Year One Weekly Blog - 10th January

Magic moments


We began our new topic this week Galilee to Jerusalem.

We learnt all about Jesus’ Presentation at the temple and the important people who were present at the time - Anna and Simeon. We discussed why their presence was significant and the things that they said.

We joined together in a circle and lit a candle in the centre. We discussed that a candle is lit during prayer to show that Jesus is present and to remind us that he is the light of the world. We said a Hail Mary together and sang My Lighthouse. We then went to our tables and designed our own candles with Jesus’ Presentation in mind.


We also began our new English topic this week, we are reading a series of books all about Monsters!

We started off our list by reading The Gruffalo. We then went on a Gruffalo walk in the trees on our field and re enacted our story using character masks! We got into character to take part in a hot seat question and answer session and thought of some interesting adjectives to describe the characters in our book. We got into character once more to think of some questions to ask our characters and used our character brains to answer those. We got very creative!


We have continued our knowledge of decade numbers this week to really consolidate our knowledge before moving on to another topic next week. We have been counting up in 10’s, grouping in 10’s and comparing decade numbers. The children have been FANTASTIC at this and have blown me away with their speed and independence in every activity.

Every Tuesday for this half term, our maths lesson will be all about time. We started off this week by learning some new vocabulary and using it to extend this knowledge. We learnt the word chronological and worked at putting some tasks in chronological order by what happened first next and last. We used the words morning, midday and afternoon and thought of things we did in order at home and at school.


Our new topic is all about Learie Constantine. We haven’t introduced him just yet, but started off by talking about some other professional athletes - Marcus Rashford and Simone Biles. We discussed what their roles were and why they are so significant.

We then began learning about the Trinity Cross. What is it? Where is it from? Is it valuable? Why is it significant?


We finished our gymnastics topic 1 this week by putting together a self choreographed sequence including a roll, a jump and an animal movement.

Next week we will begin gynmastics topic 2 and our underarm throw with Mr Nay and Mr Murray.

Lets celebrate!

Well done to our certificate winner this week, we have had a reflective learner in Bertie. You have worked brilliantly this week and we are very proud of you, keep it up.

Our Virtue Star this week goes to…. Amara! You have been so faith filled and hopeful all week, super focused and ready to learn! You are always making the right choices, Well done!

Our lunchtime winners this week are Sydney and Jemima. Our role model was Jemima and Sydney had excellent manners. Well done you two!

Finally, a big happy birthday to Emmett! We loved celebrating with you on Friday and hope you continue your celebrations this weekend!

Important information and reminders.

A reminder that our indoor Friday PE slot has now changed to a Wednesday, so Monday and Wednesday are our PE days.

On Friday 17th January, we will be making a visit to Our Lady’s Parish Centre to join the parishioners for a coffee morning. We will be going to chat to, spend time with and complete some activities with them for the morning. It is going to be a lovely morning and we would like to invite along anyone who wishes to join! We will be heading there for 10:30 and staying for an hour, but you are more than welcome to join us on the walk down.

I am also in the midst of planning a very exciting educational trip linking to our new Science topic. We have got this all booked in and a coach booked, but I would love to have some volunteers to join us for the day on Tuesday 11th February. The children will be travelling via coach and will be out for the whole day from 10am. Due to being out the whole day we will be taking our lunches with us, if your child is already on school lunches we are able to order these to take out with us, but we need a minimum of 2 weeks notice if you would like them to have a school lunch or so that they can be ordered in time. Please could you email me or let me know at home time next week whether your child will have a school dinner or a packed lunch on this day.

Please let me know asap if you are able to join us for either of the activities, thank you and a happy new year to you all!

I hope you have an enjoyable and restful weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday morning.