Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 19th March


This weeks focus is irregular plurals

  1. tooth

  2. teeth

  3. woman

  4. women

  5. child

  6. children

  7. goose

  8. geese

  9. person

  10. people

Please continue reading at home each night, there’s just over a week for children to reach their reading targets. Children are already making their way up our target board.

Purple Mash - Roman Glossary - Can you make a glossary of new words from our Roman work? Remember to put them in alphabetical order. Can you put these words in alphabetical order? - Alphabetical order task

Spring 2 Optional homework

Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 12th March


This weeks focus is homophones…

  1. fair

  2. fare

  3. fayre

  4. wait

  5. weight

  6. rein

  7. rain

  8. reign

  9. ate

  10. eight

Please continue reading at home each night, there’s just over a week for children to reach their reading targets. Children are already making their way up our target board.

Purple Mash - Equivalent lengths activity and History - Roman reading comprehension

Spring 2 Optional homework

Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 5th March


This weeks focus is contactions…

  1. couldn’t

  2. shouldn’t

  3. wouldn’t

  4. doesn’t

  5. wasn’t

  6. they’re

  7. you’re

  8. hadn’t

  9. won’t

  10. isn’t

Please continue reading at home each night, there’s just over a week for children to reach their reading targets. Children are already making their way up our target board.

Purple Mash - Capacity quiz and complete the sentences about length, height and weight.

Spring 2 Optional homework

Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 25th February


This weeks focus is ‘u’ sound spelt ‘ou’

  1. double

  2. country

  3. young

  4. touch

  5. trouble

  6. couple

  7. encourage

  8. cousin

  9. southern

  10. should

Lenten Boxes

Each year the children make a Lenten box. During Lent we collect money in the box ready to give to charity. We encourage the children to do special things for donations to their box. Because the box is a gift to another child, we ask the children to be creative and thoughtful - linking their decoration to Lent/Easter/Spring. We will be swapping boxes next Wednesday, please make sure they are brought to school by then. Great time to upcycle a container!!! Leave or create a slit for money!


Reading targets have been reset! GO!
Please continue reading at home each night, there’s just over a week for children to reach their reading targets.

Purple Mash - Introducing weight and mass, measuring in cm, tallest and shortest. These 2dos are to recap last half terms learning and introduce our new maths topic - Mass and capacity.

TT Rock Stars and Numbots - please encourage your child to log on to and practise number skills and times tables - all levels are now open for the children to work on .

Spring 2 Optional homework

Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 12th February


This weeks focus is ‘ey’ sound spelt eigh, ey and ei

  1. weigh

  2. sleigh

  3. neigh

  4. neighbour

  5. eight

  6. obey

  7. survey

  8. prey

  9. vein

  10. reign


Please continue reading at home each night, there’s just over a week for children to reach their reading targets.
Well done to Xander, Blythe, Logan, Heidi, Eliza, Barnaby, Bonnie, Dexter, Jacob, Freddie, Michael, Sasha, Marla, Jude Cu, Scarlet and Luca who have reached their targets.

Purple Mash - adding and subtracting multiples of 10 from 3 digit numbers - linked to our maths classwork.

TT Rock Stars and Numbots - please encourage your child to log on to and practise number skills and times tables - all levels are now open for the children to work on .

Spring 1 Optional homework

Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 22nd January


This weeks focus is irregular past tense verbs

  1. bent

  2. drank

  3. brought

  4. drove

  5. forgot

  6. heard

  7. thought

  8. told

  9. found

  10. held


Well done to Bonnie and Barnaby who have already reached their reading targets this half term. Please continue reading at home daily.

Purple Mash - place value of three digit numbers linked to our maths learnng this week. Can you write a simile poem to describe an alien?

TT Rock Stars and Numbots - please encourage your child to log on to and practise number skills and times tables - all levels are now open for the children to work on .

Spring 1 Optional homework - My apologies the link wasn’t working last week - I’ve rectified this and the link should now work. Any problems please let me know. These tasks link to our learning in class.

Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 15th January


This weeks focus is homophones - words that sound the same but have a different spelling and meaning. The children need to use the correct meaning in the correct context.

  1. grown

  2. groan

  3. berry

  4. bury

  5. male

  6. mail

  7. which

  8. witch

  9. aloud

  10. allowed


Well done Year 3, some of you are already making your way towards your targets. Please continue reading at home daily and asking your child questions about what they have read.

Purple Mash - Measuring quiz linked to our learning in maths this week.

TT Rock Stars and Numbots - please encourage your child to log on to and practise number skills and times tables - all levels are now open for the children to work on .

Spring 1 Optional homework - My apologies the link wasn’t working last week - I’ve rectified this and the link should now work. Any problems please let me know. These tasks link to our learning in class.

Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 8th January


This weeks focus is common exception words - here’s the next set of these tricky words that we just need to learn…no patterns or special rules.

  1. promise

  2. quarter

  3. describe

  4. answer

  5. arrive

  6. notice

  7. decide

  8. library

  9. address

  10. believe


Reading targets have been reset, please listen to your child read at home for 15 minutes each night - it really does make a huge difference.

Purple Mash - Optional activities linked to our learning will be added to purple mash each week.

TT Rock Stars and Numbots - please encourage your child to log on to and practise number skills and times tables.

Spring 1 Optional homework - below is the link for this half term’s optional homework. These task link to our learning in class.

Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 11th Decmber


This weeks focus is apostrophes to show contractions.

  1. I’ve

  2. won’t

  3. we’ve

  4. she’ll

  5. haven’t

  6. wouldn’t

  7. shouldn’t

  8. can’t

  9. aren’t

  10. hadn’t

Key Stage 2 Carol concert

It’s less than a week until our Christmas Concert, we’ve been to Church this week to rehearse and the children sound amazing. Any extra practise this week would be wonderful. Below is a link to the words of the songs we are practising for our carol concert and a videos of the songs.

Please try to read for 10-15 minutes at home each day - the children have made a great start and are already moving up our target board.

Autumn Term Optional Homework

Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 4th December


This weeks focus is common exception words. Our spelling quiz will be on Monday 9th December

  1. sentence

  2. bicycle

  3. address

  4. heart

  5. arrive

  6. believe

  7. Father

  8. because

  9. clothes

  10. eight

Key Stage 2 Carol concert

Below is a link to the words of the songs we are practising for our carol concert and a videos of the songs, please keep practising at home.

Please try to read for 10-15 minutes at home each day - the children have made a great start and are already moving up our target board.

Purplemash log ins are in the front of homework books. Each week I will set ‘2dos’ link to our learning in class.
No optional purple mash homework this week - please practise our carol concert songs.

TT Rockstars & Numbots
Please keep logging on, practising times tables and number skills makes a huge difference. Can you recall number facts speedily?

Autumn Term Optional Homework

Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 27th November


This weeks focus words ending with ‘ure’. Spelling quiz will be on Monday 2nd December

  1. nature

  2. picture

  3. mixture

  4. feature

  5. vulture

  6. scripture

  7. fracture

  8. puncture

  9. furniture

  10. adventure

Key Stage 2 Carol concert

Below is a link to the words of the songs we are practising for our carol concert and a video of the first 3 song to practise singing along with.

Please try to read for 10-15 minutes at home each day - the children have made a great start and are already moving up our target board.

Purplemash log ins are in the front of homework books. Each week I will set ‘2dos’ link to our learning in class.
Optional homework has been set on speech marks and reading comprehension on fossils.

TT Rockstars & Numbots
Please keep logging on, practising times tables and number skills makes a huge difference. Can you recall number facts speedily?

Autumn Term Optional Homework

Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 20th November


This weeks focus is the suffix ‘ous’ Spelling quiz will be on Monday 25th November.

  1. poisonous

  2. dangerous

  3. enormous

  4. serious

  5. famous

  6. nervous

  7. continuous

  8. obvious

  9. jealous

  10. curious

Key Stage 2 Carol concert

Below is a link to the words of the songs we are practising for our carol concert and a video of the first 3 song to practise singing along with.

Please try to read for 10-15 minutes at home each day - the children have made a great start and are already moving up our target board.

Purplemash log ins are in the front of homework books. Each week I will set ‘2dos’ link to our learning in class.
There are optional activities set on adding ones to 3 digit numbers and labelling compass points .

TT Rockstars & Numbots
Please keep logging on, practising times tables and number skills makes a huge difference. Can you recall number facts speedily?

Autumn Term Optional Homework

Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 13th November


This weeks focus is plural nouns where the ‘y’is dropped replaced with an ‘i’ and an ‘es’ is added. Spelling quiz will be on Monday 18th November.

  1. jellies

  2. stories

  3. flies

  4. puppies

  5. fairies

  6. strawberries

  7. countries

  8. memories

  9. butterflies

  10. parties

Key Stage 2 Carol concert

Below is a link to the words of the songs we are practising for our carol concert and a video of the first 3 song to practise singing along with.

Please try to read for 10-15 minutes at home each day - the children have made a great start and are already moving up our target board.

Purplemash log ins are in the front of homework books. Each week I will set ‘2dos’ link to our learning in class.
There are optional activities set on place value and roman numerals this week.

TT Rockstars & Numbots
Please keep logging on, practising times tables and number skills makes a huge difference. Can you recall number facts speedily?

Autumn Term Optional Homework

Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 5th November


This weeks focus is homophones and near homophones - words that sound the same but have a different spelling and meaning, It is important that the children know the meaning of these words as well as the spelling so that they can chose the correct spelling in our spelling quiz.
Spelling quiz will be on Monday 11th November

  1. know

  2. pour

  3. knew

  4. there

  5. you’re

  6. their

  7. they’re

  8. quite

  9. quiet

  10. your

Please try to read for 10-15 minutes at home each day - the children have made a great start and are already moving up our target board.

Purplemash log ins are in the front of homework books. Each week I will set ‘2dos’ link to our learning in class.
Time, addition and subtraction task have been set this week - these are optional tasks.

TT Rockstars & Numbots
Please keep logging on, practising times tables and number skills makes a huge difference. Can you recall number facts speedily?

Autumn Term Optional Homework

Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 30th October


This weeks focus is common exception words - those tricky words that have no pattern, we just need to learn them!
Spelling quiz will be on Monday 4th November

  1. every

  2. busy

  3. who

  4. improve

  5. arrive

  6. answer

  7. enough

  8. thought

  9. question

  10. differently

Please try to read for 10-15 minutes at home each day. New ZPD’s are in the front of homework books.
Targets have been reset…Go!Go!Go!
Can you get into 100% club this half term?

Purplemash log ins are in the front of homework books. Each week I will set ‘2dos’ link to our learning in class.

TT Rockstars & Numbots
Please keep logging on, practising timestables and number skills makes a huge difference. Can you recall number facts speedily?

Autumn Term Optional Homework

Year 3 Homework- Friday 18th October


This weeks focus is irregular past tense verbs.
Spelling quiz will be on Monday 28th October

  1. came

  2. went

  3. saw

  4. told

  5. sang

  6. broke

  7. heard

  8. won

  9. found

  10. thought

Well done to those children who achieved their reading targets this half term. Target will be reset ready to go again after the break.

Numbots & TT Rockstars
The children are able to log on at home to practise number skills and times tables. I have set some time telling 2dos on purplemash - can you have a go?

Autumn Term Optional Homework

Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 9th October


This weeks focus is prefix ‘re’
Spelling quiz will be on Monday 14th October

  1. reread

  2. rewrite

  3. remind

  4. revisit

  5. refresh

  6. remove

  7. review

  8. replace

  9. repeat

  10. rearrange

Please continue reading at home daily for 10-15mins, targets will be reset at the end of this half term - Can you reach your target before then?

Numbots & TT Rockstars
The children are able to log on at home to practise number skills and times tables. I have set some time telling 2dos on purplemash - can you have a go?

Autumn Term Optional Homework

Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 2nd October


This weeks focus is suffixes ed and ng
Spelling quiz will be on Monday 7th October

  1. gardener

  2. opening

  3. happened

  4. sharpener

  5. whisper

  6. covered

  7. listening

  8. shivered

  9. followed

  10. publisher

The children are making their way up the reading target board. Please continue reading at home daily for 10-15mins.

Numbots & TT Rockstars
The children are able to log on at home to practise number skills and timestables. We have been doing lots of work using number bonds to 10 this week. Can your child recall them quickly and confidently?

Autumn Term Optional Homework

Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 25th September


This weeks focus is common suffix ‘ly’
Spelling quiz will be on Monday 30th September

  1. greatly

  2. gently

  3. merrily

  4. lazily

  5. actually

  6. importantly

  7. wrinkly

  8. sleepily

  9. easily

  10. horribly

The children are making their way up the reading target board. Please continue reading at home daily for 10-15mins.

Numbots & TT Rockstars
The children are able to log on at home to practise number skills and timestables. We have been doing lots of work using number bonds to 10 this week. Can your child recall them quickly and confidently?

Autumn Term Optional Homework

Year 3 Homework- Tuesday 10th June


This weeks focus is common exception words
Spelling quiz will be on Monday 17th June

  1. appear

  2. material

  3. library

  4. perhaps

  5. sentence

  6. various

  7. regular

  8. bicycle

  9. possess

  10. caught

Reading targets have been reset! On Monday and Tuesday the children completed their Star reading assessments - thier new reading levels have been noted in the front of their homework books and on their log in cards in class.

Summer Term Optional Homework

New Summer 2 homework task will be online next Tuesday.