Year 5 Weekly Blog 21.03.25- ‘Every choice has a consequence. Once you make that choice, you must accept responsibility’

Another week has flown by as we approach the halfway point in our Lenten journey- I hope you have been earning those pennies in your Lenten boxes. In preparations for Easter week, the children have been given their scripts for the Easter assembly with all children knowing their roles and their lines.

Is it important that during this holy yet stressful period of the year, we remember that all of our actions have consequences. Everything we say and do and how we do it has an impact on someone else- both positive and negative. This has been our focus in RE this week, known as the ‘Ripple Effect’. These teachings allow us to reflect more on our choices, knowing what impact these have on those around us and then everyone else indirectly.

This week, we have been learning…

  • Maths- The children have been smashing short division this week, now tackling 4 digit by 1 digit numbers including lots of carrying and overall remainders.

  • Science- we have been experimenting with water resistance and discussed how this impacts even our fun play in the water such as ways to jump into a swimming pool. We analaysed how the factors affecting water resistance change the outcome of three different types of jumps. We then replicated this on a smaller scale, using objects to act as these shapes.

  • Geography- We have continued to use map grid references to precisely and have made this even more precise by introducing 6 figure gird references as opposed to 4 figures.

  • French- We have been applying our geography knowledge into our French by looking at which countries around the world that speak French as their first language- also making a historical link as to why with some countries.

  • PE- It was all about patience, carefulness and team strategy in the team games this week as we used our balancing and hand eye coordination techniques to complete team relays just using a tennis racket and bean bag.

    Photos have been taken out the week to capture these moments of learning. We have had some difficulty with uploading these. These photos will be uploaded on Monday.

Let’s Celebrate

Learning Certificate- Joseph for being a focused and determined learner. You have had a super week Joseph. You have been so calm and focused in all of your lessons and this has paid off. This has given you more time to get stuck into your work and I have seen the determination to complete your tasks- Keep it up!

Virtue Star of the Week- Our star of the week goes to Tilly. You are such a generous girl Tilly and not the mention grateful. Your kind and compassionate nature is just a joy to have in the classroom. You treat all of your classmates and staff members with the upmost love and generosity. Thankyou so much!


  • Homework- Please check the homework blog to keep on track of your child’s SPAG, multiplication and division practice and also their reading.

  • Wednesday 19th March Schoolastic Book Fair- From this date until the following Wednesday, the hall will be open at the end of the day for the chance to buy a book at our annual book fair sale.

  • Wednesday 2nd April- School Photo Day

  • Friday 4th April Reconciliation- Our Year 5 and 6 children will be given the opportunity for reconciliation by having confessions with our Father Peter in the lead to up to our lent preparations. This is usually done in high school but yourIf you would not like your child to participate then please let Mr Cornwell, Mrs Gregan or the school office know.

    If your child is likely to attend St Bedes High School. They are given the opportunity to make their sacrament of confirmation. We have been given the opportunity to do this when the children get to Year 6. Please complete the form below to choose which option you would like for your child.

  • Thursday 10th April Crucifixion Assembly- This will be held at school around 9:10am