Year 3 Homework- Wednesday 25th February


This weeks focus is ‘u’ sound spelt ‘ou’

  1. double

  2. country

  3. young

  4. touch

  5. trouble

  6. couple

  7. encourage

  8. cousin

  9. southern

  10. should

Lenten Boxes

Each year the children make a Lenten box. During Lent we collect money in the box ready to give to charity. We encourage the children to do special things for donations to their box. Because the box is a gift to another child, we ask the children to be creative and thoughtful - linking their decoration to Lent/Easter/Spring. We will be swapping boxes next Wednesday, please make sure they are brought to school by then. Great time to upcycle a container!!! Leave or create a slit for money!


Reading targets have been reset! GO!
Please continue reading at home each night, there’s just over a week for children to reach their reading targets.

Purple Mash - Introducing weight and mass, measuring in cm, tallest and shortest. These 2dos are to recap last half terms learning and introduce our new maths topic - Mass and capacity.

TT Rock Stars and Numbots - please encourage your child to log on to and practise number skills and times tables - all levels are now open for the children to work on .

Spring 2 Optional homework