Year 5 Weekly Blog 24.01.25- 'If you want to see the rainbow, you have to get through the storm'

This week has definitely been a week filled with lots of hard work and learning opportunities. Whether it’s been starting new topics, continuing with big units or large independent tasks, the children have applied themselves really well into all of our pieces of work. It has been brilliant to see the children take on the advice given from the Year 5 staff about becoming independent learners and preparing them not just for Year 6 but even for high school! It was certainly a stormy end to the week with lots of indoor play taking place. We pray that all of you have a safe and secure weekend as the winds continue into next week.

In RE, we have finished our topic of covenants and have started our new topic ‘Inspirational People’. We started by discussing what the word inspire means and how different people portray it. The children loved sharing who their inspirations were and how they inspire them (and yes mums and dads were mentioned in this). We then linked this to how Jesus was inspirational and what qualities/characteristics he has.

In English, we have continued to bring our writing to life by blending our amazing extended noun phrases and using these to create mini sci-fi stories. We will then be expanding on this even more when we add some personification!

In Maths, we have continued with our factors and multiples unit and have been doing lots of deep thinking this week, with the children using their multiplication knowledge to apply these to problem solving and reasoning questions. We have also been looking at the importance of the word ‘common’ and how this applies to our factors and multiples undersranding.

In PE, now the athletics competition is over, our focus turned to our new topics. We started hockey in our outdoor PE lessons, with the children understanding the safety and technic of using proper hockey equipment. The children then applied these skills into some passing and controlling drills. In our indoor PE lessons, we have continued with our dance topic of ‘heroes and villains’, in which we linked our new RE topic to relate our inspirational and heroic icons.

Conversation starters

My Happy Mind: This week we have been reflecting on what we are grateful for and looking around the classroom to say why we are grateful for each and every one of us. Tell every member of your household why you love them and why you are grateful to have them in your lives.

Class Novel: In our class novel, we have been talking cuisines from different countries, particularly the Caribbean, as mentioned in our class novel. What is your favourite foreign cuisine that you have tried. Do you like spicy food? (unlike Mr Cornwell).

Let’s Celebrate!

  • Poppy for being a brave and resilient learner: You have had a lot thrown at you this week Poppy. You have been working so hard during your sessions with Mrs Tierney and Mrs Hennessy, and yet you always come back into the classroom and work to the best of your ability. All of this effort will pay off- you just have to believe in yourself

    Virtue Star of the Week: This week, our virtue star goes to Tommy. You are such a lovely lad Tommy. Without a doubt, you will always ask myself if there’s anything you can help with which is such a kind offer to give, especially every single day. You are a real motivator as well Tommy, always encouraging other children when they face a challenge and you are always engaging in our whole class discussions. Thank you so much for this and for just being you.

Lunchtime Certificates

Role Model of the Week- Josh

Marvelous Manners- Jacob


  • Homework- Please check the homework blog and keep helping your child with any work that they are struggling with- especially our spellings. It is important to make sure we are reading for at least 15 minutes a day at home to keep broadening our vocabulary, description and sentence structure.

  • Eco Trip Wednesday 5th February- We will be going down to the Sand Dunes to plant Christmas Trees, ready to be grown for Christmas 2025! The children will need to bring clothes/shoes that they don’t mind getting dirty along with a waterproof coat. We are still needing a volunteer if anyone is interested.

  • PE Days- Our PE days have changed slightly with our outdoor session being on Mondays and our indoor session on Wednesdays.

  • Fidget Toys- If this has not been discussed with your class teacher, then any sort of fidget toys are not to be brought into school. Please can bags be checked incase these have been left in from the weekend. Trading cards and chewing gum should also be kept at home.