Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 13th November


This weeks focus is plural nouns where the ‘y’is dropped replaced with an ‘i’ and an ‘es’ is added. Spelling quiz will be on Monday 18th November.

  1. jellies

  2. stories

  3. flies

  4. puppies

  5. fairies

  6. strawberries

  7. countries

  8. memories

  9. butterflies

  10. parties

Key Stage 2 Carol concert

Below is a link to the words of the songs we are practising for our carol concert and a video of the first 3 song to practise singing along with.

Please try to read for 10-15 minutes at home each day - the children have made a great start and are already moving up our target board.

Purplemash log ins are in the front of homework books. Each week I will set ‘2dos’ link to our learning in class.
There are optional activities set on place value and roman numerals this week.

TT Rockstars & Numbots
Please keep logging on, practising times tables and number skills makes a huge difference. Can you recall number facts speedily?

Autumn Term Optional Homework