School trip to Brockholes on Friday

Friday is our school trip to Brockholes and we are all very excited to go! We will be setting off promptly at 9am, therefore please ensure that you are at school for 8:45am. We should be back for the end of school, after a wonderful day outdoors, with no rain (here’s hoping).

As the trip is outdoors all day and we may get muddy, the children have been asked to wear their own, old clothes. Please do not let the children wear anything they don’t want to potentially ruin or get muddy! We ask that no jeans are worn as these can get very wet, and advise children to wear wither tracksuit bottoms or leggings. Layers is also advisable, t-shirt, with jumper over the top and please, please, please do not forget a waterproof coat. If you child has waterproof bottoms, then feel free to send these in. The children also need to wear old trainers or walking boots for the day.

Jackie will provide packed lunches for those children who usually have a school dinner on Friday, however, if you usually have a packed lunch then please do the same. It is vital that all packed lunches are packed in disposable bags, as the children will not be able to carry these around with them and there is no storage. No Tupperwares, plastic forks or special water bottles- the bottles again need to be disposable. The children will not need bags or any other belongings with them on this day, as they need to just concentrate on their learning and having fun.