Year 5 Weekly Blog 10.01.25- 'Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right'

A Happy New Year to you all and it has been a brilliant first school week of 2025. Learning has begun straight from the first minute and has not stopped all week. The children have settled back in really well and have picked the school routines back up very quickly. The new year in school was also greeted with a white welcome of snow and ice in which the children put their snow building skills to the test.

We kicked the week off with all things timed tables in maths as we prepare for our new unit of factors, multiples and primes. I have been so impressed with the children’s retention of these table facts and the speediness of their multiplication facts.

On Tuesday, we began our eagerly anticipated space topic in Science. We discussed what we already knew about space and any curious questions that we want to find out. This was helped by the inflatable planets up in our classroom- which was the focus for lesson as we discussed the planets that make up our solar system and learning the correct order of these.

On Wednesday, we started our new writing topic of Sci-Fi, where we looking at all the different components of sci fi and reenacted a specific sci-fi story. We then looked at how we could improve the writing of this story and how we could add more description.

The focus for PE this week was to prepare for the upcoming athletics tournament next week. The children had a go at attempting all of the events in the competition and there scores were recorded in order for them to try and beat their best score.

We finished the week off by starting our new class novel- ‘The Windrush Child’. This book is based on the true story of many children a part of the Windrush generation. The book focuses on the struggles of foreign families living abroad and how racism has impacted their lives.

Let’s Celebrate

  • Charlotte for being a reflective and co-operative learner: All of the Year 5 team have seen a big change from you in the new year. I can see you have reflected over the winter break about how to react to certain situations and the attitude you wish to portray throughout your day and this has been amazing to see. I hope you feel as proud of yourself as your teachers do.

  • Virtue Butterflies: Our new virtues for the half term are eloquent and truthful. Our butterfly this week goes to Jacob. You have been so helpful this week and always offering to help all of your teachers in any job being done. This has not gone unoticed and your teachers can not speak highly of your attitude since coming back to school. Excellent work.

    Lunchtime Certificates

    Role Model of the Week- Lilly

    Marvelous Manners- Logan


  • Indoor Athletics Competition- All children taking part have been informed and information regarding this is available on the sports page. This will take place on Wednesday 15th January.

  • Eco Trip Wednesday 5th February- We will be going down to the Sand Dunes to plant Christmas Trees, ready to be grown for Christmas 2025! The children will need to bring clothes/shoes that they don’t mind getting dirty along with a waterproof coat.