 will be hosting a sports afternoon for the rest of the school in aid of Dominic and to raise money for the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital Charity.

The children have been put into teams and will be hosting an activity/station for the rest of the school.

We discussed as a class what prizes we could have for our raffle. Some children have already brought in some prizes which is amazing such as old fidget toys, teddies, puzzles etc. Any other prizes such as big bars of chocolates, sweets bundles etc would be hugely appreciated. All children are allowed to bake cakes in preparation and to be brought in on the Friday- then our cake sale team will then sell these at break times.

Year 5 parents are welcome to attend and help their child with running their station.

Here is the list of jobs for each child

Money Collectors/Supervisors

Dominic and Rex


Bella, Elsie, Archie, Rafe, Benjamin, Liam

Obstacle Course

Michael, Ella, Pippa, Ben


Cora and Rose


Arthur, Millie, Faye


Esther and Ruby

Cake Sale

Roseanna, Riley, Layla, Jacob

Hydration Station

Erin, Luke, Gabby

Musical Games

Ola, Isaac, Niamh, Sophia

Roll up! Roll up! Year 5 & 6 Play Tickets on sale this week

The hall is alive with singing, dancing and acting as our Year 5 & 6 children are busy preparing for their end of year performance.

They will be performing across 3 different days and times:

Monday 15th July - 6pm

Tuesday 16th July - 9.30am

Tuesday 16th July - 6pm

Each family will initially be allocated 3 tickets across all three performances; with additional tickets going on a waiting list. Once we know all children across the two year groups have the tickets they are allocated to, we can then release the remainders to the waiting list. Tickets are £3 each.

From Wednesday, Mrs Nel will be selling tickets from the school office. Please come knowing what tickets you require and with the correct money in cash.

You are in for such a treat!

Year 5 Weekly Blog 21.06.24- ' Everything is better in pyjamas'

What an action packed week it has been! No better way to start the week than in our PJ’s for our annual Jim Jam Jog. Luckily, we were all good in terms of weather and both children and parents came into school in such good spirits. We raised so much money for a charity very close to the Our Lady’s and it was brilliant to have our firefighters with us on the field- joining in with our morning run.

This week also celebrated our much anticipated ‘Italian Day’. All of these preparation over the past few weeks in DT has led to the children cooking their spaghetti bolognese. A task that I had absolutely no impact on- all of the hard work came from Mrs Mather, Miss Neves and the children. However, myself and Mrs Gregan got to taste test their creations and there were truly delicious- very impressive I must say.

In English, we have finished our plan for our newspaper articles and have began to write up our final edition of the newspaper. The children have loved playing the role of a journalist in choosing their own professional title, choosing which newspaper to work for and creating some puntastically creative headlines.

In Maths, we have delved deeper into our fractions topic and looked at the connection between improper fractions and mixed number fractions and how we convert between the two.

Lots of Geography this week as we have looked into Britain’s natural resources and how we use these. This has been a great insight into how these resources affect our environment and how we as the eco class can positively impact this.

Let’s Celebrate

  • Cora for being an enthusiastic learner: It may be the last half term of the year, but you are still just as eager to learn than you were back in September. You have thrown yourself straight into our new fractions topic along with putting in the extra effort so early on into our play practice. You have also represented our school excellently in sports competition- playing with such enthusiasm and respect.

  • Rose and Pippa for being creative learners: Your creativity in our writing lessons always blow me away. All of those reading hours have been paying off. Creating catchy headlines, using puns, was a match made in heaven task for you two. I can’t wait to read the rest of your articles.

  • Virtue Butterflies: Our new virtues for the half term are grateful and generous. This weeks butterfly goes to Elsie and Michael. Elsie, you are always so generous towards the adults in our school. You are always offering to assist any member of staff in a task and you never mind doing a job when asked. Michael, you are so generous towards the other children in our class and are there to always offer a hand when someone needs cheering up.

Lunchtime Certificates

  • Marvellous Manners- Luke and Sophia

  • Role Model of the Week- Roseanna and Bella


  • Assessment Week- This week, the children will be completing their end of year assessments. Due to the children being so close to Year 6, the children will be completing 6 SAT style papers but tapered to the Year 5 curriculum. I have emphasised that this is more of a celebration of what the children have learned over the year and these scores do not contribute towards any outcome- so there is no need worry. One of these papers will be a spelling test so there will be no spelling homework this week.

  • Wednesday 10th July Music Concert- This will take place at 2pm of this day to celebrate what the children have learned this year in music.

  • Thursday 11th July- We will be spending the day at St Bedes, along with many other schools in our area for a ‘PE Day’. Children are to come into school in their PE kits so there will be no need for watches and earrings. Plenty of water will be needed.