Year 5 Weekly Blog 07.03.25- ‘Lent is a call to renew our commitment in life to God’

What a busy yet exciting week it has been in Year 5 this week. Our focus in RE this week has been preparing for Lent. We discussed the ways of how Catholics can prepare for lent and the deeper meaning behind this. The following day, we celebrated the beginning of Lent together as a community in mass as we received the hly ash to mark this special six week journey. To mark this, we also swapped our lenten boxes with our Year 1 buddies. They were kind enough to invite us into their classroom for this and also allow us to partake in their choosing time- which the older children absolutely loved!

The highlight of the week was certainly on Thursday which was World Book Day. It was amazing to see so many wonderful and creative ideas and hard work that went into the costumes. It was certainly a world book day themed day as we kicked off the week with a live world book day quiz, hosted by the Premier League Primary All Stars, in a ‘footy and booky’ themed quiz. The rest of the day was spent with some creative writing with the children creating their ‘Ultimate Character Champion’ by using their world book day outfits to help them out.

This week, we have been learning…

  • Maths- We have breached into 3 digit numbers in our mastery of number topic and calculating multiples of 4 by using our multiplication facts around the number 4. We have also been using number lines in our negative numbers topic to breach between positive and negative numbers to calculate the difference.

  • Science- we have been experimenting with rolling friction by rolling a tennis ball along different surfaces and seeing how far the ball rolls.

  • PE- Teamwork makes the dreamwork has been the focus in our PE units by playing teambonding games to help boost cohesion and teamwork.

  • RHE- ‘Under Pressure’ was our focus for this week as we discussed what this means and we have analysed what this looks like in different social settings. One of the main talking points from our dicscussions was that pressure can be good as well as bad (depending on the scenario). The children then were given a team work drama based task to perform different types of pressure.

Let’s Celebrate

Learning Certificate-Lorenzo for being a reflective and co-operative learner. Doing things that we don’t want to do is hard, especially when it is something that you love. Sometimes, we have to look at the bigger picture and assess what the right thing is to do and you have done that recently. This has helped you become a better team player and has also given you more of a positive mindset. I’m proud of you!

Virtue Star of the Week- Our star of the week goes to Isioma. Mixing, mingling and looking after our younger children is not an easy task. Some people shy way from it and some people thrive in this and you have certainly been thriving in this. You take such good care of our Year 1 buddies and you treat them with such kindness- this is a joy to see!


  • Homework- Please check the homework blog to keep on track of your child’s SPAG, multiplication and division practice and also their reading.

  • Wednesday 19th March Schoolastic Book Fair- From this date until the following Wednesday, the hall will be open at the end of the day for the chance to buy a book at our annual book fair sale.

  • Wednesday 2nd April- School Photo Day

  • Thursday 10th April Crucifixion Assembly- This will be held at school around 9:10am