Homework to be handed in Wednesday 20th November

READING- ARE YOU READING WITH AN ADULT? Many children are coming to class saying they have not had the chance to read with a grown up at home. Please, please, please make time for this as it is the most crucial part of their learning.

SPELLING- We are slowly moving on to the Year 3 and 4 list now, although there are still some children struggling with the previous weeks spelling. Please keep going over these tricky spellings with your child, don’t just forget about them. Stick them in their bedroom, quiz them in the car or even put them on the fridge for all to see! Please learn the following spellings for next week:

Earth Build Decide Arrive Different Difficult

Once again, if you want more of a challenge then please feel free to practice some of our Year 3 and 4 key spellings on the following website.


ASSEMBLY PREPARATION - Children NEED to know their lines off by heart for next Monday please. Could you please make sure they learn their lines off by heart with lots of expression and volume. The lyrics of the song that we are learning as a class for the assembly have also been sent, if children could use the clip below to practice and sing a long to that would be great- they must also try to learn this song off by heart …
