Year 3 Homework to be handed in Wednesday 16th October

SPELLING - well done on the spellings you collected and learnt last week. This week we have new tricky spellings to focus on. I have taken these from your books and focused on words that we keep getting wrong:

because climb beautiful could should would

We are trying lots of different ways to practice these in class- what exciting and fun ways can you think of to practice these words at home? Maybe produce some art work with the words? Write a silly story with the words in? Create a crossword? Or even get the grown ups to keep quizzing you? We will have a quick quiz next week to see how well we have learnt them!


MATHS Please complete the IXL strands L2 Place value models up to hundreds and L5 Place value up to hundreds

HISTORY You have now started your learning about the Stone Age. Please complete the reading of the slideshow on the Stone Age on your ‘2do’ list at the top of purple mash.

SCIENCE Please complete the worksheet in your homework books by labeling the names of the bones in the human skeleton and then completing the research question at the bottom of the sheet.